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Posts posted by Maelael

  1. He could also bang his head repeatedly on his desk. *snip*


    Heres the thing, I enjoy PvE grinding. Makeb is fun, the stuff prior to Makeb isn't even bad the 3rd time around. Each story is different, and I really like that. I really like leveling, and the progression of skills and gear along with it. It's fun as hell to me, and why I play MMOs.


    But, now I hit 50/51 before even stepping foot in Corellia. I do use the XP bonus items from quests. Being still on hoth and hitting 55 is gonna be really annoying. It's way too much of a cakewalk when outlevel the content in the story arc you're in.


    I disagree the game starts at 55, but that's a style consideration. PuG PvP before 55 is actually more fun at least on BC, as there is a lot less quitters and whiners. I'm also against hitting 55 (and really any level) without being prepared to gear for it, so its really rough to super fast through your 50s while trying to save up/farm up coms.


    I'd say make it a toggle switch for people like me, and people like you that prefer endgame only, and people who just want to level alts super quick.


    If XP gain rates were insane like some other FTPs, this wouldn't be an issue. But as is I outlevel the hell out of things, it should be slowed a bit. It's not like it takes more than 1-3 weeks to hit 55.

  2. I do think that some people would chose to bring a *sorc into a ranked pvp match, but that they may not be the best option. I hesitate to say this because it is incredibly obvious to the people that PvP, but ... I'd rather have a great player playing a sorc than just a "good" player playing a sniper.


    *DPS sorc.


    I got into ranked warzones easy heal spec'ed, I just don't like the playstyle (and Ops are still better for it). I did several as DPS spec as well.


    Yes, a great sorc will beat out a good other dps easily, but on even or close to even levels they'll take the Mara or the Sniper just due to survivability. I had two different groups tell me they prefer the DD sorc in the 4th slot for aoe DPS heal mitigation and bubbles, but as other games have taught and shows true in this one, you need to be able to finish, not just layer damage, and have strategies and ability to escape when you're pressured. Sorcs either need the greater pvp damage to mitigate the lack of defenses or longer/better defense capability. Everytime I see the "BUT WE HAVE FORCE BUBBLE!" I'm not sure whether to laugh at the person, laugh with the person, or correct them.


    If people besides the one guy on his Island are sure this is different, I'd love to see some videos. Because I don't see it in warzones, wasn't able to accomplish what I can on my other toons, and I haven't found any videos looking around.

  3. Just turn off emotes. I turn off everything but ops for warzones so I can not have guild block anything out and avoid the trashtalk.


    And so far, they do seem to respond appropriately to issues with people, as the Mara/Sent that was speed hacking all Saturday and Sunday night did not show up in warzones again on Monday. They just won't tell you of any action, they may have deemed emote spamming appropriate, or just given him a warning. Keep reporting I'd guess.

  4. Best wall of text ever written


    Im glad you enjoyed yourself, it's still fun for me as well as long as people put in effort. Few notes on your experiences:


    1. Civil War and Hypergate Node Guarding

    It's because node guarding is incredibly boring, and a responsibility. Defender awards are given for standing in a controlled area (ie, doing your job), which you get medals from. IE, it rewards the responsible boring job.


    Ideally, from the other post where it talks about how to label the stuff, just have pre typed: "West INC " and then click somewhere else to close the chat window. When people are incoming, hit enter, type the number, hit enter, and you're good.


    If you're not guarding, then yes stay with the crowd. However, don't rush 1v2 and 2v4 battles. Patiently wait for backup or draw them out. It's okay to wait even 30-60 seconds at times, 30-60 second waiting on the appropriate number to rush a node is better than 10-30 seconds and dead - and that backup now doesn't have your help. I see this a lot, no class can really rambo well without hacks unless the opponents are really bad.


    2. Huttball


    Huttball is only chaos because people don't understand it. My guild HATES huttball, I dislike it on my sorc, I love it on my Jugg. Thing is, out of all of the other warzones, this one has a moving objective. The rest are static and easier to understand.


    Ideally, go to the ball. Always go to the ball. The stealthers in the endzone is a horrible idea unless the ball carrier is already in the pit or within throwing distance. Otherwise the lone stealther sitting there is gimping your sides DPS and support.


    If you don't have the ball, support the ball carrier (Guard, Heals, DR skills, CC/kill the people trying to kill the carrier) - or - get in a position for a pass. Keep moving with the ball carrier till they are ready to pass.


    Mostly you see a lot of derp out of players there because they don't understand the objective, and the place has so many options for positioning it's a lot to understand.


    Learn to abuse the fires and the goo pits for damage, and avoid them. You have harpoon - save it for repositioning a ball carrier or putting someone in the fire.


    Also learn to use the vents, and where the health and attack bonus items spawn. I have a rule, and its kind of selfish - but if I see a heal/speed/attack spawn and I dont see a teamate right there that immediately needs it, I grab it. Because its better than the opponents getting it.


    3. Hypergate


    You wont see people go for the opposing pylon unless:

    -There is about thirty seconds left on the clock

    -There is a plan in place to stall/keep them busy on their node.


    Controlling center is important, but is trumped by controlling your node, and delivering orbs. Ideally, if everyone leaves with orbs and you have no orbs - leave with them. If you have orbs, make your way to the node. It's a big judgement call on when to fight/assist along the way, it comes down to timing. It takes about 15-30 seconds usually to deliver orbs (changes if you have people to leap to, force speed, combat slowed, etc), so watch the clock.


    Overall: Always stay mobile unless you have a setup on someone and are required to be in that place by skill or distance ranging. It makes it harder for people to target you.


    Glad you had fun. I had several warzones last night with similar fun minded people, and it was a blast win or lose.

  5. Thank you all for replying to my thread, your oppinions have proved very useful!

    Further more I'd like to ask you one more question: is there any recommended Crew Skill that is better for us PvP/PvE wise?


    PvP, stims kinda. PvE, I'd say Cybertech for mods and armorings. Do artifice on another toon, and pick another toon after that to make augments. You really can't go wrong with Cybertech overall, you can make Mods, Armorings, and Earpieces.


    In general, its recommended you take Biochem on your main for reuseables.

  6. So true... now we just need to get them to reroll as tanks instead, and everyone will be happy...




    I also tank like an idiot dps with ADD. Pisses off some people who CC stuff that doesn't need to be CCed, but I don't lose aggro and have only seen a wipe once because although I warned the healer to squeal if they aren't ready, they didn't squeal.


    Tanking in this game is actually pretty damn easy. Playing a tank gave me a whole new perspective on how bad some of the tanks I encountered are when I was playing a sorc healer.

  7. We already established that for PVE pretty much any class is currently viable.


    As far as PVP however there are better options since other classes parse the same or better with better survivability. They may be viable but they are suboptimal. Also, I did not say one should attempt to go head to head with a sniper. I said if they attempted it which implies that one shouldn't. If you do then you will die quickly. Nothing you have said really contradicts any of that.


    Basically this. Train a monkey to do a rotation and move on specific bosses and you can do PvE. Games are designed to make every efforted class and spec viable (IE, not snowflake builds, but workable/good ones).


    PvP is less predictable and more strategic (or full of faceroll). You can be behind on gear (and in some instances, numbers) and still win through outplaying your opponents. On even playskill grounds it comes down to mitigation through base defenses and skills/tactics, and DPH over DPS as sustained DPS is mitigatable but large DPH is not. The DD sorc lacks in those departments. People claiming sorcs are not sub-optimal at this stage of balance are playing against inferior playskilled opponents.

  8. Your point is ridiculous. Burst does not equal DPS and DPS does not equal PvP viability. We aren't meant to burst with a sniper in PvP. Snipers are built around burst. A Sorc in Madness skill tree, for example, is all about dots and sustained DPS. Our DPS is slightly behind Snipers in PvE, but it is completely viable. In PvP, DPS is a worthless measurement. Snipers might do more DPS in PvP, but a skilled Sorc should OWN a Sniper. Our talents are built for taking them down just as they are built to take down melee classes.


    PvP Wise:

    Skarlson is right, and you're off. Sorry man, I think you've been pvping against some really terrible snipers with really terrible teamates.


    They single target burst better and can pad numbers aoe just as well as DD Sorcs. They also have entrench & other defenses vs everyone - and way better survival vs Sorcs than Sorc vs Sorc. DD Sorcs have a couple of abilities that give us a few seconds to pray our team helps us out.


    I can score 400k on a lazy warzone, and 1.5m on a good one. I don't make as much difference in the field as a mara or sniper would in terms of knocking out healers, and applying pressure to the team. Most I can do is mitigate some of the other team's heals, and interrupt caps. But every class can interrupt caps, so were down to mitigating healing numbers.


    I can take out snipers just as you describe. You know what? They're usually mediocre or bad. Any of the three used specs too.


    Not to say you can't use a Sorc well in PvP, but it's not the pro choice. The class is probably the best PvE soloer in the game though.



    I am willing to train a monkey to PvE DD for me while I'm at work. It's that easy. DD sorcs parse about 10% behind maras and snipers. If you haven't seen the data, go to the other sections.

  9. They will pick on you occasionally. Even if you feel like you deserve it, ignore them anyway. Everyone had to learn once, and everyone that has already learned still makes mistakes. People do, however, appreciate making an effort. Keep trying, even when it looks hopeless. Pretty soon you'll have an "awesome come from behind" victory, and then you'll never look back. :D.


    Troll em back. I kept getting stopped from throwing a huttball once, and this sin went off on me. I thanked him for teaching me how to play and asked if he could explain how magnets work too. Everyone laughed and he shut up.


    100% on the bold. Never forget that. I've had more matches than I can count on both hands and feet, let alone remember, where people have quit the warzone because they expected a loss and we won.

  10. New Sith Inquisitor and just wondering what the most important stats are, and best crafting? Looking more to being a heavy damage dealer. Would like a nice balance between PVP and PVE. I am hearing that PVE gear is more preferable these days in PVP?




    Play a sin if you wanna deal damage in PvP, and have the option of tanking or damage in PvE. They're really good in PUG warzones, and rarely will a ranked want more than 1. Geared appropriately, they are always welcome in FPs and Ops as DDs or Tanks.


    Sorc if you want to heal or deal damage on a 10% less basis than other classes but pad scores in PvP well. It's a really good solo PvE class, and works as a "Not enough Operatives to go around" replacement healer easily for both PvP and FPs/Ops. I dd in PvP, and heal in PvE on my sorc. I know a lot of successful PvP healer sorcs, I just don't like the style and we all admit Operatives are better at it.


    Do Cybertech for your first toon. You'll save money and time in the long run being able to craft armorings, earpieces and mods. Artifice isn't bad for a second toon. Save money: get a level 10 54 grade cartel gem with either 41 power or endurance (or do both) and unlock it with collections and use as many copies as you want on all of your toons and their companions.


    PvP gear is better for PvP at 55, but right now due to a bug (that might be intended) crafted 54 gear is being bolstered to top end PvP Expertise quality.


    -Max Expertise is 2018 (2014 actually because of another bug), and right now in level 50 Makeb gear (purples) I get bolstered to 2004 on my Jugg.


    -My Sorc I gave up on min maxing for bolster though, but you can usually get above 2000 with mostly partisan + a few PvE pieces. PvE modded gear past 61ish tends to have a big loss on Expertise with bolster. I score amazing on my sorc usually, but I don't make our team win like my Jugg does.

  11. Nope, I know about that. I'm level 32 on Alderaan so I've been using a rotation centered around that for awhile now. I mean literally, Chain Lightning is ALWAYS an instant cast. I even waited a good minute after a fight before engaging more enemies, and used CL as my initial ability. It casted instantly. Played for 3 hours like that. Must be some kind of glitch.


    It's a glitch. Someone else encountered that a few weeks back but I can't find that thread atm.

  12. The 30/16 spec has a very similar feeling to the old hybrid prior 1.3 (I think). My question is stats. Is accuracy needed with this spec? Everywhere I read I see Accuracy 105% so I wanted to ask here before I actually bought into it.


    For PvE HM encounters, yes. You actually want 110% with skills and legacy bonus included.


    PvP it's not needed, points are spent utilized elsewhere (Go nuts with WP and Power, get surge to 350)

  13. Properly geared, Khem mitigates damage the best. His AoE taunt is okay if you're a quick finisher - ie burst damage setup. Really, Ashara works fine, she does a bit more damage. I noticed no difference on either properly geared from my 40's questing to 55 in Makeb dailies. Some people swear by their healer, it just takes longer to kill the stuff to be honest and our healer gets the downs from time to time and does weird stuff.


    -For bosses, they all run the risk of dying. Best setup I found for harder bosses was Khem and madness spec. Lay on some dots, and heal/bubble him, repeat.

    -For clearing out random trash (Like Makeb Dailies), Wrath Lightning seems to do better than Madness, and pure Lightning seems to be terrible.

    -Pure lightning gets rid of strong/elite/boss mob singles way faster though, but you're gonna lose your companion most likely.


    You get used to summoning/unsummoning the Companion to heal it after each decent fight.

  14. Since I know absolutely nothing about any of the WZ's I will try to read on the different roles and what the general expectations of those roles are in each WZ. Maybe this sounds dumb, but it would be nice if there was a way to get into a WZ with only one opponent, or even just me, just so i can see and feel in-game what the layout is like and where the targets or goals are. Part of my detraction to pvp is that feeling of responsibility for being the one that very likely will make the team lose.


    The roles help, but they're fairly intuitive. Mostly, just go play around. My first toon I was TERRIBLE on until I did a bunch of warzones and learned what the objectives are. The one person wz wouldn't help much either, because it is more about cooperation than it is single playstyle.


    One person really won't make the team lose, it's really the collective. Remember, there will be newbs on the other side too, so don't feel bad. Watch what your team and the other team does, and what seems to be making a win, and learn from it.

  15. OPs are just overpowered in comparison. Either they nerf them or bring up the other healers.


    -Sorc numbers come from 25-50% bubbles. I've had a few 300k+ heal matches on my DPS sorc from JUST bubbles, and it couples with the 300-700k damage easily.


    -I've heard of these other healers besides Sorcs and Ops. Didn't they die with the dinosaurs?


    The high survival DD/Healers are the popular classes right now, and rightfully so. I'd say 60% of the field in 50-54 and 55 is Ops, Snipers, and Maras. 55 theres still a lot of sorcs, but they tend to stop being played after a few weeks (Like literally, 5 of my sorc friends switched like I did).


    But, I have another idea that may help with the healing situation:


    Have taunt affect healing.

  16. Do some mild PvP pre 50.


    50-54 PvP your brains out. Don't even touch questing. Utilize the time to:


    -Learn your PvP rotations and timings (its much different and faster paced than PvE)

    -Learn the warzones

    -Learn other classes' behavior and interactions

    -Learn to read your team mates and the opponents.

    -Make friends to group with if you don't have a PvP Guild

    -Learn to communicate with your team


    50-54 PvP has it's share of Bolster abusers, hackers, whiners, scrubs, and quitters. 55 PvP seems to have a bit less hackers, but way more whiners, scrubs, and quitters. By far, pre 55 PUG warzones are much more enjoyable and a better place to learn. 55+ if you're going in with PvE gear, above 66 you will be gimping yourself Bolster wise and it won't be fun without at least partisan.

  17. Luckily, the difference between Partisan and Conqueror is minuscule, so for a measly 800 WZ comms per shell, you can get well past 95% of the way to absolute min/maxed.


    Then, of course, one gets into the nitpicky arguments about whether one needs both a max-mitigation and a max-Endurance set, which I'll stay out of beyond saying that I really am only concerned with a tanking set for Huttball, and for that specific purpose, a massive HP pool to sponge damage long enough to get a pass off is preferable to slightly better mitigation.


    Frankly, I'd dump RWZ comms into DPS gear as it's useful to all specs for all 3 tanking ACs, and most PVPers of sufficient caliber to be considering min/maxed Conqueror tank gear will probably be shuffling between multiple specs depending on the WZ, comp, and situation at hand.


    Yanno I just ran the numbers for myself, and its a like 4% mitigation & 1200 hp for 12% damage tradeoff. I think you're right - I'm gonna go for the DPS gear first and just farm mitigation version for partisan. It'll be easier to farm coms in it anyways.


    Thank you - I never would have checked had you not posted it.

  18. Hello, everyone !


    @Maelael :

    I wanted to give one reality utility to the value of bravery while giving a competitive aspect to the pvp onto swtor, because the competition is the sinews of war of the pvp.


    Well I can say the rest of your stuff is full of cool ideas, except that.


    It's all nice in theory, but in practice the people without the rank/gear end up in longer queues, and have a harder time catching up to the people who already have the gear and ranking. You end up just widening the divide and lowering player participation.


    I say this from raw prior experience. Really the best way to reward people who put in the effort like that is better rewards, ie coin or coms.

  19. The queue preference by Valor and next tier of PvP gear being only from ranked warzones made me laugh really hard at the lolgic.


    Thank you, I needed the good laugh this morning. I'd almost take this serious if it took game design into consideration.

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