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  1. That is some great info. Thanks for the speedy replies. It's greatly appreciated. I'll check out the GTN the next time I'm online.
  2. Okay, so some background. The majority of my characters are on Jung Ma. A couple months ago, a friend of mine wanted to jump servers and move to Ebon Hawk. He sent me a Friend Referral so I could transfer a character of mine for free. After a while, the guild that he and I had created there bore no fruit, and my friend has left the game altogether. I want to transfer back to Jung Ma so all my high levels are back on the same server. Here's my question: Are Friend Referrals only usable once? If not, is it possible to get a Free Character Transfer with a new referral?
  3. Yeah... My idea (and I think maybe dawginole's) was going more along the lines of solo quests. They wouldn't be easy, but you could definitely do them alone. With my idea, you'd need to use every companion at your disposal to defeat the bosses. Maybe it would require HK too? Personally, I hate anything that 100% requires you to keep running operations/nightmare flashpoints to get an item on an extremely low drop percentage. It gets boring incredibly fast to keep doing 8-16 man ops when the item you want only has a 1-in-10 chance of dropping. And if/when it *does* drop, there's 7-15 other people fighting to get the same stinkin' item. Completely ridiculous. I understand doing ops like that for Ultimate Commendations, because you need those comms for the best gear. But for a class-sensitive item, like a Legendary Weapon (or crafted shell as Dawginole suggested) would be about the dumbest thing the devs could possibly do. Pure opinion/speculation, of course. Mind you, I'm more of a console gamer, than hardcore PC Elitist. MMOs are not my strong suit, but I'd like to think I know a thing or two, at least. I've been playing SW:ToR since F2P was announced, and been a subscriber for just as long. (Why I pay near $80 for 6 months is beyond me, though, considering a FULL YEAR of Xbox Live is only $50, and they give you 2 free games each month, haha! What can I say, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. Only reason a near $160/yearly subscription is worth it to me. I'd never do that for anything else).
  4. A major shame if they scrapped the idea. I would love a quest line where it takes you through every planet again. Something that takes at the very least, 3 months to complete. And once the weapon is acquired, would give another month-long quest for its' offhand match for a significant bonus. I would also go so far as to say that maybe the boss fights at the end of these quests would allow use of all of your companions at one time. And in order for the companions to be of any help in the boss fight, would require them to be outfitted in, at the very LEAST, level 53 mods. Just an idea, but that would be pretty sick to me. And who knows, maybe these Legendary/Epic/Relic weapons (plus offhand) could be 2 lightwhips for Marauder/Sentinel or a saberpike for a Foce-sensitive tank class, with it's respective focus or shield generator? Not sure what weapons could be for non Force-users, though. Something to dream about, I guess. Haha.
  5. This is the first time I'm hearing of these "Legendary Weapons" you're speaking of. Care to elaborate? Maybe share a link or two?
  6. Yeah, you're talking about the shoto. Those would be nice to have too. Devs wouldn't have to add any new animations.
  7. Quite true, which is why I said I don't have high hopes. Regardless, I still think they would be the coolest thing since launch. New animations would be the least of the issues. Making sure the light whips don't stiffen, or clip through objects I think would be the most bothersome. Maybe making the weapons specific for certain advanced classes? Saber pike could be for either Juggernaut/Guardian, or Assassin/Shadow. Lightwhips purely for Marauder/Sentinel. I would like to see different animations for the pike, depending on the class that's using it.
  8. Okay, so I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, but it seems I'm the first to bring the ideas to the forums. If not, I do apologize for posting something that was already done. Now, with that out of the way, here are my ideas: Lightwhips, and Saber spears (more commonly known as saber pikes). There are so many blaster weapons for non-force types. I feel like the force-users are getting the short end of the stick when the only difference is in the design of the hilt, or the color of the blade. Why not give the lightsaber a complete, fresh, new perspective. Be creative. In many cases, it comes down to how devs will be able to implement these weapons into the game (if at all achievable). I don't know. What does the general public think about this? And devs, feel free to chime in as well. I don't have high hopes, but it is something to think about. Let's hear some opinions.
  9. Thanks for the replies guys. You've been the most helpful out of anyone else I've asked. Thank you for the suggestions. I will be getting right on changing out the mods.
  10. It might sound like a dumb question, and it probably is. Let me explain why I'm asking in the first place. First off, this is the first MMO/PC game I've ever played. I don't know how a lot of stuff works, but I'm doing all I can to learn as quickly as possible. I haven't found any forum that has the answer I seek, so this is why I'm posting here. I started playing SWTOR a little over a year ago. I was subbed for 6 months. During those six months, I had leveled a Sorc to 55, and started doing WZs to get Conqueror gear. I had all Conqueror gear except for lower robe and bracers, but my sub ran out before I could finish the set, and I took a 6 month break. When I came back about 2 months ago, I noticed a new set called Oboran. Upon trying it on in-game, I prefer the Conqueror set, due to the fact that it's more aesthetically pleasing. I'd rather have a dark colored set with lower robe, than a bright red set with pair of skin-tight pants. It just doesn't look good for a Sorc, in my opinion. I don't care if it's slightly worse than Oboran or not. Anyway, here's the question: Is it possible to still get the Conqueror set, even after Oboran has been released? I've looked all over, and asked several times in-game, but either no one seems to know the answer, or I just get ignored. Thank you in advance.
  11. Begin Recruitment Message: Guild Name: <Order of the Gray Council> Faction: Sith Empire Guild Focus: Heavy RP, Non-WZ PvP What To Expect As A Member: We are a heavy roleplay guild. Every week, the guild leader will host meetings. These meetings will be In-Character (or IC). During these IC meetings, we will also have "lessons", short discussions about the week's lesson, and sparring matches. Required Attributes for Recruitment: I am looking for adults 18+ with a sense of humor. You must speak correct English (capitalization and punctuation where necessary, along with proper grammar). "txt tlk" is NOT permitted. In-game experience ranges from "somewhat experienced", to "there's nothing about this game I don't already know". Classes, Roles, and Levels: Classes: Sith only. Roles: No restrictions. Levels: Any level is accepted, as in-game levels are secondary to guild rank. However, only level 55s may take up a seat on the High Council. Thus, once a Sith reaches final rank within the Order, said Sith may vie for a seat on the High Council. If all seats are full, the Sith in question may issue a challenge to any High Councilor to a duel. The winner will take the open seat. Whom to Whisper In-game: Contact Rajivani (my main), Tyrrnos (my alt). Policies: As members of the Order will be 18+, language is of no issue. We are all adults, we do not let words upset us. Religion will NEVER be brought up. RESPECT is a MUST. Availability of VOIP: It is possible for our members to use VOIP to help play out his/her role. If one wishes to use VOIP, the program of choice is TeamSpeak3. A channel name will be provided upon joining. Age Limit/Lack Thereof: Must be 18+. No exceptions. Eager To Join?: If you are eager to join, you may reply directly to this post. Leave your in-game name, your level, your class, and what you could possibly bring to the table once you're a member. Thank you for your time and consideration. May the Gray Path guide you, and your power grow evermore. End Recruitment Message:
  12. I don't know if this has been covered in another thread or not. Did some looking, found nothing. But here's the thing: Toward the end of the Sith Inquisitor story, the player gets a companion called Xalek. He is your new apprentice and takes the role of a Sith Assassin. He wields a double-bladed lightsaber and has the ability to tank. What I'm finding out with the Jedi Consular is, this is not the case for Nadia Grell. She may wield a double-bladed saber, but she cannot tank. That becomes an issue for me. Why make one apprentice on sith side able to tank, but not let it's mirror do the same? Xalek is a beast as a tank/DPS companion. Much better than Khem Val in my experience. Qyzen Fess isn't bad, but he mirrors Khem. Doesn't do a lot of DPS, but they both tank. Nadia is a Jedi Shadow. Give her the ability to tank. Plain and simple. Anyone else feel the same here?
  13. It's like this: OW-PvP/FFA PvP areas (Outlaw's Den for example), are great for roleplaying. Sith lords have fought and killed one another from the beginning. You take away that ability, it goes against SW lore. That is a fact. Now, don't quote me on this next example, because I don't know for sure. But I'm thinking bounty hunters had prices on their own heads. Thus, making the hunter, the hunted. Same for smugglers against smugglers. This is just a thought. I'm not saying I'm right. Just an opinion. So from a roleplayer's point of view, OW-PvP/FFA PvP areas are great. It makes things fun and adds an interesting twist. That's my two cents.
  14. Thanks for all the replies, everyone! My gear is all up to date, as is my companion's. My abilities are also up to date. It may be my spec, as I have points all over, this it isn't focused on just one column. Other than that, it seems I just need to level a bit higher. I did completely skip every misc quest on Tatooine... Lol. I just want to advance to level 50 as fast as possible. I thought skipping ahead a planet might help. Looks like that's a "no". As I'm unemployed, I tend to play 12 hours straight sometimes and questing can get boring.
  15. I have a level 28 Sorcerer. I just started Alderaan and I know the planet's minimum level is 28, but for some reason, I'm having major issues killing certain NPCs. Snipers especially. They have over 5k HP and deal 700 dps on average. Sniper blast is about 2350 dam. I can only deal about 350-550 dps and only have 3500 HP. Khem deals 200-400 dps with 4300 HP. Hopefully you see my problem. I can't exactly compete with the stronger NPCs here. Why set Alderaan's min level at 28 when a 28 sorcerer can't get the job done? Anyway... You see my issue, now here's my question. What is the best/fastest way to advance 3-5 levels? I've done some PVP and space missions, but it seems bugged for me as I don't notice my XP bar moving even slightly. What would you suggest?
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