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Posts posted by CountZart

  1. Suggestion:

    Create Storymode for Operations.

    I have played this game for 8 years, but only done a few operations.

    Im always working and only play in the mornings usually, and im eager to see the worlds of operations.

    I been watching them on youtube, but the idea to be inside these new spaces and go through the stories, would be really amazing to experience.

    So my suggestion is that you make them in a kinda storymode version, where you for example can make a team of 7 companions with you, that you play with inside it.

    Thanks! Maybe something for 8.0



  2. This is my input:



    1 Pve Server

    1 Pvp Server

    1 RP Server.


    Same goes for EU.


    Would be pretty terrible if PVP, PVE and RP players would mix up to much.

    We all know that PVP players are usually the most toxic ones. Let them be in their own server.


    ONE big server, would just create to much toxicity between different player grps.



  3. Something is wrong..... Im still in shock over these genius updates.... :eek:


    * Still no UC from PVE content.

    * Nerfed REG WZ dailies...

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


    This change will make RANKED PVP to become a slaughter fest for 10-30 people on each server...

    Good job of making PVP stand above PVE... which is another ANTI-MMO choice.




    Im literally still shaking my head and it was 20 minutes ago I read that last update.... :eek:

  4. I've been here off and on since Day 1.

    I have NEVER once done an Op.


    The quantity and quality of the Ops isn't even on my radar, never has been, and it is highly unlikely it ever will be.




    Because this game wasn't sold as "Operation led MMORPG".


    It WAS sold as a MMORPG with unique and detailed Class and Faction storylines..


    There is a coincidence, that Story (good story, not the FE/ET/Iokath rubbish) also started to slip at the same time as Ops were allowed to slip by the wayside.


    I contend therefore, that a game that was sold as being led by High Quality Class / Faction Story Arcs started to lose customers when those Story Arcs stopped being delivered.


    But please feel free to continue asserting that the game has lost 80% of its playerbase because of the lack of a type of content only ever played by 20% of the playerbase.


    I mean that's an intelligent argument right there.... ...not.


    All The Best


    Haha Love it.

    <---5% of my time ingame has been with OPS. Or even that... maybe 1%...

    Thumbs up! (BUT I never liked stories, im here for the pve and pvp, so it seems like we are all so different)

    The problem with SWTOR, is the following:

    It has to many areas. It wants to reach out for to many different player groups.

    Pvp, Pve (fp, heroics) Operation, GSF, and strongholders....


    Its like WWE... all ages, genders and backgrounds watches it, and everyone wants different winners...


    So please give BW a break. They are trying to "meet" with all grps of society at the same time. Which is IMPOSSIBLE!

  5. PVP gear can be bolstered to 242. No problem. As an avid pvper, (played basically all classes in pvp, but mostly Shadow/Sin) I have realized, even if i have good gear, its all about the SKILLS. Heck, I have seen maxed out snipers/slingers, thats been easy targets. And I have met people that run nude with just the bolster, --- hardest kill ever. :eek:


    So Do not Change to much with the classes. :o Cause it all comes down how long the players have been playing their class, and how skilled they are playing. If someone is unbeatable in pvp, cause they know how they can play their class. And getting a nerf cause of that, is really bad! That means that the ones that DIE EASY even with the "BUFFS", will have a tremendously hard time in pvp. So the problem of nerfing a class gives unbalance in both ways.


    I like when I meet a "buffed" class. I met more invincible scoundrels/operatives then merc/commandos btw....... Please dont nerf them cause of this. :)


    The community been screaming about CHALLENGE. And still asking for nerfing "OP" classes! :(

  6. They had that at the beginning and most of us were tired of being forced to use specific companions just because they were a dps or healer. This gives us a chance to use which companion we want and then adjust what role they have so this for the most part is better than what we had at launch.



    Yes, i Played that too. I loved it.

    I loved to use a companion for each purpose. And to gear them up aswell!


    If these changes occured, it would make a lot of sense why we have so many companions.


    And it would be a concept of "Mmo", where you have companions, which others dont have, which makes a grp can compliment eachother. Cant you wait for this convo to happen in the future?


    -"Jikes, we have a boss infront of us that really need Skadges special attack....."

    -"well... i just got him to 50..... and i have him, lets do it"


    ;-) THAT IS MMO in a NUTSHELL!



    Thanks again.

  7. This is something you have talk to the Devs about:


    The companions.... the generic companions!


    Make every companion unique and special.


    Its been hard for me to swallow the fact that Bowdaar, a 7 feet gladiator... runs around and heals....

    Shall we not just make him a tank? Please?


    The healing companions could have different types of heals. Depending on what you need them for. Same goes for Tank comps and Dps comps.


    Lets say that you have a Tanking comp that are extremely good at Grappling. Another one has lots of different threats.


    I think by doing this change, makes it both realistic and fair why in the world we have 150 companions to choose from....



  8. Make every companion be a SPECIALIST on EITHER Tanking, DPS or heals.


    Why? :rolleyes:


    Cause people use different companions ANYWAY. They dont stick with just ONE. :eek:


    Its better to have an alliance with different companions that have complimentary gifts, abilites for different types of reasons.


    For example.


    Before I had a use for 4 companions:


    I used aoe melee companion while i was doing Dailies on Black Hole. (ex) :p

    I used the healer when i duoed FPs. (ex) :p

    I used my tank companion for other reasons and destinations.... :p

    I used ranged dps for .... etc... :p


    And sometimes i used Treek or HK 51 when i felt like having that type of power behind.

    What i am SAYING Is the FOLLOWING:

    Before I had an actual USE of ALL my companions BECAUSE they had different powers and abilites.



    The new thing about all m 50 companions have THE SAME ABILITES are IDIOTIC AND MEANINGLESS. :mad:


    Change multi companions to SPECIALIZED COMPANIONS!


    Thanks. :o:cool:





    For people who wants to dig deeper into the meaning of my post:


    Think about having an ALLIANCE, where EVERY COMPANION IS DIFFERENT and SPECIAL in their own uniqueness.


    This is a few examples:


    Your alliance could be something like this:


    Malawi Quinn= Fast healer and dps. Small amounts of each. (Cause thats his personailty, he is "SUPER" healer OR super DPSer and definitley NOT a tank)

    Khem VAL= Tank. This companion is probably the toughest and meanest and BIGGEST companion there is. He should be ALL TANK. HE Could have the ability with MULTI GRAPPLE. Basically if you use this comp, he will be able to "PULL" in and generathe threat to LOTS of mobs. The bad side with Khem: HE IS SLOW, and do Less attacks.


    Nadia/Ahshara etc (the companions with a doublebladed lightsabre) They are full DPS. They do MASSIVE AOE, fast and sweet attacks. They hit about 5-8 mobs at the time but they do MODERATE DAMAGE.


    HK51 types. SINGLE DPS TARGET. They do MASSIVE DAMAGE on 1 target alone. Good if you wanna stealth around and cc a lot and kill mobs from distance.


    You got the point.


    THIS will make SWTOR fun again.

  9. Coming back a few weeks ago I realize how bad this game has become regarding PVE...

    (Oh and the "feeling" to the game has tremendously FALLEN apart aswell)


    My takes on it:


    1. Making Nadia, Ashara, Maka, Quinn, or any female, male small companion as tank. Making them use their "multi-grapple and have the same strength Khem Val or any female, male big companion is hilarious.

    2. Using the SAME gear from level 1 to level 40 and it doesnt feel any difference.

    3. Why have 200 companions and followers, when they have THE SAME ABILITES, act and are played the same. WHAT? WHY?

    4. I remember when it was fun to gear up my companion!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED??

    5. Okey I got it. SWTOR wants the kids to start playing. Problem is that kids wont sub, and dont have money for it.



    6. Im so dissapointed about what happened to this LOVELY Game. Its not fun anymore.


    Im looking for another game, where PVE, companions and GEAR matters...


    Anyone have an idea? Thanks!

  10. It's equivalent to not having upgraded 3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked. I'll let you decide whether you think it's important. For me, it's important enough that I'll do it. But after doing it for the fifth time, I absolutely would have rather spent my time PVPing or running an Ops. You know, playing with other players in an MMO.


    What do you mean by "doing it for the fifth time?"

    Are you saying you have 5 Counslars that gathered their WillPower Datacrons 1 time each?




    Do you really say you have gathered ALL Datacrons on FIVE characters Five Times?



    And last question:

    What do you seriously mean by "3 pieces of PVP gear from reg to ranked", can you try to convert this to PVE?



    And for everyone:

    How much Willpower will you gather if you collect ALL willpower from all destinations on pub or imp side?

  11. Guys?


    My Shadow, have ONLY the WILLPOWER Datacrons.


    My Vanguard does not need the Willpower.


    It is quite easily fixed.


    Get 4 different classes. Let every class get their specific Class Datacron.


    Let your main have the Endurance ones.


    Why bother unlocking Strength, for a Cunning user? WAIT for it, til you play a class which benefit from cunning. In this way, it wont be any problem getting all datacrons, and you just need them ALL ONCE.


    Legacy Wide Datacrons. Is probably the most meaningless Perk Ive heard so far. But that is my personal opinion of course, and probably should be yours now aswell :D



  12. Here is a few suggestions for Strongholds:


    Correlia: Platform for a ship. "Smugglers hideout" = SMUGGLERS only. 1 Million.

    Hoth: "The Icecave". 3 rooms only, quite small. . 500k. All classes.


    Ilum: "The Great Hall" A huge majestic space right under the stars. Ship platform and additional rooms.: Sorcs/Sages Only. 2,5 mill.


    Tython: The Jedi Training hall. 500k. One huge training hall with 2 additional rooms for food and quartering etc. Jedi Clases Only.


    Equivavelent Training hall for Sith Only.


    Alderran "The Royal Castle" 25 Millions. 50 rooms+ Luxury and butlers. This one is for the billionaire player. You will also unlock an additional serving staff (20 servants+etc that comes with the buy, and of course the Crown Of Power, the Alderaanian Artifact Helmet.)



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