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Posts posted by dethslovinembrac

  1. I would love to be able to do the quest also but, my acct accidentally lasped be caused of some deal with my bank that was no fault of my own. I realize that my acct lapsed even though it wasn't my fault so I know I can't do the quest and to ask for it to ba made available would be unfair to those who stayed the required time.
  2. He has a knock back, so don't stay too close to the edge, duh. It's not an issue, it's part of this bosses mechanic.


    And if you have an issue with stuff like you can't get back to the group after such a thing: Leave instance. Have the rest of the group start the convo, enter instance. You'll be ported to them into the convo.


    We had that happen in two different groups the other day (maybe the same OP for one of them) but we even tried that and it didn't work for them.

  3. What's the point in being granted 2 days early access then being denied one of those days due to maintainance issues. Some kind of compensation would be nice. Yeah I know that's wishful thinking (why would they start doing that now).
  4. The community here can be bad at times yes but, it is not the worst there is. The community here is still better than "the game that shall not be named" (I'm sure you all know which one) so that being said if you're going to quit this game because the people are ***** heads then you'll have a hard time at most other games.
  5. Your biggest incentive to keep up your sub to the game is that you enjoy it enough to that being said, the reason to let your sub lapse is the fact that you don't enjoy it enough to keep your subscription up and going. None of us can tell you why you should keep it up or cancel, its for you to decide when the time comes it is still a good ways off to start getting all upset about an expac that none of us have tried yet.
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