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  1. Can someone confirm that this is true? I came back a week ago after 2 years absence (shortly after Strongholds were introduced) and i cannot say that i remember something back then.
  2. Ich kapier's nicht. Nach dem letzten patch war alles noch normal, als ich heute On komme ist alles zurückgestell (außer keybindings) - Grafik, menüoptionen etc... hatte das in den letzten 7 tagen mehrfach, obwohl ich zwischen mehreren Tagen alles "normal" hatte...?!
  3. 5 years later... i do have that problem on Dromund Kaas right now (wasn't here since 2014) - any other reasons or actually NEVER fixed?
  4. Hi there, I was looking for the music that is playing while fighting Draagh does anyone have that file somewhere? example (the effects sound is a bit loud but you can hear what i mean)
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