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Everything posted by Sejdr

  1. Just started playing so I'm kind of new...but: At lvl 23 I now have 200k left after my last shopping spree. Its just so easy to get credits ingaem so I guess I'll have a million before 30...
  2. I find it easy earning money in SWTOR. I just got my first one week old toon to lvl 22. At 20 I hade 100k and now att 22 I have 220k. And that is after gear-shopping at the GTN and the mount for 8k. I googled guides ande resources and looked at my crewskill criticals. I got underworld trading and treasure hunting and they are easy to make money off...i dont even have to try - my companion does it all. Gems and metal sell very well and if you get purples the the money just flow in. If I hade my companion away all the time I would have a million by now for sure...I just send her now and then. Just got treasure hunting to a 100. Guess Ill have a million before 30 though Good luck!
  3. As totally new to this game with a lvl 20 and a lvl 13 toon i sign aswell - the storyline is equal to immersion and what got me hooked on this game! Instead build on your strength - evolve the storyline!
  4. Since you (were forced to) picked another reward the one you did not pick is gone...forever. As with all the reward-choices we don't choose.
  5. So you cant focus on one character...because you have leveled a few to 50 or just bcause you get easily bored? Just get an XP-boost as said above. Me, Im just so immersed in my character...yesterday I looked at him (yes Im new in the game) and he was 19 when I thought he was only 15. leveling is so easy I think...but Im more of a 1-2 characters-guy...no power-leveler that will have 6 chars on 50, ever...
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