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Posts posted by dethslovinembrac

  1. I already cancelled my sub, I'm not going to pay for a game that isn't not going to produce substantial content nor am I going to let the money I pay to play this game go to support another game, My sub runs out in a day or two so idk, I may resub if they add more content, I'm not going to uninstall or anything I'll just go free to play and just leech off of them.
  2. What's the point of being subscribed if perks are going to given away like this (swoop bike), If my other perks are going to be given away I may as well in subscribe too because I'll know I'll just get them eventually anyway, Like Nico, HK-55, II don't Master Ranos or Shae but that's because I didn't earn them so I should get them and If I do get offered them I'll be mad about that because it will be unfair to those who did earn them.
  3. I just wanted to say thanks for giving away a speeder that was a sub reward *sarcasm font*, now some of us will never use ours again since everyone will have it. What's next giving away Nico (which I have), Shae (which I didn't earn so I have to deal with it), or Master what's her name (don't have her either but oh well I didn't earn her either so it's my loss).


    The point is, when you start giving away awards like this you just open up the flood gates, you could have at least reskinned a little at least.

  4. Tried to transfer a character last night and got a failure error so I tried a few more times and got charged each time with no transfer and no reimbursement of CCs (that I'm aware of since I logged off at 11:00 est last night). I've seen where this has happened to a few other people too so I'm posting it here for better exposure.
  5. If any nerf is done to it, I just may be done with this game even though I haven't been playing my sorc lately but a nerf is the last thing dps sorcs need. They are still decent in regular pve content but seems like slapping with a wet noodle in pvp and MM content.
  6. I like the sound of the old days more and more. If BW do keep the CXP increase in some form there'll be even less incentive to do FPs outside of ready made groups who choose to do them just because.


    Veteran especially as there's not even Isos in there now.


    It wouldn't be as bad if they slightly boosted FP cxp by maybe 5-10% or something to go along with dailies (if they do keep them at a boost).

  7. I agree, it is totally unfair that I chose to be unsubbed or let my sub lapse for whatever reason it was (I forget) during that promo period making me uneligeble to receive the bonus HK chapter that was given to those that stayed subbed continuously for that time period. They should be fair to to all and give it us even though we didn't meet the requirements for it. (Sarcasm for those that can't tell).
  8. I think it depends on ones computer to be honest, one of my laptops couldn't progress it ( had cs nudge) but a new laptop did. I even went back to me old one just to check my suspicions at the time and the problems usually exist user side due to no fault of there own. I had troubles with that quest and the next planets ending. I know this doesn't really help you out but just my observation of the bug.
  9. All this sounds like to me is another "I don't like this class utility for x reason so nerf or get rid of it". All that ever really does it hurt the class that uses it most of the time, I main a lightning Sorc and with all of the complaining that has been done in the PVP community they are no longer viable in WZs as such (still decent in PVE though). I haven't brought my concealment op in pvp in a while though so I don't know how they are faring lately.
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