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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by StepTNT

  1. Some issues with this


    1) People would just not vote if they knew they were not going to win, matches would be tied left and right.


    2) Good idea, but have to address those who D/C. It happens, why punish a >1600 player because they had a D/C.


    3) Good idea.


    Well, I guess there's no perfect system but it can be improved.


    1) You're correct, an idea would be to hide the other players and just show them once the Ready Check is done so that you don't know who your mates and enemies are and you can complete the Ready Check instead of using it to avoid a sure loss situation


    2) I assume you're talking about disconnection issues. Anyways I'm talking about a 10 mins lock, it's not that much but it can stop trolls which are not likely to wait for 10 minutes. If a disconnection happens then there's really little to do but I agree on having it related to the rating. A >1600 is not a troll so he doesn't deserve punishment :)

  2. So, after another 3 vs 4 WZ I decided to post my 2 cents, hoping that we can have something better for S5 (since S4 is already gone).


    1) Remove the timer before starting the match and force the groups to use the Ready Check system. Each team has 30 seconds to answer, after that 30 seconds the match will end with a tie and with no rating lost. I'm tired of losing matches because people queue and then goes AFK.


    2) Lock people out of queue if they quit during a match. We have this system for flashpoints, why not using it for Ranked too?


    3) Review the rating system. ELO is fine for board games or 1 vs 1 games, not for a teams. My rating can't be based on how three random people play because this will make it just a matter of luck in getting a good team. Make it based on damage/protection/healing and medals. Rating should measure how I play, but now this isn't true.


    That's all, 3 simple things that can make Ranked PvP better (imo).


    EDIT: forgot number 4.


    4) Gear check before being able to queue. 2018 expertise should be a must. I played with people in green gear during this season.

  3. I play marauder, and trust me: you die in stuns. A lot. Kind of like... every time. You get stunned, you die unless someone helps you. You can break, most classes will stun again. Or escape to return before stunbreak is off cooldown again. Or the next one comes...

    Add roots (to a pure melee basically the same as a stun) and slows (well... unless the enemy is backpaddling, it's the same as a stun) ... well you get the point.


    The whole thing needs:

    • Resolve building should be reworked and also consider slows, roots, snares and mezz and fill depending on the ability used and it's effect. Resolve should NOT make you immune to slows, but to stuns and mezz (complete loss of control of your character).
    • Gettings stunned two times in a row => second stun is ignored when the first one is still in effect.. (opens a mini window that MIGHT be enough for something to be done. Instead of chainstunned/mezzed - Forces players who want to cc to do that carefully!)
    • Resolve should gradually lower the damage taken by players while stunned or mezzed: 90% resolve => 90% less damage while not in control of your character.


    ^ this.


    I play PVP with a DPS sage and I think I'm a good player, I always do a lot of damage and my k/d ratio is always above 5.


    What I can't do is surviving a 1 vs 1 against someone which can stun, because of what I underlined in chillshock's post.


    What happens is that I get stunned and I use my stun breaker, but before being able to make a move I got stunned again and I can only use the Force Barrier, which is not ideal.

  4. It happens if I'm moving or I'm doing something else.

    I can't really explain that, but a lot of times I found myself clicking on the chat windows and being forced to manually select the channel made me lost focus on what I was doing.

    And since the chat window does not alway work and I'm still forced to click on it to activate the writing, it's quite easier to click on the received message and start writing instead of clicking and the write "/g" before the message

  5. Yeah, you're wrong :D

    I'm using hotkeys for all my abilities.

    But I'm still forced to click on the chat windows to write the message (pressing enter doesn't not always work) and it's way faster clicking on the received message instead of writing /g because to write "/" i need to use the hand that's on the mouse.


    Anyway, it's just an extra option :)

  6. Why an extra option should be a downgrade?


    I don't like writing, and so I prefer clicking.

    If they give use the chance, you can still keep on writing /g while I'll go for a click on the "guild" tag from a received message.


    Both of us will have their favourite option and nobody gets hurt.

  7. Quite straight-forward:

    if you click, within the chat, on some player's name, you can easily whisper to him.


    Why don't you make a similar system for the chat channels?


    What I mean is something like this scenario:

    I'm in an operation so my current channel is set to Ops. I receive a message from a guild member and I want to reply in the guild chat. I'd like to click on [Guild] to automatically set the current channel to guild instead of clicking on the black-yellow quote button and manually chose the right channel.


    So, to summarize, when I receive a message it's format is like "[Channel][username] Message" and I'd like to click on "[Channel]" to start writing in the same channed used by the sender.


    I know that my English is not the best in the world but I'm quite sure that you all can understand what I'm thinking :)

  8. Hi there!

    I'm trying to make the best out of Doc because it feels so unbalanced compared to my character and I'm quite sure that I could solo Heroics if I give him better equipment.


    So, since I'm almost in full endgame gear, I've got some Classic/Basic/Elite commendations which I don't really need.


    What can I buy to maximize his healing output and keeping his defence high?

    I've got 377 Classic commendations, 182 Basic and 211 Elite so I think that I can buy something useful with them.


    Can you also tell me which attributes have priority for this companion?


    Thank you :)

  9. I'm trying to follow your guide but I don't understand what kind of gear should I get and I don't know where can I see my Surge rating.


    In the guide you talk about the Weaponmaster's set, but isn't its rating too low to use that build for the ops?

    Because I have the full Conqueror Weaponmaster's set (the one that you get with Classic Commendations) but it feels really week compared to the stuff that I'm buying with Elite Commendations.


    Can you please provide a sample build for the Combat and the Hybrid spec? :)

  10. Don't forget that people on French and German servers actually play a "different" game. They don't even know all the original English name of items, abilities, NPCs, locations etc. because their client has everything translated (and often renamed) into French and German. This is a huge drawback for merging their servers with the English ones, cause communication is very difficult if everything is named differently. For example, imagine you tell a German player "let's meet in Makeb at location XYZ" but his client doesn't show a location called XYZ cause in the German version this location is called BGEW44.


    Server merging won't affect client's translations.


    I'm on a German server with the English game, the two things are not related.

  11. tl:dr = you'd force people to speak english to shorten the time you wait for pvp pops


    Wow, just wow.


    You're not forcing anyone, English server doesn't mean that everyone must speak English.

    The English server is more like an international server in which everyone speaks the language he wants.

    I mean, having both German and French together doesn't mean that a French should learn German because he can keep on talking with his French buddies, just like he did on the dedicated server.

    So, when there's no low population, merging the servers won't make any difference.

    It becomes useful when there's low population on a server: if they don't merge the servers, you'll probably wait in an endless queue and, eventually, you'll logout without playing a single match. If they merge, you have more chances to play.


    As I already wrote, we're talking about a GAME, I don't mind reading chat messages writing in another language because I just want to play.

    If I got just 1 hour each day, why should I waste it in a queue without being able to play and just because you want to chat in your own language?

    There's Facebook for this.


    So, to summarize, here are 4 user cases:

    1) Unmerged servers, little number of online players: you can't play but you still can write in your language

    2) Unmerged servers, high number of online players: you can play and you can write in your language

    3) Merged servers, little number of online players: you are likely to play and there's a chance that you can even write in your language

    4) Merged servers, high number of online players: you will play and you can write in your language


    For many it is the latter I am afraid.



  12. How can someone prefer an almost dead server just because is the only place where he can speak his own language?


    Do you really want to wait for hours to do a flashpoint just because you can write in your own language?


    Is this a game or a social network?


    I've completed 2 operations on Jar'Kai Sword and I don't understand a single word of German (except for "leute" that should mean "group" and I've learnt it while playing here)


    I am REALLY tired of endless waiting in the queue, and I really don't mind if they make a huge server without any language differentiation. I only care about playing and having the best experience, and this is all about actually doing something in-game instead of wandering through capital ships while waiting for the group finder to do its job.


    Just my 2 cents.

  13. Just happened now and happened countless times in the last week.


    The arena starts with a 4 vs 3 situation (which is just quite unbalanced). Then one of the members of the 3 persons team leaves, and the arena starts.


    This makes the largest team gather loads of medal without no effort at all, while the smallest team can't even get a single medal and this is like you never entered the warzone (no commendations and stuff).


    Is it so hard to balance it and move one player to the other team when a situation like this one occurs?

  14. Just wanted say, more threads should evolve like this one. On person asking for help, because he has trouble getting started with 55pvp and without any insult or anything, he get valuable responses that help him out. A flicker of hope on this forum :)


    Lol, before subscribing I spent soem time on this forum and I must admit that I was a little scared before posting this because I was afraid that it could turn into some "noob, learn to play instead of complaining" kind of topic.


    But I'm really happy that I got good responses, and I'm starting to do a lot better in my lvl 55 PvP :)

  15. Thank you for your replies.


    I'm already in a guild but I'm always the only one who's online, and this doesn't help :D


    Other guilds won't accept me because of the language barrier and so I thought to ask here to find someone who needs another player and which doesn't care about language and stuff :)


    I'll se what I can do, hoping to try some ops before my subscription runs out :D


    Thank you again guys!

  16. I know that this is the German forum and I'm not supposed to write in English but I really need to do this.


    I'm a non-German player that made a mistake of using a German server and I don't want to spend extra money on the character transfers so, for now, I'm forced to stay there.


    I'm writing in this forum because I need your help: I want to do some operations, I don't mind which but I really like to try them before my subscription expires (I don't think I will renew it if I don't try operations first).


    The problem is that both the server and my guild look quite dead from this point of view.


    I've spent the whole week in group finder queue with no success, that's why I'm asking for your help: is there anyone that plans to make some ops and needs a damage player?


    I've got a Jedi Sentinel, lvl 55 with 156/164 rating gear and I'm ready to fight!


    Thanks for your attention :)

  17. You opened a new world for me, there are a LOT of things I didn't knew, and know this becomes clearer.


    I know about augments, I'm just waiting to have my final set to get them because I don't want to waste the MK-9 Kits.

    I'll se if I can try Combat in PvE, maybe through dailies and stuff like that.


    Thanks to everyone, I'll keep you updated :)

  18. So, you're upset because you can only do daily missions once per day, and weekly missions once per week?


    As others have stated, there is already a set time of day that they reset. Midnight for you is not midnight for everyone.


    My English is not good, but I'm quite sure that you can read it again to understand as other people did :)


    Anyway, thanks for the infos, I just didn't knew about those resets.

    Now it makes a lot of more sense :)

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