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Posts posted by Makais

  1. So what I am seeing is that Bioware never plays the Shadow role. You know taking the healing and armor nerf was bad with 1.3, NOW you made it harder for me to defend my self in pvp since I cant stun from a distance more than 10 meters. SERIOUSLY BW what are you doing? You keep screwing my tank into the ground. In pve I use that ability to stop those attacking my healer (normally form a distance of 15-20 meters), but now you made that harder. I want to talk to a real BW employee that plays a shadow class and tell me what they are thinking? Because I think you guys have lost focus of balanced play for this toon. Also the knock back must remain, because if ANY OF you really played any PVE raids you would know you need that when your heals gets mobbed by adds and you have to run over and defend them while taunts are on CD, Think Kaon on HM.


    I am serious, I would like to talk to a BW employee about this nerf, whether in game or by email.


    So would I... Since I don't have my hopes high on that, I cancelled my subscription and haven´t logged in since...


    Go Go bioware! On your way to success!

  2. Well, Bioware, it seems like you wanted feedback posting your intent with the new changes and you got it in spades. 59 pages in just under a week. I really hope you've learned something from this endeavor. It really looks like you all are out of touch about just what is really broken with this game that needs needs an overhaul. The vast majority on this thread are complaining, and we are for the most part saying the same thing(s). Before 1.4 hits the PTS, I suggest you all go back to the drawing board and rethink what your vision is for this game. Time to put ego aside and do what's best for the game.


    M8... This makes so much sense!

  3. Force cloak is down 2min for all assassins and 1:30 if spec'd in deception. Secondly, no tank is truly tank-like in any PvP environment, it s just the way the system works and that in itself needs a separate revamp. As it stands now, almost all tanks and the like are using DPS gear, because the Tank gear gives you such a small increase in survivability in exchange for a massive loss of DPS. Also, since when are Assassins not viable tanks in the PvE environment, they are excellent tanks provided you keep your shield ward thing up.


    Perhaps you should learn how to read first... not viable isn't quite the same as less tankish. They are not nearly as good as a jugg right now. In PvP, even with full dps gear I don't even get near a deception or madness specced assassin dps. And why does survivor gear exists in the first place if there's currently no use for it...

  4. Where is the buff for assassin/shadow tanks?? Is it Force Cloak down to 2 minutes?? You mention it but I don't see it.

    In a previous patch you made assassin tanks much less... tankish, both in PvP and PvE. In PvP, I am now as vulnerable as a dps assassin, but with no dps... So that left me with CC abilities and guard feat. Since you are about to nerf Electrocute and Overload, I am about to be left with the guard feat. Perhaps I should go DPS. But then again, tanks are so hard to come by these days, and you are just making it harder... These changes are, IMO, another bad move. Perhaps you should focus development in some other feats, feats that don't make your clients evaporate day by day...

  5. First of all, seeing as you just made the claim that you take as much damage in DPS spec as you do with tank, im going to assume you're using Stalker gear with tank spec. So basically you're playing a tank spec without tank gear and now coming to the forums to complain that you die too fast? LOL


    Secondly, you basically lost 4% damage reduction to kinetic/energy, sorry but this doesnt make the difference between magically taking no damage one day and getting owned the next. You are clearly exaggerating.


    You assume wrong, DPS Gear is what he has to wear from now on in PVP. Tank gear is useless since survivability was exaggeratedly nerfed.

  6. So... I'm both a Biochemist and an assassin tank and I was just wondering if, I don't know... if there's anything good to expect for my gameplay?... I don't enjoy much being killed as easily as a dps in pvp while doing half damage, I don't enjoy free threat (skill is secondary?) in PVE, I don't enjoy 2500 less armor, I don't enjoy insulting symbolic self-healing and I don't enjoy ridiculous shield procs... I also don't enjoy that stims have no use for 90% of the server population and that production prices are usually bigger than market prices... In fact, seems that the only thing I'm enjoying lately is my friends and Star Wars: The brand...
  7. You obviously don't even understand why people want the meter addons.

    It's not really that people want to see it at the END of a flashpoint/operation.

    People want to see the meters REAL TIME, while working on a boss or an encounter so that they can figure out what changes and improvements need to be made to defeat the encounter.


    Seems like you are just too concerned with hiding your performance so that you can finish the flashpoint/operation at the expense of others.


    I obviously do, opposite to you... I had DPSmeters for too long... It seems you got me all figure out m8...


    This is the point where I troll off. I'm afraid I'm just going to get beaten by experience from this point on...

  8. Addon's on not the devil the OP is making them out to be. They add tools to the game to customize the look and feel. It's very amusing to me that people are calling others bad for using addon's. I raid lead for 3 and a half years in WoW.. if it hadn't been for raid tools such as recount, damage meters and skada, we would still be working on some of those bosses we got stuck on. Recount isn't just for damage monitoring and epeen measuring.. It would allow me to pull apart boss encounters on a hit by hit basis. Does this make me bad? Negative. Do you NEED addon's to progress? Negative. But if I were to give you a nail and a block of wood and say "place this nail flush in the center" you would have an awful struggle if I didn't give you a hammer or a flat rock to pound it in. It make it easier, but it doesn't remove difficulty. The ability to become a better player is what this game, and most MMO's with End-Game raiding and PvP are all about. You can disagree with me if you like, but meanwhile there are thousands and millions of players, yes.. millions, that are "Pro-Addon". Want proof, check out Curse and Wowinterface.com for evidence of these downloads. Watch streams of WoW players, the decent and the bad alike use addons.


    You bring up reasons why you don't like them, but most the people complaining about them sound to me like they have been "sat out" due to poor performance or made fun of for a bad show. What about the other side?



    The loud few are more visual than the quiet majority.


    You still think too much WoWlike. Most of pro-addons argumentation can be easily tended by an end operation/flashpoint report, not needing addons at all.

    If a game is designed to NOT have addons, the difficulty will be in accordance. Addons will inevitably change game development, hence tuning up difficulty to the point of being impossible to enter endgame content without addons. And that's why at some point in WoW, every end gamer would have to have addons. Because the game was already too influenced by their appearance in the first place. The main problem here is still avoiding the not very appealing «excel like» UI that remains after all the addons I used to have in WoW are installed, and not being left behind and/or trying to hide my dps/aggro/healing numbers.


    P.S. In vanilla WoW, people used to clear end game content regardless the non existence of addons...

    P.S.2 If I was still playing WoW, I would obviously be "pro-addon"! How could I not be? But this is not WoW, it's SWTOR M8's! Are you that much "comfortably numb" that you would make no effort to adapt to something new?

  9. Then don't use them.


    Seriously, I'm going to call the anti add-on crowd "badd-ons" for the simple fact the majority of them are absurdly terrible at gamin and are deathly afraid of someone exposing their suckage. Sorry, I like to know when I'm carrying dead weight. Addons please.


    If you say so... We "badd-ons" tend to think quite the opposite... As for the dead weight, I couldn't agree more, just use an End Operations/Flashpoint Report to do your triage. So that proves that "badd-ons" here are not trying to hide. Many people use this argument. You should read at least some of the posts here before answering...

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