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10 Good
  1. Sindol couldnt have summed it up better. Core are respectable good players that dont talk trash and play as they want to. Al the other guilds he mentioned have been stand up people in TEH community. Myself I have been in a few guilds and GM of others on TEH and this community on TEH is really the best. I always end up back here and probably will til the game dies. Much love to the Pub pvpers and the Imp side pvpers that have stuck it out day in and day out month to month and year to year to make this server a better place. We go through ups and downs but TEH will always persevere and come back to what it was. <3
  2. Hey guys, we just had some extra time on our hands and thought it'd be fun to make a few Christmas cards/funny pics with some in game pictures and wish you all a Merry Christmas! The Gaggots Family! <Gaggots> say! Merry Christmas! I feel like we're getting close! Be afraid, be very afraid. Reindeer trouble Scorpion's a bit excited about the holidays! Seems he's settled down a bit.. Baby, it's cold outside Come stand under the mistletoe Never stop watching.
  3. Posting for Skarlet 1. Skarlet 2. Guild: Backpack 3. Assassin- Deception 4. Novare Coast 5. Solo Kills- 15 6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/6466205/pics/original/2856076.jpg
  4. Oh my goodness Bibi ..... Werko I did hear is quite popular
  5. Dont worry Tsar/Catheana we all know you could whip him with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back. <3
  6. I was there with the guys from Malice that was a fun VS you guys kept me on my toes for sure!
  7. 1. Name - A'rendra 2. Guild - The Sanctuary 3. Class - Sorc 4. Map - Orbital Station Arena 5. Stat - Biggest Heal Arena - 11,465 6. Screenshot - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1388260720_biggestarena.jpg
  8. Always good games, you are a pain! <3
  9. 1. Name - A'rendra 2. Guild - The Sanctuary 3. Class - Sorc 4. Map - Ancient Hypergate 5. Stat - Biggest Heal - 11,106 6. Screenshot - http://assets.enjin.com/wall_embed_images/1387830529_11.1heal.jpg ((Someone posted a SS for me with Highest kills record with my permission if you could just change guild name from Project mayhem to The Sanctuary. TY ))
  10. Werko you rock! Awesome night. Congrats to everyone that got gifts from Santa Werko!
  11. Ren will be there obviously! Love the story and my cameo!
  12. *Waits to be placed at the top of the bad list* <3 Santa Werko! Was fun last Sunday cant wait to watch this week!
  13. I highly doubt my Sage can carry anyone!! lol
  14. Saw you guys for the first time! Had a fun Convo in a Civil War with Themustache up on the hill! Lol was quite funny!
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