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  1. More Voss style decorations! I and many other decorating enthusiasts always agree that having some Voss style rugs/lamps would really help put some already existing decorations together.
  2. So I went to my DK Stronghold and used the 'Reset Decorations in This Room' button to pick up everything quickly, as I was going to do a full redesign of the place. Cool, everything got picked up quickly. What I discovered next, to my horror, is that many of my decorations I have learned now show in my log as being placed even though there is NOTHING placed in the stronghold. I must have something like 35-50 decorations I cannot place showing as something like 0/6 or 0/2 in red text (similar to what it looks like when all the decorations learned are placed of this type). I've logged to multiple characters and reset the game, to no avail! Any help would be wonderful. I just sent in a ticket but thought I would post here too. Pictures of what this 'bug' looks like. http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Darkvision92/media/Screenshot_2015-07-22_11_06_58_855783_zpsoy6pptfe.jpg.html EDIT: Seems to be linked to a single server's legacy, on Jedi Covenant. My other strongholds on Ebon Hawk are fine. My JC ones are missing decorations in all the strongholds, and they are all the same ones with the same issue of the 0/2 red numbers. I fixed my issue by pulling up all the decorations in my strongholds.
  3. I have done all of the old raids to the point of being absolutely sick of their bosses, locale, and mechanics. I don't want to be forced to do that content again if I want to keep playing this game at endgame, and it seems to me that a lot of other players feel that way too. Those old flashpoints and operations have nothing to do with your current story and ruin your wonderful transition from leveling by playing through the story and wrapping it up by defeating endgame content in the form of a flashpoint or operation. Your immersion is totally wrecked by the fact we are going off and killing these bosses whose story have nothing to do with your epic new direction. I understand that there's logic behind catering to new players that desire a chance to experience the old content as fresh and challenging, but you forgot about your long time subscribers who have given you ridiculous amounts of money over the last almost four years through monthly fees and the cartel market. You're forgetting about your basis of veteran players who make up the core of endgame pvp and pve content, and for what? To entice new players who are probably just using this game as an escape from WoW for a month or two? New players will jump on the hype wagon for this expansion, then realize that this game doesn't get enough new content and leave. There's a reason these new players haven't played this game over the past four years, and it baffles me as to why you're choosing to cater to them now.
  4. As the thread title suggests. I spend a lot of time back tracking on planets for conquest lately these days, and I often find myself seeing objects that I recognize or own either from cartel packs or vendors. Then something catches my eye: There are matching pieces that have not been released as a decoration! Picture related, I want this table. http://i.imgur.com/JdEYBfa.jpg Going to spend a little bit of time and upload a few others I have or go take screenshots right now of some things that are on my mind. Feel free to add any you have taken screenshots of that fall into the catergory.
  5. Or in classrooms learning. Let us go HOME and play swtor! Anyways, HM person here or however you want to refer to me. I want SM Underlurker to be looked at as well. Challenge is good and all, but it is way overtuned for current content. By overtuned I am referring to the ridiculously high amount of dps needed for this fight. I think healing requirements are fine. Tanking this is fine. Most of the mechanics (bar the cross of fail) are fine. Reduce the health on the adds. This would allow melee to focus on boss and most groups to not have to exclude melee from the fight.
  6. JC is down as well. Seems we're all in this together.
  7. Yep it still says 100% complete with the missing deco in my DK SH. I went ahead and tried placing things on the hook it was on to see if it would come back. They have on file my ticket from a couple days ago where a CS rep confirmed I had one, so I felt okay moving stuff around. I would not try that if I were you.
  8. Same thing happened to me. I put in a ticket and the dev responded a few days ago by placing one in front of my character upon login in her stronghold. Cool, I could place them. After the patch yesteday, not any more and it had disappeared from my stronghold entirely. I feel as though I've wasted my Grey Helix Components. This just sucks.
  9. Maybe instead of complaining and being elitist about an event you've participated in three times, you should be helpful and explain to them where and how to get to Xeno. Everybody starts somewhere. You think that an mmo with a small community would be appreciative that content like KDY brings new players to the game, instead of shrinking the community.
  10. I thought I was the only one this happened to! I have two-step security AND they still managed to change the password on my Origin account about a week ago (which in turn changed the password on my SWTOR account). After the first time it happened in December (the hackers even bought some stuff too which took them months to refund to me), I no longer trust EA to keep my financial information secure. This second time around, I called them and all the customer rep had to say to me was, "I have no idea how this could have happened." Thanks EA. Good to know you think our account security is important. inb4 people start saying you have a keylogger. It wasn't just me, there was a whole section of Reddit and people who got their Origin accounts hacked in December (and a few articles written in gaming publications) and it looks like it wasn't just me this time too. They have had security breaches they're not telling us about.
  11. Where are all the people who threatened to quit if they didn't punish the exploiters enough? Yeah, that's what I thought. You're all still subbed and playing.
  12. If you want to lose a large portion of the level 60 people who raid, have low level alts, and pay their subscription fees, keep pushing for punishment. Then all of you white knights and neckbeards can enjoy your 'cheater free' game that slowly dies over the course of this year. I don't think some of you realize that this affects more than just the players involved in the incident. What about parts of guilds who took place in it, that will fall apart because of the ban? They will probably quit playing too. There's a whole list of hypotheticals that have gone through my mind, none of them good for the non-exploiters. You all are hoping and wishing for the harshest of punishments, when some people may honestly not have been knowing what they were doing. I suppose most of the people who play this game think if you screw up once, you should lose years of stuff you worked for in the game and possibly paid real life money for. EA loves money. EA does not want to lose money. From what I understand and my dealings with them personally, they are very forgiving. I expect the exploiters to get a strongly worded letter to not do this again or else next time they will get permanently banned.
  13. You do realize that most people will be quitting the game if they have to do that? Permanent character bans are not a solution for this problem. If you want people to quit then just go ahead and ban the entire account. Most people do not have the want or drive to start an entirely new character without all their perks, CC cosmetic stuff unlocked, and money/gear they have been collecting over the course of a few years. Not to mention there are people using this supposed 'exploit' who have dumped thousands of dollars into this game to get cosmetic items for a single character unlocked. Has nobody stopped to think that if everybody who used this gets banned, this will be huge news to the gaming community? Most people who are a part of a social gaming community will likely hear about this, and it will discourage new players from a game that just banned half of its subscribers for taking advantage of something that EAware left in the game. If you white knights who seriously think any solutions like this can be done without consequence to yourselves, think again.
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