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Posts posted by kirbyshocksword

  1. In 5.0 we got a buff to EMP Discharge, that made it so if an enemy had a stack or Electrified Railgun on them it would damage up to 8 enemies close to that target. This may be what you are thinking about, hope this helps!
  2. Hey all, I've been wanting to know how do i get better on my sniper in ranked. Currently at a bad loss 10-~20ish in ranked. I keep getting nuked and matches with 2-3 stealth on enemy team. How do i counter it? Any help would be appreciated, thanks. :D


    I've been told that the skill gap needed for a sniper is huge for SR, should i play another class instead? Like PT or Sin ?

  3. I had a match earlier where one guy on the other team just afk'd in start for both rounds. This type of **** is present on pretty much every MMO with a ranked arena equivalent and unfortunately, this game doesn't have the most attentive devs so its unlikely that anything will be done about it. A good solution is to have every single rated match 'recorded' (with names and stats), so if some group gets reported for wintrading, whomever can look through a list of their matches, see a pattern of the exact same characters losing and winning with extremely minimal activity done and then toss their asses out of the game.


    That is a good idea. Another solution is to have "Infractions" sort of system in place. Say somebody reports for win trading, and if enough people report the same person that person will be under review and won't be able to enter any ranked matches for X amount of time, depending how many people reported for exact same reason.

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