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  1. So I would think the course of action is to go dark side to get evil Jaesa. But first romance and gift up Vette till married, then romance Jaesa ? Does that make sense ? does that even work ? and how can you stand to live yourself, you pig . (LOL, yeah, of course I'm gonna do it too, if it does work; and be a male whore, just like you . )
  2. Hmmm ? Do you mean to use Retractable blade often ?, I did try that it still builds up heat ? and Flame Thrower ? 3 Stacks ? I'm sorry I really am a noob :'( I don't understand what that means. Maybe If I explain what I do that might help to see what I do wrong and right ? For Single target at range, I start with explosive dart, followed by missle blast. I'll pull it in with grappling hook into a rocket punch, rail shot combo, unload, retractable blade and finish with flame thrower. If needed, I'll do rapid shots and flame burst if heat isn't too bad until a skill comes off cool down. I'll vent heat if I need to, use an Energy Shield if I'm taking too much dmg, pop a med pack, If it's a tough boss, I'll click electro dart and heroic moment: on the trail, and go from there. Multiple targets I'll nail as much of the group as I can with death from above, and pick of any stragglers with explosive dart and thus begins the single target stream with flame sweep and using flame thrower when I get into position I can hit more than 1 Mob with it. There are times I might misclick and do something other than that rotation, but I just continue from there most of the time. So am I on the right track ? Should I try something different ? Again thanks. I do appreciate.
  3. Thank you, I'll give that a try, Is there a rotation for the skills, that is recommended ?
  4. OUCH , well, that is what I was afraid of. So for an Advanced Prototype build would you recommend the one on that website I gave earlier or is there a more current and better one available that everyone is using and a rotation of skills for it, Please ? I don't think I can deal with too much complexity, I came from "Rift" where builds are as complex as they can get. Hard enough trying to figure out how to use one soul in the build, only to have two others that are suppose to compliment it, then figure out the rotation for those skills .
  5. Hello, I am new to the game, and tried to search for the most current advice. Sorry I can't make heads or tails of the abbreviations or what would work best. A Shield Tech build was not in mind as my preference is to end a battle as fast as possible; I prefer to do as much damage as I can and move to the next mob. I instead went Pyrotech with this build from http://powertechbuilds.com/ : http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/powertech/231/?build=003200000000000000000000000000000203000000000000000000000000000003200302221002120230023002120010&ver=20 While I am enjoying it for solo quests and Heroics, I am kind of concerned with heat management. I am also uncertain as to how to rotate between skills in the most practical and efficient manner. Since all I was shown at that website was a build, not an actual rotation, I'm always wondering if there is a better way to use my skills. I find myself thinking that in Heroics I'm not being as effective as other bounty hunters. My question is, Is this build okay to stick with ? or is there a better build and rotation for Pyro, or should I go with Advanced Prototype, or a Hybrid ? Sorry for the wall of text and thank you for all genuine help and advice.
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