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Everything posted by Vyrael__

  1. Hey there! Returning player here! I only have up to Rise of the Hutt Cartel, but I would like to buy the expansions and level past 55. The problem is it's not exactly clear which I need to purchase, or even where I can purchase these as I see nothing in the store. Thanks for the help in advance! Edit:I think I've come to understand they are all free with a sub, which has given me some culture shock 😂
  2. Hi SWTOR players! : ) I'm currently in the recruit process for Pax, and I'm here to give you my honest opinion of them! Run. Just kidding. haha. Anyways - I absolutely am loving the Pax community as a whole. I am in Imperius and I seriously haven't met a single person I was like 'meh' about. So far everyone is great and really helpful. I love the website forums they have and the fact it actually FEELS like a community (I think I have a posting problem on it - just can't seem to quit - and some of the threads..hilarious). This is even the most active guild I've ever been in in my almost decade long love affairs with MMOs. Always somebody on and somebody to talk to - on regular nights, not just event nights. If you have a question, I can pretty much promise someone will be on that knows the answer. I like that they go to extra lengths to help others play the best they can if that person wishes to learn how to play better, too...like PVP mentors, really awesome idea. They also have some really unique ideas/events as well to always keep something happening, and there is something for everyone regardless of your playstyle - if you like PVE aspects, PVP, or just like to RP. I'd pretty much recommend this guild and community to everyone - unless you're really selfish and/or a jerk, then I don't think you'd fit in well. Haven't met anyone like that : ).
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