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Posts posted by UnDeadDownfall

  1. So like the title says, I play on Ebon Hawk and I've tried going on PvP instances and literally almost no one ever on. I kind of want to switch to Harbinger because I hear it's a lot more active in all aspects and I'm not one for roleplay anyway, just kind of picked a random east coast server and that server happened to be RP.


    Also, does anyone from east coast play on west? If so, how is the ping delay for warzones and is it bearable? I went on Harbinger to see what my ping was and I have around 80-88 consistently.


    I've never been on Ebon Hawk so I wouldn't know about the PVP population there but if you're having trouble finding people and don't mind a bit of a ping increase you should definitely just transfer your character to Harbinger.

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