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Everything posted by Aumeer

  1. I am in agreement with the OP on this topic. I see no reason for ANYONE to complain. As a matter of fact, I believe measures should be taken to end this disgusting practice. When I log into the forum's, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the number of complaints I see on the forum. I do not even bother to read these topics, as they are offensive and rude. As a matter of principle, i report each of these topics promptly and swiftly. It therefore makes sense for a thread to finally be made which complains about these individuals. I suggest action be taken for the sake of the forum moderators. As a payed member, it is unacceptable that they be forced to deal with this sort of nonsense. It should be within their expected rights to never deal with this sort of thing. It would be best to change the format of the forum so that only people such as myself are allowed to post. If anyone has an opinion, they should have to bring it up through someone of high standards such as the OP. If this type of person finds the topic to be frivolous or unacceptable, the topic will never be placed on the forum and the person who suggested it will be banned from the game. I urge you all to support this change to the forum as a matter of principle. That is all.
  2. I think that is a fair point. It would have been best if this was just placed in game through an npc that charged you a choice of cartel coins or credits if you are a subscriber. That would keep the price stable and fair. But this thread has made it clear that there are a large portion of players that either don't care about or support the CM route. Making it able to be resold on the GTN would be a compromise, and not everyone would be happy, but Bioware would get profit and players would have the option to buy it with credits.
  3. This issue could be put to rest for many of us if they would just say whether or not this barbershop can be resold on the GTN. Instead they let the fire burn. While it still would make me uncomfortable that they are going this route with the Cartel Market, I do honestly believe that letting it be resold on the GTN would solve the issue. As long as there is in game profit to be made, there will always be people selling this for credits.
  4. Again you post a response in a format that reminds me of the scenes in CSI type shows where the investigator attempts to get a confession. It is pretty clear from the last few pages of this thread that the only posts from supporters(?) of the CM barbershop are questions trying to put people who do not like it up against a wall.
  5. Instead of constantly asking question after question, why don't you just type out your opinion or observations on the subject.
  6. My stance remains the same. Both games are MMO's targeting a similar audience with similar game play mechanics. The difference we are discussing is their choice in regards to how they implement their content and how they choose to sell it.
  7. The only feature that is not usually in a barber shop is a species change. I don't think that many here would argue that the species change should cost coins, but every other is available as an in game currency purchase in most other games. I myself am upset that Bioware is using the species change to justify throwing in the barbershop at a cartel coin price.
  8. Mcdonalds sells hamburgers and Pizza Hut sells pizzas. You can still compare their choices in management and success.
  9. No, your argument is that because the games do not have exactly the same content that they are not comparable. The point that was being made was that they are extremely similar in most regards and do not need to have exactly the same content to be comparable.
  10. Rift and AOC both charge in game currency for changing appearance, not real life currency...
  11. What is the point of this thread if people who do not play are not even able to post here?
  12. I think the real problem is the one question: "Where does it stop?" Ever since the game has gone free to play, there have been promises made regarding content and few deliveries. Well that seems fine, as long as they are taking the time to make it better. But then you see this new "expansion" and realize that most of it contains some of the promises that were made. Okay....an expansion makes sense, so many pay for it even though the description is vague. And then there is the Cartel Market. All of these "cosmetic" items that do not allow you to "pay to win" are added, the biggest issue thus far is the barber shop, which has been asked for since the start of the game. Now the question arises. If I am paying a monthly fee towards the game, why is virtually everything except maintenance costing me extra money? Sure the cartel market is mostly cosmetic, but what we have asked for that is not cosmetic seems to have been thrown into this "expansion". So is this the new norm? Are we supposed to be satisfied with a subscription that offers relatively little new content updates? A subscription that pays for the development of new content that is resold again? I suppose it really just boils down to how many sheep are willing customers to this kind of strategy
  13. Why are you complaining about this? Subscribing is worth every single dollar that you pay. You receive access to the game, monthly cartel tokens, and access to pvp! And on top of those three premium benefits, you receive frequent updates packed with lots of content that keeps the game fun and exciting constantly. This thread is clearly a talking point of the vocal minority.
  14. Its nice to know that instead of our $15 going towards something that we have been asking for since the beginning, it goes towards making content that they can sell back to us. Splendid.
  15. You seem extremely angered at this thread for no clear reason. It seems that you are either a bored troll or that you are one of the few who has the speeder on the GTN for a high price. I don't begrudge anyone selling the speeder for such a high price now, as when supply goes down price goes up. No one claims to be entitled to this speeder, since no one is asking for it to be free. If you have a problem with them adding it back into the game for a price then post more than a raging message with specific reasons as to why it should not be added. Otherwise go away.
  16. Why don't you give a few good reasons why it should not be added? This should be added in some way shape or form to the game. Add it in a pack, add it in the CE vendor, or even add it for a higher price. Ripping it out was just plain dumb.
  17. This needs to be brought back up. Removing this speeder for no good reason was ridiculous. I just came back to the game and spent money to get into the VIP room to find out that it was gone. Removing it and leaving us withe the only option of paying 1 billion to someone for it is just wrong. Return this vehicle at once.
  18. It must be nice to be a human calculator of made up statistics.
  19. You don't get to make demands of Bioware ambassador!
  20. Do you think that they hired a team that only works on SGR? Really?
  21. What isn't broken in pvp? Hi pistols <3
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