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  1. So I have a mid term in band, yes band tomorrow. It will take me about 5 minutes to complete but I have school for 3 and 1/2 hours to do whatever I want. I play swtor on my laptop at home and the game runs fine with occasional lag. If I bring my laptop to school would the school WI FI be able to handle the game?
  2. It would probably benefit leaving more than arriving. When going to the planet hour stronghold is one you would take a taxi to any taxi station on nar shadda, dromand kaas/courasant would have an elevator that goes down into the lobby of the building that you were in. Idk about tatooine though
  3. Just to point out now that this isn't asking for bioware to fix bugs or demand that they add these things. It would just be nice to have these in the game. With that said here is my wish list for swtor player housing. 1. More stronghold variety. While strongholds are great there isn't many options in the houses you choose. Adding new strongholds on different planets would be cool. Rishi would make a great place for a stronghold. Maybe a fortess on hoth or oricon would be cool. 2. Npcs that don't stand around with there thumb up there ***. Companions, pets, and personnel npcs should walk around the stronghold or room. It makes the stronghold feel more alive and not just your toon running around. 3. Different themes or room presets. It would be nice to have the option to change the way the rooms feel in terms of style. Different color floors and walls instead of the same design throughout the house. 4 The ability to generate enemy npcs. You friendly fight them or kill them yourself. But it should not give XP or loot to avoid farming 5. Ships on dromand kaas and courasant. 6. Being able to get to your stronghold from the open world. For example taking a taxi to the nar shadda stronghold 7. alts appearing in your stronghold. Any other cool features you guys would like to see in strongholds?
  4. Imo there is no need to complain about the pay. Being F2P doesn't hamper the game experience very much, and becoming prefered the biggest problems. I am more than happy to play such a good game. If they complain so much about the pay then why to they pay or play the game at all
  5. I have been reading these forums on my phone just about every day in my study hall. One thing I noticed was about 80% of the forums are people complaining or requesting stuff because there is not enough in it? I find that vey odd because we get 8 different experiences of biowares great RPG story telling that is not in any other mmo. Unique faction side quests with enough variety to do different ones through each play through. And SO many hours of content of the addicting game play of swtor. And if that isn't enough then there is pvp, star fighter, and more dlcs to add to pve game play. And that is without mentioning the elder game. So why are bombardment of complaint forums. Yes there will be glitches but I see crap like this game is dead, or we need more content. It just doesn't make any since to me. This is one of my favorite games because it offers so much but people want more of stupid crap like extra classes or species. Can someone explain the stupidity of a big chunk of the swtor community?
  6. Imperial agent has the best story. If not that, then you are left with sorc and merc. Personally I find the inquisitor story very average with weak(in terms of character) companions. The bounty hunter story is alright but has much more fun dialog options. Merc is also incredibly fun to play as and I am always very appreciative of mercs that heal in group finder flashpoints. I find the agent kind of boring to play as even though they get a great story. All and all I recommend going with mercenary. You will have a much better time
  7. I recommend the Legacy comics. They are REALLY good. Set over a century after episode six, the galaxy has completely changed. The empire is back in power but the sith tried to overthrow it splitting it in two. The new emperor is my new favorite sith, Darth Krayt and cade Skywalker is awesome. It is a must read
  8. I have been grinding some crew skill task to make some prefabs. After buying and unlocking my hard earned decoration, I go to my stronghold to find it missing. Other objects I have picked up are now gone. And why the hell can't I place my new mount. This is cheating us out of our stuff the we spent our time and credits on. I usually don't get mad at bioware but this is UNACCEPTABLE. I want my items returned or refunded IMMEDIATELY. This should be biowares number one priority. Tell me your experiences with this glitch so bioware can see our concerns.
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