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Posts posted by Valceanu

  1. I've taken a brake or two from TOR and when I do I usually go back to re-playing the classic single player games of yester-year for a while. Baldur's Gate 1&2 with their multitude of community made bits of extra content, the KOTORs, the Gothic series, some Mass Effect or Pillars of Eternity for a newer vibe... And so on. When I fell like getting back on the horse of online gaming I restart my SWTOR subscription and off I go :D
  2. Well it's all a matter of opinion... I've only done it on 2 toons both non force wielders... The trooper and agent. Both high ranking officers in their respective service... So I didn't find that the storyline didn't fit them what with becoming the commander (this is doubly true for the trooper). I had no qualms about fighting powerful force wielders, especially since you are imbued with the emperors power. What I didn't like is this give every class every companion tripe... I preferred companions class specific... And I didn't like losing them but I can understand how it could happen. Overall it was a pretty solid role playing experience for me...
  3. i wouldn't group with any people that do "speed runs" on principle alone. I want to enjoy my gaming. And button mashing non stop just to finish a FP isn't enjoyment for me... It defeats the purpose of playing an RPG be it of the MMO variety or otherwise. Now, I agree with other posters that you shouldn't be holding the group back with scavenging (specifically if they asked you not to) and do it in the downtime... As much as you get to do... You won't get everything ofc but you'll get something with minimum impact on the rest of the group. If its just pull pull pull non-stop then either leave if you can't stomach it or force yourself through it... Either way put the players in question on your ignore list and move on. Personally I like to take my time with the story aspects and conversations and dislike skipping through them in most cases... So I wouldn't group with people that would expect me to. If they are rude about it I'll just leave and they can find another tank (which in my case is what my main is)... No skin off my back...
  4. any money you put into swtor right now and for the past year or two , including sub and cartel purchases have in fact been going to anthem and other EA projects besides swtor. I honestly wouldn't resub or invest anymore money into EA.


    Any proof of this or are you interpreting what is at best circumstantial evidence the way you want to interpret it and presenting it as fact?


    As for the OP... All I can say is that personally I'm on a rolling monthly subscription...

  5. Well... What I take from this is that the game is probably not going into maintenance this year... Which in itself is good news for me as I love this game. How much content 6.0 will being is anyone's guess at this point... Time will tell. Either way, I'll probably be here when they finally turn off the lights whenever that may be... Until then, enjoy the game everyone!
  6. I will echo what others have said... There just isn't a substitute for the rich fully voiced storytelling of a proper RPG and this one has star wars in it... And to top it all off you can share the experience with others online. I like the sci fi genre in general but another run of the mill shooter just seems so uninspiring. Give me SWTOR over that every day of the week and twice on Sunday...
  7. What saddens me most i think is the fact that my only MMORPG and SW fix is being sidelined for a shooter... Is Fifa and online shooters (which let's be honest are all the same in different skins) the pinnacle of gaming these days?! Is that really what the market is after?! I dunno, maybe it's just me but I could never really get into that type of game. Are those of us that played RPGs from Baldur's Gate to Gothic to Kotor to The Elder Scrolls to Pillars of Eternity and enjoy proper RPG elements in out online gaming so few and far between?! Hell, I'd rather play MOBAs personally then Destiny, Overwatch or Anthem... Sigh...
  8. While personally I welcome more sci-fi franchises with open arms (a bit tired of the fantasy theme myself) I feel that it would be foolhardy of EA to drop the SW universe completely... And lets be honest... Outside of TOR there isn't much SW out there. Battlefront 2 has it's own issues. RPG wise that's even more true. So I can't help but think that TOR will only really be shut down when they have a replacement of sorts lined up. At least that's the only option that seems logical for me...
  9. They took the biggest hero in the SW universe and utterly wrecked his character.


    He was changed beyond recognition, he did things totally outside of his character, he was weak, a coward and foolish.


    That categorically is not Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is Anakin's full potential realized and the most powerful force user to ever live, not the joke we see in TLJ.


    To decimate the story of Star Wars in the way they did was just wrong.


    I'm also still waiting for an explanation of Snoke are we supposed to be believe no one noticed this tremendously powerful user for the past 80 years (who by the way can't see out of his right eye apparently)?


    Full of plot holes, horrendous decisions and quite possibly is the beginning of the end for star wars.


    Im sorry but what? ... Yes, Luke was the "biggest" hero in the SW universe by virtue of being the first and the main hero in the original trilogy... thats it. There were far more powerful Jedi then Luke in the prequels like Windu and Yoda. Nowhere in canon is it established that he had become some almighty force god. In fact Palpatine handed his arse to him without effort. The EU is irrelevant and just some random author's imagination just like TLJ was the way Ryan imagined it. It's artistic freedom.


    As to the portrayal of Luke not being "in character"... i have to disagree again. What we've seen of Luke in ep.4,5,6 shows us a good but ultimately flawed individual that exists on the very edge of falling to the dark side. Its his imbalance that gives weight to the whole part of ep.6 where Palpatine tries to turn him... It is emphasized in the fight with Vader where (once Leia is mentioned) Luke uses his anger to overcome Vader and nearly kill him. Yes, ultimately he manages to walk that line and not fall over but by no means is he the perfect Jedi. Therefore his actions when it came to Kylo are completely understandable... he had a Vader deja vu and entertained the thought of nipping it in the bud as it were... as he entertained killing Vader in their fight. But yes, he did change somewhat...30 years (many of which in seclusion) will do that to you... but out of character? ... not so much.


    This is the second installment in the series... there are going to be things left unanswered... and yes, i too question some of the choices, but it was never going to be exactly the way i imagined it anyway. By and large it was a very enjoyable movie for me and a far better film then TFA and ep. 1 and 2 at the very least.

  10. Well he ain't wrong about grouping. I rarely group with people I don't know simply because I don't trust them to have the patience to explain boss fights. I main a tank you see so knowing what to do is important. Having returned to the game (again) just over a month ago I was approached by an old acquaintance to tank master Umbara. I was in 230s at the time and had never done that FP but the guy insisted I could so it since he'd played with me before and knew I was a decent enough tank. To compound things we had a disconnect and had to run most of the instance in a 3 man + companion group... And guess what?! We managed to do it anyway. The guy was patient enough to explain what I had to do for each boss fight and we cleared it. This is with no previous experience and under geared according to most people. In fact I'd wager most would not even have given me the chance to tank it when they saw I was in 230s and had never done it before... And therein lies the problem with running PUGs imho...
  11. There are two types of players in mmorpg's. There is the mmo people and then there is the RPG people. Personally I am firmly in the latter. I care more about story, character development, interaction with story characters (NPCs), the game being fully voiced and all that jazz then I do about the mmo side of the game. Now, I am a very sociable person so I do tend to like having a laugh in guild chat, doing PvP and PvE group content and I agree that we do need more content at a quicker rate. However, if it comes at the cost of the RPG elements then that is when the game loses me for good. I player WoW from launch to WotLK but I would struggle to go back to it now having gone through the fully voiced story experience that is SWTOR irrespective of the amount of content they put out. I've been around SWTOR on and off since launch and really no other MMORPG has managed to capture my interest in the meantime. And to top it off none of the other mmorpg's on the market have the SW IP which I personally love. Is TOR the best MMOrpg on the market? Probably not. But it is the best mmoRPG on the market. See what I did there?! lol.


    At least for me that is the case... And it will likely continue to be so until either we get another SW mmorpg or a truly phenomenal game captures my interest. Like I've said, none of the other mmorpg's on the market have managed to do so thus far...

  12. fyi folks there are probably a fair number of people that dont have and alt of each class... but speaking only of myself i have exactly 2 level 70s (main trooper and alt sniper)... and then low(er) level SW, JC and BH. I spend most of my in-game time on my main and im looking to progress the story first and foremost on my main. I do still want to see some of the stories but generally alts are a distraction for when i get bored of my main. I would say thats just me... but really odds are then whenever someone says/asks "am i the only one who.....?" they arent... lol
  13. I'm the first in line always to slaughter bioware for the content dribble we receive. Yes, erics statement had about as much meat on it as an ethiopean pig but I am hoping keiths roadmap has all the content in it, namely new operations, not one boss every 4 months, a proper expansion, hotfixes for mercs and matchmaking in regs in regards to healers.


    If not, battle for azeroth here i come.


    yeah thats my hope too. But personally i am SW first, RPG second, MMO third so could never go back to WOW even though my brother still plays it. It just doesnt do it for me and it hasnt since WotLK... especially not when there is this game around despite the slow rate of content updates.

  14. quick question... do most people that encounter this play on NA servers or European ones? ... Like i said in another thread these things dont really register with me as i dont spend my in game time reading stuff i have no interest in but on the rare occasions that i did read and/or participate in general chat the meatiest discussion i saw was whether or not TLJ was good or not, whether Rey was a Mary Sue or the movie has a SWJ agenda... stuff of that sort... which is hardly comparable to condoning the holocaust.
  15. That is from an age when you could deal with antisocial behaviour by shunning the naughty person in the playground. When they ran out of people who would play with them, they learned to be nice to others. This works when there are only a hundred people in the school.


    In an electronic world, with millions of people, this doesn't apply. We have zero peer pressure against people posting objectionable content in a chat session. There are no consequences for offending people.


    As an aside, it wasn't really true then either. Bullying (in person or via social media, txting, etc) has led to depression and suicide. Words can break us.


    I think there are two things Bioware can do to help manage this problem.


    First, give us an account-ignore feature. If I ignore a character, I don't want to ignore just that character - I want to ignore that player. I don't want to see anything from any of that player's characters on any of my characters.


    Maybe followup with a guild ignore feature. If everyone in a large guild is ignoring the offensive person then that is a real consequence.


    This works even better if the ignore feature is extended to other game features, like the GTN and battlegrounds, and so on. If the ignored person finds no-one is buying their goods and they are not getting into battlegrounds then, again, there is some real consequence.


    Second, have actual people monitoring key chat channels (fleet, for example), handing out timely suspensions for offensive behaviour. For example, you are booted and your account gets a 5 minute ban. None of this "report it and someone will look at it in 10 days" nonsense.


    believe it or not i have nobody on my ignore list and have never had anyone on my ignore list since i started in SWTOR all those years ago (having played on and off for the duration). Not even credit selling spammers or anything. I dont hang around fleet all day that much is true but even when im there most of the stuff flies right by me. I just dont register what i dont want to register... you know, its that innate ignore function we are all born with. Like when you're in a room talking to someone and everything else is just background noise. I'm only interested in what i am interested in not what random Joe has to say... but perhaps that is just me. I always assumed any rational person can "flip the ignore switch" as it were...

  16. Your example of a 'double standard' is anecdotal evidence with no location, no context and nothing that shows it is in any way indicative of the climate for women or LGBT people for the last 3000 years, nor does it negate the considerable body of historical documents found in archives in numerous countries and continents over the past 3000 years, that says otherwise. It's thus null and void.


    Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence. It actually *isn't* carte blanche to say whatever you want to whomever you want. Nor does it mean that people cannot react or enforce consequences for what you say. Say what you will; nobody in a private business has to give you a forum to do it. In the USA and EU, freedom of speech generally means that you cannot be persecuted by the government for speaking your mind, particularly in respect to political criticism. Not that you get to spout whatever sexist, homophobic, racist rubbish you want where ever you want.


    Not reading the ToS for sites and games is very foolish, really. I've never seen so many people so proud of signing away their rights without even realizing it.


    Many a sociological article was written on anecdotal evidence. There are numbers showing that men very rarely report when they are the victims of violence to begin with... why do you think that is? You dont really need historical examples as you can find contemporary ones just by browsing the internet. Its as simple as that. Another such bias is can be seen in custody battles where more often then not men get shafted.


    Didnt i just say that there can be consequences in that post you quoted. Ofc there can be. Again, like i said, the question is what constitutes abuse not whether abuse is bad or not. The issue arises when people are persecuted for saying something that is factually correct because that fact offended someone... which should never happen.


    As for signing away our rights... id say youre right in principle but at the end of the day its a game and i dont rightly care that much about a game and what my "rights" are in this virtual reality...


    Anyway, i still think that people these days are too easily offended... but thanks for the back and forth... i enjoy this sort of thing.

  17. I'm sorry, but you're speaking to someone with an actual degree and professional background in history. Violence against women and a lack of women's rights have been the status quo in the Western world for most of the past 3000 years. Gay and minority populations have only been treated with dignity overall in the last 50 or so years. I'm not even going to debate with you on this but ancient Greek, Roman, English, French, colonial American and various other European countries' legislation and social customs toward women and the LGBT community are fully available in case you're shaky on this point.


    And your personal philosophy is actually irrelevant here, because your personal philosophy doesn't apply to the standards that are enforceable in this game. .Your rights do not extend to the right to abuse others. Period. And when you signed up to play this game, you signed a contract agreeing to abide by their standards. If you're not willing to do that, don't play. It doesn't matter if the contract asks you to call everyone "Dear" or wear blue on Tuesdays, it's what you agreed to.


    I was talking about what happened in practice irrespective of legislation... and i dont believe i mentioned gays or minorities... just violence towards women and the fact that men were whipped when violent while they were shamed when they were the victim. Just like happens these days really... there are consequences for men and no such consequences for women. The double standard is pretty clear here.


    Also, i dont know where you get the fact that "freedom of speech" is my personal philosophy... its a basic human right. Simple as that at the end of the day. Ofc there can be consequences in some cases... but then what constitutes abuse is in question, not whether or not abusing someone is wrong... that part is obvious...


    Oh and i never read their rules and standards nor will i ever most likely. Cause the way i behave is the same irrespective of what sort of contract i signed with BW. Incidentally i have never even received a warning fyi...

  18. Saying that you find certain derogatory words unacceptable *is* sticking up for yourself. Past generations grew up in an era where it was fine to say all sorts of racial slurs, be homophobic and make derogatory comments toward women. It simply makes it the status quo to treat others with derision and not show respect for them. It's easy to tell others to laugh it off and not take it seriously until you realize the words dehumanize.


    Young people today are being raised to stand up for their beliefs, speak up when others are being hurt or subjected to hate speech, and not tolerate being abused. That's far better, IMHO.


    Not for me sorry. Words can only hurt if you let them... thats a matter of strength of character. As a resident of a former communist country i am against censorship of any kind and i am genuinely glad that in my country the politically correct (a term coined by Mao Zedong which should tell you all you need to know about the Marxist-Leninist origin of it) hype hasnt taken root... at least not yet. Freedom of expression should be inherent to all individuals... and freedom of speech is not just freedom for the thought you love, its freedom for the thought you hate (the most). Freedom is not lost in one fell swoop... its lost one book at a time, one magazine at a time or one word at a time (i remember they had that ridiculous "ban bossy" campaign in the US). If someone says something of the sort you are describing id rather prove that person wrong through arguments and confront them head on then ask the establishment to shut them down by banning speech. You can only kill "dangerous" ideas by proving them wrong... driving them "underground" does nothing to solve the problem. Conversely, anyone should be allowed to say something that is true without fear of repercussion no matter how much that truth offends anyone. As the saying goes, facts dont care about feelings and that is as it should be.


    Also, contrary to popular belief (and this alternative history thats being taught these days) violence towards women was not accepted 200 years ago... especially not when it was particularly bad. Men that were wife beaters would get lashes while men that were beaten by their wives would get publicly shamed despite them being the victims. People fighting for what they thought was right is nothing new, there have been wars and revolutions in the name of what is right. There are plenty of unjust things in the world to get upset about without being serially offended by anything and everything. Either way, what i said is that you should ridicule the person harassing you not that you should laugh it off in the sense that you ignore it... on the contrary... shove the ridicule in their face.

  19. Sticks and stones can brake my bones, but words can never break me - or at least thats what previous generations grew up on. Course we also learned to stick up for ourselves without calling "wolf" and waiting for the "establishment" (as it were) to intervene. In the case of explicit sexual comments (which are just words at the end of the day), these people deserved to be mocked and ridiculed as they are not proper men. In fact just the other day a female colleague of mine was having trouble with an anonymous guy calling on her phone and was actually taking offense and such (what we call feeding the troll in the online realm)... i explained what she should say... and in fact she went as far as giving me her phone to answer and i mockingly propositioned the guy in a very suave voice ofc (and i have a really deep voice so you can imagine how that sounded)... told him i wanted to touch him etc. Naturally everyone in the office was laughing their arses off... suffice it to say the caller panicked and hung up. It never helps to take these sorts of things seriously in my opinion... there will always be sick people out there and i feel that we are raising a generation of sensitive people which doesnt help anyone cope with the real world... Just my 2 cents ofc. (this relates to what WayOfTheWarriorx said more so then the OP)
  20. in all seriousness i think the weakness of the theory (which i like in general) i think might be the introduction in canon of the Bendu (the middle ground between light and dark). That doesnt exactly lend itself to the theory that the balance is with the light side or that the light side is the natural manifestation of the force. BTH i find it more credible that the Bendu is the natural manifestation and that the force is essentially amoral. It is workable in your theory though in the sense that when darkness arises the force would manifest itself in the light to counteract that.
  21. Rey is effectively the avatar of the force which is why she can display more control over the force with little training... The force wills it. That is the point of the thread after all... When the Jedi order existed the force itself didn't need to "intervene" as there were masters to teach many a young prospect. Ofc as the OP says it's a theory...


    As for Luke, he was never established in the movies to be a particularly powerful Jedi. What they did in the EU has no relevance. Perhaps Rey is simply more powerful and her interaction with Kylo through the force triggered "an awakening" as it were...

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