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Everything posted by Gelgaroth

  1. If you want to reroll, go mercenary dps and run around with mako (gaining affection for either shorter crafting or romance is super easy if you go light side). You'd basically be a moveable turret. They hardly ever use their 10m and shorter range skills, they dual wield blaster pistols, and while they are an empire class, due to the nature of being a bounty hunter, they work for whoever they choose/pays the best. They're also the mirror class of commando, so same playstyle. And if you want to try out healing, they're also great single target tank healers, with one pretty good aoe thrown in that's also fairly spammable. Also, if you wanted to go melee, pick one of the classes with tank specs, and try tanking with a healer companion, such as powertech with mako, assassin with talos, shadow with tharan, vanguard with elara, etc. Also, think of it like this, if you want to play empire: You can be light side/dark side on any faction, but each side will consider them good and the other bad, unlike the movies and stories and lore, etc. The easiest empire classes to feel like a good guy are bounty hunter and agent (operative agent doesn't really use cover feature, cuz they need a lot of mobility). And both of those storylines are great Another thing is that the outfit you want, if you found some smaller blaster pistols, would actually look great on a female mercenary. Sort of like a fully clothed Lara Croft type deal.
  2. dramasian silk is also nice. almost identical to muse, with a slightly different color scheme.
  3. And she's heavy armor aim tank, so has great survivability as a healer, and with mods, it's easier to get her as dps rather than tank (I like endurance heavy tanks, bit harder with aim than strength/waillpower). So, even though I'm only at 35 right now...her heals and dps are great. Full aim and power, with extra crit/surge, but focused on aim/power. She does enough damage, that if she's able to hit a mob before I can, it actually takes a bit of work stealing aggro back, with her in heal stance.
  4. Gelgaroth


    Thank you bioware for making one of the most OP companions to date. As far as tanking goes...some of the tanks are better than her...only because they have taunts, but all her attacks in tank stance generate extra threat, so it's a nice tradeoff. And she gets some heals she can use in tank stance, which if you have her and are leveling as a healer, makes your job a fair bit easier. As far as healing goes, she out-heals all the other healer companions it seems, but also has 2 more attacks, allowing her to also out dps healer companions. And, her animations and dialogue are great. So thank you, and you're doing a good job bioware, on that note anyway.
  5. You guys should make all the old pvp sets, like battlemaster and all its variants not have a valor requirement, since they're all crafted nowadays, unless i'm mistaken. Some of us pvers don't really like pvp...and would still like to be able to use said sets.
  6. There's mind snap and force wave, like previously stated, but there's also force stun
  7. Simple, dark charge. Gives 110% boost to armor rating. Yes, we still fall behind on armor rating and damage reduction (I average about 30% damage reduction as I level) as far as the other two tank types are concerned, but we make up for it in other ways. For instance, we have a lot of self-healing at higher levels, and a lot of shield chance. Most end-game sin tanks end up with around 35% shield chance, and then you throw on dark ward, bam, 50% shield chance. We are spikier end-game because of our lower damage reduction, but if you have a good healer, it's not an issue at all in most cases. We also rely a bit more on our buffs (defensive cooldowns) than the other tanks but we can still tank just as well as any others. Being a tank is also highly dependent on the player though too. I've seen dps be better tanks than actual tanks sometimes.
  8. It's true what Xethis has said. And even though I myself have not gotten a shadow or sin to end-game yet, I certainly do enjoy leveling as them. Leveling a sin tank does provide some nice challenges when soloing things though, which is good (don't get our healers until hoth). But I still wreak havoc in story and sidequests, and can tank everything just fine. I love running around with my super critty adronikos revel (went against the norm and made him crit, since he won't be used for that long).
  9. They probably won't ever make classes like that, but one idea (branching off yours) is to allow each side access to the other side's planets, or planetary areas. Such as republic going to dromund kaas, and korriban and hutta, and vise versa.
  10. I'd roll with a sentinel myself, if you've already leveled a jugg. Besides, you start with t-7 as jedi knight, who's a tank companion, and by level 30, will make a great tank, if you went that route. Or, if you want to tank yourself, reroll as a consular and while she goes sage, you could go shadow. Or roll a trooper and go vanguard. In the right hands, any tank class can be a great tank, despite the common opinions on forums. And if you go the shadow route, you'd both be able to enjoy the same story and have the same companions to mix and match to your needs. Shadows are also the third earliest tanks to be solo most 2-4 man heroic content with relative ease because they get their healers on nar shadda (4th planet counting starting and capital) while vanguard and jugg are tied for second, taris and balmorra, 2nd planet for both (empire and republic taris/balmorra have switched spots on planetary progression) and powertech being first.
  11. The muse set (level 28-30 iirc) fit under most hoods. I'm using one myself on my sin with revan top and bottom robes, and then the rest of the muse set.
  12. I wouldn't remake it unless you dislike the class. First off, a class sucking is often times due to the person using it. And like most mmos these days, everything's about being the best numbers wise, and not about actually having fun playing another game with people from around the world. If you have fun pvping as a powertech, then go for it. That's all that should matter.
  13. I run a darkness sin and do the occasional warzone, and if I'm actually doing good, I tend to end up with my own personal healer. And you must also remember, that while the numbers at the end of the warzone for bounty hunters may be super high...it's mostly because of all their aoes. For instance...a shield tech powertech...has 5 (technically 6, but I don't use missile blast as a powertech and the aoe damage from it is rather minimal) aoes by level 25. But as far as single target dps, most classes, even a lot of the tanks, can out dps them when it comes to single target. But if you can get a lot of your aoes to hit maximum number of targets, then you'll tend to top the charts a bit more.
  14. The only problem with that...is that based on the names you've chosen for the classes, they already exist to an extent. Each side gets two stealthy rogue-like classes already. And a lot of the consular storyline is the consular being a diplomat of sorts...
  15. The only thing I dislike for the powertech is no aoe attacks that I've seen that in the description say, generates large amount of threat. Then again...with 5 aoe attacks by level 25, don't really need it so...
  16. When someone besides my tank companions is a better pve leveling tank than me (only because they spam taunt and I never need to) as sin/shadow, then I'll roll a different class for tanking (haven't hit end-game yet sadly). Until then, they, and I quote my sin on this,
  17. I almost remade my tank sin into a sorc (releveling) just because khem val is such a ******. He looks the tank part for sure (with customizations 11-14 (I use 13 I think)) and by level 29 has great agro capabilities, as he tends to spam his taunts and use his threat generating skills a lot. So he's a great tank companion and will make leveling as healer pretty viable. Especially if you keep him geared with moddable gear, upgraded about every 6 lvls or so.
  18. Well, if you go with light armor, you're pretty much limited to robes, but if you choose adaptive armor, you have way more choices. For instance, you could run around in practically nothing but your underwear with the covert energy armor set. Or some nice armored robes (destroyer set from cartel) or many, many more choices.
  19. While a republic sniper and imperial commando (weapon wise, as they do have mirror classes on each side that use different weapons, but same basic skills, with different names and animations) do sound nice, tech staff/tech blade users are pointless, as they have the same artwork as electro staves and vibroblades respectively (although some tech blades, such as qyzen fess's starting tech blade) do look like some electro staves. A lot of tanks already don't like being aim users, because a lot like stacking endurance and it's harder to do that with aim, rather than strength and willpower.
  20. For pyrotech, combustible, for arsenal, high velocity. Armor penetration is a main focus for arsenal mercs, and helps improve damage by quite a bit. Higher armor penetration, means less armor rating on target, essentially, which = less damage reduction from target, which in turn = higher damage for you. Usually can be anywhere from a 5-20% damage boost, (rough guesstimate). If you want to, until you get tracer missile, go combustible for the dot, to be able to use rail shot more, but after you get tracer missile, go for high velocity, as tracer missile's debuff will proc rail shot.
  21. I want to be a merc healer, for the challenge of it, and because I don't want to replay inquisitor storyline when i'm already a fair ways into it as sin tank. So would it be better to level as healer, or level as dps until I got skadge/blizz, and respec as needed for fps, etc.
  22. depends on whether or not you're a dps powertech, or tank powertech as well. flamethrower's decent for early agro control, until about lvl 25+ when you can get the rail shot aoe explosion proc. I hardly used flame burst myself, but it's probably more useful for pyrotech powertechs, than tanks. some people also like unload, some hate it. don't bother with missile blast at all though. take it off your quickbar. XD it costs way too much heat for powertech, for as little damage as it does. I use it as a merc though, because it fires twice for same heat cost, doing double the damage of powertech's missile blast essentially. I mostly like unload and flamethrower though, because if you use em at low-medium heat, during that time, you almost go back down to heat level you started at while using them. also, tanks get a nice damage boost to unload at higher levels, so that helps. flame sweep is decent too. damage wise it's mediocre, but it's a 360 degree aoe, centered around you, and good for killing off trash mobs. it's also spammable, but not advisable to spam because it costs like 25 heat.
  23. If you really want to make the best use of blizz though, you could re-roll your bounty hunter and go mercenary healer (level as dps probably and respect to heals as needed (field respec legacy unlock is amazing, best I believe 250k I ever spent) since you don't get a tank (skadge) until belsavis, then blizz on hoth). Just an option, but right now, I'm leveling a sin tank and running around with khem val in tank mode, rather than a geared 2v-r8 (only on nar shadda) and I've been able to solo most 2 man and a lot of 4 man heroics. It's actually fun leveling as tank with tank companion. the companions can still put out some good dps and often kill mobs before I do, even healers sometimes, but in tight spots, you can bounce agro back and forth so you can sorta heal up a bit mid-fight, or let your defensive CDs cooldown, then pull agro back. I usually toggle khem's taunt off though, and just press the hotkey combo for them as needed, so he's not taunting every time it comes off cooldown, so he survives with me longer. yes, I do have to heal between bigger fights...but that's 20 secs at most. big deal.
  24. Are there any non pvp armor sets similar to the battlemaster sets (especially the battlemaster force-master set)? Or am I going to be stuck doing WZs eventually to get that 60 valor to get the set?
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