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Posts posted by Kattelox

  1. I kinda doubt they will. Maybe for the first week or two. But I get the feeling there's a lot of more casual PvPers who just do matches for the daily then stop because they don't like 'getting rolled' or somesuch. I'm betting they get a little more adventurous after some of the top dogs vamoose to Pot5.


    That's what I'm crossing my fingers for. It would also be great if we see more Republic players too. I hate Imp vs Imp matches :(


    Eh, PvP queues are slow already. I really like the Ebon Hawk, I don't want to transfer even one character...


    And when I say "I really like the Ebon Hawk", I'm talking about the server name. Make no mistakes.


    And by the server name you really mean Ebon Hawk the ship. And by Ebon Hawk the ship you really mean the Millennial Falcon. And by the Millennial Falcon you really mean you like Chewbacca... which makes you a furry. Right?

  2. No, the starter planets seem to be filled with mobs too. Just slightly less so new characters don't get overwhelmed. Though yeah the spread out issue is a problem.


    You could always have your group pick up an instanced heroic quest and quickly murder everything OOC in the instance so it is clear. Then you can have your RP in all sorts of different locations. Just ignore any of the dead bodies lying around.

  3. Its like 10 bucks...hardly more than a fatty dinner at mcdonalds


    also, save up your stipend instead of spending it on stupid cartel stuff...


    Comparing a luxury service in a luxury item to food does not compute.


    I fully agree about stupid cartel stuff though. That's even worse of a purchase than a server transfer.

  4. A shout out to me because sometimes I heal people and they mostly live.




    Oh, and a shout out to any tank that not only used guard on me but actually stayed near me throughout the WZ. You are all truly icons for the masses.

  5. Fully Buffed is our main guild and its at least 18 months old (started as Force Swag, then Eight Inches Unbuffed, then after a TOS violation for the name Fully Buffed). We were a 100% PVP focused guild for a long time, but when people started re-rolling new toons and adding friends and such, we started doing a lot more PVE.


    Buffed Fully is our imp guild which is almost 3 months old now I want to say. When I started it, I targeted new players who I can help in PVE and teach the mechanics of PVP to as they level. Now we're 425 strong on the imp side lol.


    But the main people in both guilds are heavy PVP'ers, yes.


    Well that certainly explains why I continue to see both guilds in WZs. You should totally disband Fully Buffed though because the Galactic Republic is lame.;)


    Empire forever.

  6. Actually, the title and point of this thread is to get people to stop COMPLAINING about people running around in groups. As GM of 2 guilds with 600+ toons between them, I'm obviously pro group forming lol :cool:


    I was pretty anti-group many years ago when I played World of Warcraft. Then I played Dungeons & Dragons Online, a game heavily geared toward PVE and grouping, and that cured me of my former bias. While I still enjoy pugging for the random fun of it I don't hate anyone for simply grouping. Being elitist or exploiting bad game design (*coughbolstercough*) sure but not for grouping.

  7. I hear ya and I'm a habitual solo quer. The problem is that a lot of players still don't realize that not all premades are the same. Tons of times these "premades" are just some friends queing up. They are not using vent nor are they hardened, merciless pkers. They just want to have some fun and finish their WZ dailies while doing it.


    The bigger annoyance which ties in with this problem is people who rage quit the moment they see more than one guild tag or a specific guild tag. However, that is a recurring and increasingly chronic problem that has been belabored plenty in other posts on these forums.

  8. I can't speak for the pub side of things but I'll be blunt about the Imp side. The majority of RP is the real creepy kind. It largely consists of male toons (predominantly played by men irl) hitting on scantily clad female toons (also predominantly played by men irl) in catinas using lengthy and horrendously written combinations of emotes and /say. At best it is distracting. At worst it is flat out offensive. Furthermore, it is difficult to avoid since the most popular area for this type of "RP" is the cantina on the fleet.


    Almost all of the "good" types of RPing take place within RP guilds over private channels. On the positive side there are plenty of these types of guilds (big and small, new and old) to choose from. Granted, the state of things are not that unusual for any RP server on any MMO. Still... the cantina scene is so bad here that there are days I wished I had rolled on a PVP server.

  9. You are used to winning 75% to 90% of your matches!? You solo que right because you should be happy with a 50/50 win/loss ratio if you pug a lot. There are a lot of bad players out there on the Imp side and because I have a policy of never quitting during a match I often get stuck healing a bad team (which, for the record, only prolongs their suffering).


    Heck, I consider it an awesome day if I win 2/3rds of my games while solo queing.

  10. The good anything rarely flags solo for GF, so your odds on seeing them when queueing solo is going to be lower.


    The average healer, average tank, or average DPS is all the motivator needed for the better players to mostly seek out groups of friends, honestly, regardless of their role.


    That's not to say that good players don't queue alone or in partial groups, but just that the odds on seeing them are lower as there are usually fewer open slots to accommodate PUGs.


    Bad pug anything are par for the course for any MMO. What I was trying to emphasize is that my experience in swtor, and specifically on Ebon Hawk, is that pug tanks are noticeably worse than pug healers. This is largely because tanking in swtor is overall more difficult than in WoW and some other MMOs.


    Personally I enjoy pugging for the challenge. However, I really, really, really wished the average pug tank was a little better at their job. It is a sad state of affairs when Khem Val is vastly superior to many of the tanks out there. Heck, I've been in more than a few heroics and FPs where the tank was either kicked or rage quit and we easily finished using Khem.

  11. I used to tank but now I heal so I have a perspective on both classes. That being said... my experience with tanks has been pretty bad on this server.


    In PVE your average pug tank is worthless when it comes to holding aggro against multiple targets and keeping an eye on the healer. Even Pyro's fail hard at such an important task and they have no excuse. Some of them are not even decent at holding a single target's aggro and being able to actually take some hits. Granted, I have also encountered some amazing tanks in pve but those are definitely in the minority.


    In PVP your average pug tank is even less than worthless. They do no damage, take hits only slightly better than a decent DPS, and they rarely use their taunts, let alone use them effectively. Half of the time they won't use guard and, when they do, they fail to actually stay near the healer they guarded and try to keep them alive. I literally, and with no exaggeration, have encountered a total of 3 excellent pvp pug tanks [ie not part of a premade group] in the hundreds of WZ matches I have been in.


    Decent healers, on the other hand, are in ample supply in both PVE and PVP. They are not all great. Heck, they are not all even good but more often than not they at least use their healing abilities.


    Also, there are literally more healers than tanks on this server. You will que faster as a tank for flash points and you see fewer of them in warzones. So in summary, this server is in desperate need of not only more tanks but good ones at that. I kinda wished I had not deleted mine.

  12. It's gotten beyond bad, most of the decent to good players have (A.) Left the game (B.) Left the server. Many of the average to slightly above average have (A.) Left the game (B.) Re-rolled as Imps.


    Used to be able to carry a match here and there, but no chance of that lately, Warzone after Warzone with 4-6 people who can't even break 100k dmg... Imp side is flooded with pre's and even an average one will win lately do to the complete incompetence of most of the Republic players. I see more and more players flip sides to Imp or just stop q'ing and I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it to keep q'ing when you just run into match after match vs 4-6 asasssins, 1-2 operations and 1-2 smashers, I swear Imp's won't play any other classes anymore..


    New guids pop up on Imp side like the always glitchy Dark Empire and the extraordinary comm trading Watchmen while nothing new comes Republic side, only see the PVP groups like Zen break up, Game Genie spend more on more time on it's Imps, etc.


    Maybe it's the time of day as of late, but it's just not fun anymore. It is annoying to the point I'll spend more the WZ trolling do to a mix of boredom (as half the team often collects defender medals) and frustration.. Are others having a similar experience lately?


    It has to be the time of day for you. I've had plenty of games lately against tough pub pugs and even tougher pub premades. They don't always win but they at least put up a fight.

  13. It pretty much has been the same 4-5 people.


    Baarf is also O'pii, Tagnan and Blivious.


    Defrib is also Neutrina, Perl and Zaandor.


    Jerc is also the marauder-formerly-known-as-Pocalypse.


    Xeb is Neb.


    Hadrin just returned to the game. He's playing an assassin now: Outsider.


    Ares is .... Ares doesn't really count since he's a baddie and only plays one class.


    Claws is Izo on the pub side. He's in Europe so our paths rarely cross. He keeps the Hex name alive when the rest of us are sleeping/working.


    We just picked up a couple of new members. We have about 6-7 active members as of a few days ago. Typically when I log in there are between 2 and 5 Hexers playing.


    Ahhh, that explains it. Your members must have swapped alts between matches. Still, a noticeable presence in WZs considering your small roster. Thanks for the detailed response.

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