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Posts posted by Vandrel-Blitz

  1. Anyone know what the lowest level is to complete class quests? Can you get a level 50 to rush you the class quests? I know there is no level limit on getting to a planet.


    If you have not noticed, they have level restrictions in place for quests.


    ie: specific NPC's will not even generate a conversation if you do not meet the required level to converse.


    if playerLevel (!is >=) then doConverse;
    this allowQuest activation player;

  2. YouTube:



    and on the BioWare website:



    This and dozens of other "actual gameplay" videos endorsed by BioWare that were released prior to the game's launch that showed high-fidelity, quality rendering of the game engine are nowhere to be seen. As a matter of fact, I recall your PR post that said:




    I'd like to know (now that the NDA and beta are long gone) how I was able to play your game using high-res textures for nearly 5 months in beta along with thousands of others - with zero issues? I have the distinct feeling that the powers that be (not of your doing) are not being forthcoming in telling us what really happened and what the developers are going to do to solve it ASAP? I'm upset because I am not getting what was marketed and what I paid for coming into this release.


    I would appreciate an answer. Thanks for putting up with so much backlash, I realize it must be a hellish job right about now. We just want real answers and solutions.


    Well said,


    Infact the last few weeks of Beta I made a very verbose and detailed thread RE: poor textures. Not a single response came from Bioware then, because they knew.



    I really dont get why Blizzard is able to do this, yet all the other companies can't. I will start with saying that I'm no developer, so I don't know the intricacies of coding such a feature, but I really think it is one of the reasons why WoW is so succesful compared to other mmos.


    Even Blizzard has stated that Cataclysm not being a whole continent, but instead spread out zones (some of which you had to zone into) was a bad idea. I really find that each time I see a loading screen I'm sucked away from the world immersion and back infront of my pc. I'm reminded each time that it is not a living and breathing universe but a video game on my screen.


    I have a feeling that if SWTOR had seamless transition between worlds or even less worlds but bigger zones (like different continents in WoW) it would do a much better job at keeping me interested, and to be honest I did much more running in WoW but in SWTOR it feels more tedious, which I attribute to the zoning you ahve to do. I love the cutscenes and conversation, that is a really good feature every future mmo has to copy, but the loading screens just kill the immersion for me each time.


    I don't think I will resub for next month, but I'm going to keep a close watch on SWTOR progression and perhaps be back in march as I have really high hopes for this game. The only reason I *itch and moan about the game is because I want it to succeed, I really want it to be my next "home" but atm I can't help but feel a bit disappointed.




    You missed 2 MMO's that have accomplished this.....


    World War II Online

    Fallen Earth

  4. I would also like to note from: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=33477



    This is where Bioware should refund specific customers any/all associated costs they have taken-on in order to create/provide server forums.






    Bioware failed at launch to provide server forums, then they expected customers to pay for their own server forums. Now they are turning back and trying to save face on a terrible decision.


    All of you who have paid out-of-pocket expenses to create server forums should demand a refund (expense reimbursement).

  5. This is where Bioware should refund specific customers any/all associated costs they have taken-on in order to create/provide server forums.






    Bioware failed at launch to provide server forums, then they expected customers to pay for their own server forums. Now they are turning back and trying to save face on a terrible decision.


    All of you who have paid out-of-pocket expenses to create server forums should demand a refund (expense reimbursement).

  6. What exactly do you think they would be moderating?


    Go to the thread I linked, read their responses. It's all clearly laid out and organanized on there.


    It's not a matter of "what" they'll moderate, it's a matter of them stating they "cannot" provide the service and therefore "do not" want to give it to us.

  7. In previous posts, devs made comments that seem to boil down to not granting server forums because they tend to carry forum trolling over into the game, server griefing back into the forums and generally heating up server drama. It appears they prefer to keep the forum side of server communication less direct to keep things more cooled down.


    I can sort of see the sense of it since it keeps the back and forth more fleeting as your gameside comments appear and then scroll off the screen and are much harder to refer back too with strongly considered responses but, it hinders more legitimate uses of the forum. Seeing as we get search back, I can cope and won't miss the drama.






    They said it's because they don't have the manpower to moderate all the forums.


    That boils down to piss poor management and business development.




    We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.


    Here is why this will not work


    You are asking and expecting people to do something for YOU. This is a function that Bioware should do for US.


    Why should we, the customers, be further burdened with keeping your forums organized?


    Did you know that vBulletin had this wonderful feature called "THREAD PREFIX"? Guess what that does? It forces users in vBulletin to SELECT a custom defined field which is displayed on the thread title, and it can be toggled so that users cannot complete a thread creation until they have selected a prefix.


    So, again, you are making it harder on your customers by:


    a) Lack of provided organization

    b) Lack of expertise in vBulletin

    c) Lack of mitigated burdens for customers to deal with


    Please, for the sake of the community, educate your fellow employees. Put a stop to this nonsense. A Community Manager can make or break a game, I would know ;)

  8. Next week, we’re going to implement some changes to the Forums based on feedback we’ve received from the community. These changes are meant to help address some of the concerns the community has and to make Forums organization a little easier to use overall.


    In the layout we have now, things like Guild Recruitment and Server Events are spread out and can be difficult to locate. We’ve also seen some requests for places on the forums where players can go to discuss things more closely with others on their particular server, and for a place for suggestions for the game. To start addressing some of these concerns, we will introduce a new forum section: Server Group Forums, and will place the Suggestion Box back in its rightful place under General Discussion.


    The Server Group Forums will be divided by server type (PvE, PvP, RP, and RP-PvP), and then alphabetically by the server listing. We have grouped several servers of the same types together to provide areas where players can more easily talk with others on their server (and other players on the same types of servers) – about crafting items, grouping up, hosting events, and more. Each Server Group Forum hosts several servers. If your server’s name falls in the alphabetical range in the forum title, that’s where you’ll post!


    Each Server Group Forum has a Guild Recruitment subforum, where players can recruit others into their guilds and look for a guild. There are many more subforums for recruitment in this organization than previously, so it will be much easier to find a guild on your server!


    We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.


    As a side effect of opening these new forums, we will close the Guild Hall and Server Events sections of the forum, as the content for those forums now belongs under our Server Group Forums. We’ll leave those forums visible for a time (but not open for posts) so that you can grab the text of your recruitment posts (or any other posts you’d like to keep from those forums) and post in the new Server Group Forums.


    We will also add the Suggestion Box forum to create a place for constructive suggestion threads to live. We encourage you to share your ideas!


    We understand that some players would still prefer individual server forums. If volume in the Server Group Forums dictates and it is still too difficult to locate information important to you that relates to your server, we will continue to consider additional changes. We believe this organization will allow us to have a thriving area for per-server discussion, and we’ll remain flexible and receptive to feedback from these changes. As always, if you have any other suggestions for the forums (new forums you’d like to see, changes that would be helpful), we’re glad to hear them. Thank you for providing your constructive feedback!




    per: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500

    What's funny is it's not what the customers asked for


    It's like asking a company for a red door and they turn around and say, well...here's a yellow door.


    Updated the main post here with the official statement from Bioware.


    Here is one thing I would like to point out to everyone, they are grouping servers into forums. Obviously we know there's a lot of servers, infact there's too many.


    There's so many servers that that's a handful that are nearly empty shells. To me, it seems as if Bioware is attempting to save face and cover their mistakes already. They know they screwed up the server organization and divided the overall population in a very unbalanced way. They don't want it to be easily noticed that there are empty servers, so to combat this they are grouping servers.


    Great idea here, right? Take say, 4-5 servers and roll them into 1 group forum...2 of those servers could be ghost towns....but no one will really ever notice because there's 2-3 high traffic servers rolled in that section.


    Now let's all take a step back and analyse the situation we're about to get forced upon us (which we did not ask for). We currently have a forum disaster, it's embarrassing. Nothing can be found easily, it's a mess. Bioware is saying they want to make things EASIER for us and ORGANIZE things, yet they are still refusing to give us SERVER FORUMS. Instead we get GROUP FORUMS?!


    This is not a used car lot, we are not shopping for used cars. We are not paying a monthly fee to talk to used car salesmen.


    Do not try and sell me a double decker bus when I ask for a 4 door sedan.


    While I am happy to see Bioware taking steps to correct their mistakes, I am insulted by their motion to disregard the REQUEST.....rather, DEMAND, for server forums and turn around to give us something we did not ask for.


    We do not want SERVER GROUPS (containing 4 to 5 to 10 servers) we want INDIVIDUAL SERVER FORUMS......so we can COMMUNICATE with OUR SERVER!






    I understand the difficulties and challenges of your position, however I urge you to refrain from ignoring demands from your customers. No one mentioned, asked, or even recommended SERVER GROUP FORUMS. The demand was simple as per ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 ), give your customers SERVER SPECIFIC FORUMS. Meaning, individual forums for servers, NOT group forums.


    This is quite simply insulting and I am more then embarrassed for Bioware as a whole this early on in the MMO game.


    Bioware had a shot at ranking #1 and cornering the market. That shot is slowly fading. EVERYONE came to this game with hopes an dreams after being spood fed (life is great on this side of the fence). The path you are headed down right now is the same path previous companies such as SOE chose to take which ultimately lead to the demise of the product (death of the game).


    Do not continue this rampant disregard for your customers best interest. You have more then proven that you are more worried about the product then the consumers. Cease and deisist now before it's too late to mitigate and reverse the damage.


    It would behoove you to gather your employees together, hold a meeting and let each and every one of them read the contents within ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 ). Whoever is making use of the company whiteboard and "el-marko's", tell them to stop, sit down and pay attention.


    This is not the time, nor place, to be debating what each employee thinks is better for the customers. The customers have spoken. Pay very close attention to the demands outlined in ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 ). It really is quite simple.


    Infact, if you read through several of the pages you'll find my post where I even did the leg work for you and told you the simple steps of creating a vBulletin forum section (just how easy it is to give US what we want).


    I would like to thank you for your time in this matter and value your input. I do, once again, highly recommend you refrain from any further disregard of customer requests.




    - Van




    Why isn't every server getting their own forum again?


    It seems stupid that you are making people preface their topics with the server name when you could completely bypass that just by categorizing all threads of a particular server into its own forum! It's not like I care what events are happening on Hedarr Soongh when all my characters are on Helm of Graush just because it is also a PVP server that begins with the letter 'H'.


    Needlessly complicated.


    Thank you Mechintel,


    You are absolutely correct. Needlessly complicated.


    There is no reason for players on Giradda the Hutt to even so much as VIEW a thread from Veela or Juyo (for example). This has nothing to do with PVE, PVP, RP, etc. It's the simple fact of organization, nothing more, nothing less.


    Giradda the Hutt players don't care and don't want to be bothered with "spam" from another server. It's again, needless complication.

  9. i wonder how much of this is just BW's reluctance to accept that "cookie cutter spec really is better than my 1-off whacked spec"


    server group forums?


    can't just go with the tried and true individual forums, ehh?


    oh well, it's better than nothing.


    What's funny is it's not what the customers asked for


    It's like asking a company for a red door and they turn around and say, well...here's a yellow door.


    Updated the main post here with the official statement from Bioware.


    Here is one thing I would like to point out to everyone, they are grouping servers into forums. Obviously we know there's a lot of servers, infact there's too many.


    There's so many servers that that's a handful that are nearly empty shells. To me, it seems as if Bioware is attempting to save face and cover their mistakes already. They know they screwed up the server organization and divided the overall population in a very unbalanced way. They don't want it to be easily noticed that there are empty servers, so to combat this they are grouping servers.


    Great idea here, right? Take say, 4-5 servers and roll them into 1 group forum...2 of those servers could be ghost towns....but no one will really ever notice because there's 2-3 high traffic servers rolled in that section.


    Now let's all take a step back and analyse the situation we're about to get forced upon us (which we did not ask for). We currently have a forum disaster, it's embarrassing. Nothing can be found easily, it's a mess. Bioware is saying they want to make things EASIER for us and ORGANIZE things, yet they are still refusing to give us SERVER FORUMS. Instead we get GROUP FORUMS?!


    This is not a used car lot, we are not shopping for used cars. We are not paying a monthly fee to talk to used car salesmen.


    Do not try and sell me a double decker bus when I ask for a 4 door sedan.


    While I am happy to see Bioware taking steps to correct their mistakes, I am insulted by their motion to disregard the REQUEST.....rather, DEMAND, for server forums and turn around to give us something we did not ask for.


    We do not want SERVER GROUPS (containing 4 to 5 to 10 servers) we want INDIVIDUAL SERVER FORUMS......so we can COMMUNICATE with OUR SERVER!



  10. i'm kinda wondering if BW is secretly (or not so secretly) watching these privateer forums, to see if any of them take off, so that they can save themselves the trouble of having to provide it.


    I'd like to direct your attention to something I found earlier today





    As a standing partner for many years we compliment BioWare on officially launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most anticipated MMORPG of 2011 and almost certainly the Game of the Year. All the hard work you have put into it finally will pay off when all the thousands of Jedi and Sith players around the globe will set the gaming servers on fire.


    Congratulations, BioWare! Or how Yoda would have put it: “Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you.”


    So I ask you this,


    Why is it that the above linked company owns countless SWTOR related domain names? And date of purchase/registration was March 2009?


    Can we say conflict of interest?


    Why is that important? Well, quite simply.... either this company did some contract work for Bioware and decided to make a little extra cash on the side by securing any/all related domain names possible for resale to folks like us.....OR Bioware is attempting to collect a little extra off of customers who are "forced" to venture out and create their own community sites.

  11. There are server forums at http://www.swtorowned.com. Every server is listed


    There's honestly a dozen places just like that. Then there's places for specific servers.


    The problem is none of them are official and no one is going to use them on a regular basis. It'd probably take 6 months or more to even gain 1,000 members on those places.



    Case in point,


    Members: 244 (swtorowned.com)



    I wish them well but it's honestly a waste of time and money.

  12. You see the same tactics on facebook etc or on any forum where a a particular argument needs to be negated.


    If they are deleting posts then there is a significant problem as the argument has already been lost.


    All I can say to Bioware is that "we want to play stupid!" ... "just dont think we are stupid".... we are not cash cattle.


    Give us what you promised and advertised (indirectly with PC world and that Darth vader stunt in the UK for example) ..... An MMORPG that actually isnt one has the life cylcle of a fruit fly.


    So cut the crap and sort it out.


    You make some good points. Saddly, that is much how it appears Bioware views customers.


    If Darth Vader was here right now he'd probably stand and say "I find your lack of support distrubing" and probably /forceChoke the CEO.

  13. I just wanted to bring my comment on how i am very un-satisfied with the fact that everywhere they keep saying its an awesome an easy game to download install and its far from being true ...


    I am a player of WoW of Aion and other MMORPG this is the first time with a connection that goes 4.0mg a sec that it takes 3h58 mins to download and install ... its redonculous thinking that wow takes 2hours MAX and Aion simply 1h20 ... Really this is beyond reasonable.


    That was my 2 cents im not even started playing im still waiting for the freaking game to install properly as it takes 10 mins to advance 1 %.



    Took me 48 hours to download the game during Beta


    Took me 6+ hours to download the game for Early Access

  14. It's really the only MMO I've played other than this one, I figure it'd be nice to play with people who know the same lingo and can relate to the same MMO experiences as myself. Do any servers stand out as SWG or any resources for finding them?


    Just about every server has SWG vets. With the collapse of SWG, everyone mostly came here.


    If you don't already have a home, hop over to Giradda the Hutt and look us up (guild info in sig)

  15. I have just negotiated a price from $350 to $260 and I need to know if this can run SWTOR!


    Windows XP


    Intel Core 2 Duo e6700 C2D processor at 2.66 GHZ


    2GB DDR2 RAM (Upgradeable to 8)


    Nvidia performance graphics card 8600GT


    You'd be better off saving the negotiated money and putting something on lay-away that isn't old school.


    In my opinion that's a waste of money. Everything about those specs is old.

  16. to a degree, i feel for BW, because in the short term, they have a lot of bugs, some small, some big, that need to be addressed sooner than later, or else they run a risk of losing players.


    so in comparison, the lack of server forum probably doesn't seem that important, because after all, they're not a necessity for the game to run.


    however, I think this is where BW's lack of MMO experience is shining through. a robust community is required for the long term health of a MMO. without a strong server identity, and a server community, people do not stick around.


    this message has been hammered away in this thread in so many different ways, that BW must be burying their heads in the sand if they think otherwise.


    Well yes and no,


    Thing is... a company such as Bioware wouldn't have developers tasked with forum duties. Specific employees would be tasked to handle the forums, that'd be their sole purpose in life.


    You have the Bioware Community Team for example, comprised of the manager and a handful of staff who frequent the forums (or so we think). It's their duty day to day to manage the forums and represent the company to the customers.


    What we have here is a lack of responsibilities and management. There's a complete oversight of communication and customer support. It's evident that Bioware feels and views that customer support is nothing more then a glorified tech support role and that it has nothing to do with answering key questions from customers.


    What Bioware NEEDS is to hire more people and chit-can whoever is currently responsible for managing support. Why? Because there is ZERO support right now. It's a giant FFA fest and no one in Bioware is paying attention.


    Yes, development priorities are high, the products success makes or breaks the project overall. However, sales and developmet are not all that there is to a company/MMO, support plays a even larger role just as much as the rest. Sales/Support/Development, all go hand in hand in he big picture, right now Bioware is lacking in support by a long shot.


    What Bioware needs is a Support Manager for the SWTOR department who's got a backbone and who can staff a quality team of support minions that are tasked with supporting all of you (and me). Until Bioware has that, everything from here on out will be a goat rope, or as we used to say in the military (cluster ****)


    so, this is a total hypothetical, as I'm in no position to guarantee this actually happening.


    what if torhead had server forums?


    it's still unofficial, but i personally feel it would be more official than the total privateers, and it would be from a site that people already visit all the time to look up items.


    Personally I think we'll still be at square 1. Without any form of official link/location here on this site then it's just a waste of time/effort/money.


    Majority of the customers will always be directed here and remain here unles otherwise directed by Bioware.

  17. They've been selectively deleting posts from this thread so someone is reading.


    I've taken the time to copy this thread on a regular basis after they went through and deleted nearly the entire thread (several hundred posts worth) the first week this was posted.


    If they keep it up I'll be sure to publicly embarrass them



    It's not rocket science here Bioware. A lot of folks here have done their best to provide constructive feedback, as requested by you. Now it's your turn to give the reach around and provide US some constructive feedback.

  18. 5 year SWG vet, Europe Chimeara right here.


    Simply thing is the following:


    PVE: TOR

    PVP: TOR

    Timeline: TOR

    Social Aspect: SWG (Due to more emotes, and other things. I'm sure TOR will develop them as time goes on)

    Housing: SWG (Ship is cool, but no one can beat player owned cities and furniture)

    Guild Feature: SWG (TOR is still a baby, so I'll wait to see as time goes on)

    Quests: TOR

    Story: TOR

    Space Combat: SWG (Free roam beats tunnel shooter any day)

    Music: TOR


    This is just a hand full of things. There is more, but these are my personal favorites.


    I agree in full



    8 year SWG vet here

  19. because i remember the last ~4 years, waiting for the game. we talked and hyped about the game on ahazi.org back when it was only a whisper of a rumor.


    I agree. I've been lurking this site since they first opened it up. Once I lost interest in SWG it was only a matter of time and I've been eager to jump knee deep into this game. Saddly, with the lack of server forums and Bioware's response, it only brings back painful memories of what SOE did to all of us over the course of 8 years in SWG.

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