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Everything posted by pspeezy

  1. hmm interesting points. thank you guys for your opinion! if anyone else has opinions they would like to share feel free to here! im always down for more pointers/tips/guides/etc.
  2. Thanks so much guys, much appreciated. If anyone else reads this feel free to also share your opinion as well!
  3. I am fairly new to swtor but am curious to what the pvp game is like at 55. Please share with me how are assassins pvp wise and how do you like it personally? and also my main question: which skill tree(s) are most viable for pvp? From what I've looked up it seems that everybody is going Darkness and that's it. I saw one post from 2 months ago of a hybrid between darkness & madness but that's all I've seen that is farthest from Darkness. And please assume that I am very capable of doing "well with my class" and also please don't tell me "you can do great with any skill tree!" because I am asking which is most viable, in your opinion. Thanks in advance
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