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Everything posted by Zeladin

  1. The Trident Gaming Community is expanding into SWTOR. the Members and Cadre of TGC are a group of like minded gamers with a wide variety of experience in MMORPGs. we offer support in many games for our members, as well as a dedicated RPG Group for those of you who enjoy writing. We do have members from all over the world, and are currently active in 3-5 other games at some level, as well as the RPG group we provide. Our Guild Leaders on both the Republic and Imperial sides are experienced SWTOR players, and bring a wealth of in game and MMORPG knowledge and experience. We have set up on the Jedi Covenant server, but will eventually build factions on the Red Eclipse server as well for our European gamers. Republic Guild: The Republic Guardians Imperial Guild: Guardians Of The Empire To grow, we need your help. You can now get involved with our SWTOR Group in it's infancy to help build a strong faction on both sides, as well as taking advantage of any of our supported games. We will be interviewing applicants to fill Officer positions within our Guilds, so if you are interested in Leadership, opportunities are available. We have a short trial period for community Members, this is to insure that you are a good fit for us, and we for you. We are mostly older, mature gamers, and even though we don't necessarily have an age limit, we do appreciate those who carry themselves with maturity and integrity. We offer a dedicated Teamspeak server that supports all our gaming ventures, as well as an interactive forum. You can find us at http://www.tridentgamingcommunity.com/ If you have questions, you can contact us via that forum. A short application form is available through each games forum, once completed we will get in contact with you at our earliest opportunity. (You can also contact Shalyne (IMP) or Zeladin (REP) in game for more information.
  2. I have found a Guild, it all went down pretty fast after posting, if it doesn't work out I'll let you know, and thank you for the reply
  3. older guy (45), have both Republic and Empire characters, looking for relaxed drama free guild with like older mature individuals to game with. Guild size not important, just like you to be big enough to be able to find people online to run with. my activity time is generally 10-20 hours a week....MMO Veteran, run my own fleet in STO, fairly new to SWTOR but I'm a quick enough study. I do use a security key. I'm generally a PVE guy, will do some PVP but it's not something I live for. I've been active in gaming guilds/fleets/clans/alliances etc for over 20 years, Also do a decent bit of RPG can contact me on Harbinger at the following characters; Empire: S'K'orr, Z'etar Republic: Zeladin, Taalan, Tyceran
  4. older guy (45), have both Republic and Empire characters, looking for relaxed drama free guild with like older mature individuals to game with. Guild size not important, just like you to be big enough to be able to find people online to run with. my activity time is generally 10-20 hours a week....MMO Veteran, run my own fleet in STO, fairly new to SWTOR but I'm a quick enough study. I do use a security key. I'm generally a PVE guy, will do some PVP but it's not something I live for. I've been active in gaming guilds/fleets/clans/alliances etc for over 20 years, Also do a decent bit of RPG can contact me on Harbinger at the following characters; Empire: S'K'orr, Z'etar Republic: Zeladin, Taalan, Tyceran
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