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Everything posted by VoltAshkore

  1. For me, the decision to leave the keep the Alliance was easy for my Sorcerer. After all the hard work and dedication put in by them to make this alliance, going back to being nothing more than a pawn of someone else seemed bad. It also helped that Malgus says that you should avoid becoming Acina's pawn as much as possible, so that furthered my choice. The choice for my Sage is much harder, because of what you said in regards to the Consular would most likely want to rebuild the Jedi Order and preserve the lessons they have learned since the events of Revan and all that transpired afterwards. Not only that, but the Republic is now much more welcoming, since Saresh has been removed from any sort of power. The new Supreme Chancellor is much more open to accepting those who once called themselves Sith, or Imperials, and she treats you with much more respect than anyone before her has. I am interested to see what happens if I choose to rejoin, because I wonder if Satele would come back as well. On the other hand, the staying with the Alliance sort of means honouring the lessons learned during the times since Revan. These include the time spent with Satele and Marr on Odessen in order to learn to balance the force, and from that they learn that balance is required in so many other aspects of the galaxy, as by now, many of the people serving with them in the Alliance, have learned to forget their past differences, and become a cohesive, singular unit, that fights for the benefit of all beings in the galaxy. Not only all of this, but rejoining the Republic may drown out what the alliance has done, with the introduction of a senator representing them, the alliance may just become one voice lost in the sea of many. Not to mention, the Republic may end up using the alliance and their resources, without thinking of the major impact that would have on the people of the alliance, as well as the planet of Odessen. As I'm writing this, I am still undecided on whether my Sage will remain independent, or if they will rejoin the Republic, so by all means, if you know anything about whether or not I should choose one or the other, I welcome any advice. But it really does seem tougher for a formerly Republic character to choose which way to go, compared to the choice an Imperial character would have to make.
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