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Posts posted by kirbyshocksword

  1. As the title says, STOP THE WIN TRADING. I was looking to have a good time playing ranked. (And i did for awhile)

    I have literally quit 5 matches due to having the same Wintrader over, and over, and over again. I already sent in a report but i have already lost ~90ish rating and the damage is done. We seriously need a kick system in ranked, so i can finally have a decent match again. The damage has been done for alot of players on my server.


    Until something gets done about this, im DONE playing ranked. Any hopes to get my Elo back up is lost right now due to having the same Wintrader over and over again. :mad::mad::mad:



  2. I actually worry about what would happen to our 51 & Treek Companion(s). Cause if they are getting rid of/replacing 51 with 55 then that would suck as 51 has/had a Quest Line to get (painful at times) and then costs 1 Mill/400 (?) CC to activate per Character (unless the Player wants to do the Quest Line all over again (on a different toon)).


    At the same time, I wonder how the Expansion will affect the (very short) quest to get Treek. Will Players be able to get Treek on other toons using the activating Item?


    Maybe HK-55 is HK-51 but he still has his memory chip from his old body?

  3. I notice this expansion seems that it could turn the game into an RPG. Do you guys think it will kill the MMO in this game?. I am worried that Endgame PVE will disappear with this expansion not to mention i can't remember how long its been since a warzone. Storytelling is all well and good but i fear this could be the death of endgame.


    They said they ARE gonna make more operations for 60+, and why exactly would they make the new changes to pvp if they were gonna kill it off?

  4. When you log in, it seems your character is now frozen in carbonite. It seems you have awaken from it, due to old age of the chamber it breaks. When you get out, you notice that you are in a big field, dead, no life exept you and this big rock. Then you see HK-51 sitting on the ground with his rifle in the hand. You activate him again.


    " Statement: Master. " He muddles.


    " Statement : 10 long years i have been waiting for you. " He says.


    You help him off the ground, he seems to have been deactivated for years.


    Then you go off. The ghost of Grand master satele shan has approached you. " Start your journey, defeat the forces that killed the republic and empire. " She tells you.


    Let us begin. The journey of a lifetime has just started, with you and HK-51, you set off with him to find your old crew.


    " Do it for everyone. "

  5. My wife loves it so I bought the amazon bundle, I love the combat and the story line but man I hate light rpg elements I need more depth then this, why did they take this away? I dont know if I will want to finish the storylines or not.


    Because hybrids were really Op at the time and they needed to make new abilitys for level 56-60.


    Also, if anyone remembers, you were only 1 skill point away from getting another trees first ability. So if you were a lightning sorc, you could either have death field or spammable force lightning. They would break the game big time. :rolleyes:

  6. Wait 5 weeks with your ice attacks for the summer.


    You are about to hear the following advertisement.


    Tired of the drenching heat? Tired of sweating on tatooine? This is the perfect opportunity for you!

    Unlock the brand NEW ice animations for the jedi consular! Cool your character down by using cold ice!

    Instead of running around voss and quesh in the heat, cool your self down using an ice barrier!

    Only 600 Cartel coins! Unlock now!


    Coming soon to your planet!




  7. I have to say...I actually kind of like this idea. I mean...pulling moisture from the air seems plausible and thus the power seems plausible. Finding a million small rocks to lob at people at any given time, even when standing in places where there's zero small rocks...not so much.


    But take my opinion with a grain of salt...thus far the consular is probably one of my least favorite classes to have decided to play.



    Yeah, i dont really like throwing lil pebbles and big rocks. Made a couple sages but i think its my least favorite class, i like the sorc way better.

  8. Hello, i thought of this cool idea for the jedi consulars/ jedi sages. What if they could use ice attacks? Instead of throwing rocks and droid heads, what if you could throw blocks of ice or icicles? Instead of causing earthquakes, wouldnt it be better to rain hailstorms? NOTE: This is my own opinion. It would cause the same damage, but it would be different animations.






    Icicle crash.


    Force: 45

    You get it at level 2, equivalent to project.

    Does XX elemental damage, stunning standard or weak enemys. Shares a cooldown with project.


    Freezing force.


    Force: 24, channeled for 3 seconds.

    Unlocked at level 3, equivalent to Telekinetic throw.

    Does XXX Elemental damage, slowing standard, weak or strong enemys by 50%


    Force freeze.


    Force: 20

    Unlocked at the level 6, equivalent to force stun.

    Does XX elemental damage, stunning enemy for 3 seconds.


    Ice ground.


    Force: 20

    Unlocked at level 3, equivalent to force wave.

    Freezes the ground with ice, pushing up to 8 enemys back. Does XX damage.


    Ice block.


    Force 20

    Unlocked at level 4, equivalent to force lift.

    Entraps the target in the block of ice, stunning them for 8 seconds. Breaks if damaged. Non player enemys will heal rapidly.


    Freezing crush.


    Force: 40

    Unlocked at level 14, equivalent to mind crush

    Crushes the target with ice, dealing XX-XXX damage instantly and XXX damage over 6 seconds.


    Ice slow.


    Force: 15

    Unlocked at level 22, equivalent to force slow.

    Uses the force to throw an icicle at the target to deal XX-XXX damages and slowing the target by 50% for 6 seconds.


    Mind snap, force speed stay the same.


    Jedi sage.


    Ice blast.


    Force: 40.

    Unlocks at level 10, equivalent to disturbance.

    Hurls ice at the target, dealing XX elemental damage.




    Channeled for 3 seconds.

    Unlocked at level 12, equivalent to Forcequake.

    Uses the force to create a hailstorm, all enemys in a 8 meter radius are dealt XXX elemental damage every second for 3 seconds. Weak or standard enemys or stunned in place for 2 seconds.


    Ice barrier.


    Force: 65

    Unlocked at level 14 equivalent to Force armor.

    Uses the force to create a ice barrier around the target, absorbing high damage and lasts for 30 seconds. Force imbalance is the same.


    What do you think? I dont really get into detail with every spec and proc and ability for specs, but this is the gist of this idea. :)

  9. This is the "MySwtor" login ?


    Mine doesn't have it , it has security key but maybe just maybe it is because I do have a mobile security key attached ??


    Display Name:


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    Forgot your SWTOR.COM password?


    Security Key: (what is this?)


    If you don't have a Security Key, you can leave this blank.


    Its wierd


    Thats what ive been using, still getting it.

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