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  • Location
    Alaska, yes I live in an igloo :D
  • Interests
    Reading, drawing, hikeing, gardening, decorating, photography
  • Occupation
    College Student
  1. It is not an unreasonable request for an increase to guild cap. We currently have: * high density servers (capable of supporting a larger number of players) * increase in allowed active characters per server (12 with an option to add even more) * free to play (causing an influx of new and returning players) Considering I personally have 8 same faction toons and I know more then a few fellow players with the same or more that means a guild with average alt allotment will have ~62 or so 'real' members out of the listed 500. Then take into consideration that not everyone can play 24/7 and that we have players from around the world... plus the people who are inactive off and on due to real life commitments... you will decrease that number quite a bit. As mmorpg games go... swtor really should show guilds a bit more love I support raising the guild member limit. May the Force be with you Whrr p.s. on a related note: only two are guilded of my 12 toons... one Republic and one Empire (due to guild cap)... lol and yeah that is a pain
  2. *waves* I confess to only reading a few pages into this thread but I thought I would share this: When I first had to make a toon, for my very first game, I had not thought to the reaction players would have to the gender of the avatar I’m playing. I picked a female toon just because most games have ugly male options, and well I’m a she.... I've found I am more comfortable playing a toon that’s the same gender as myself; I am at ease and as such it is easier for me to take what life throws at me. That’s not to say I've not played male toons, it just that I've gotten a very different reactions when running into a players depending on the gender of the toon I'm playing. I would say that a majority of the time it is assumed that I am a he and I’m referred to in the masculine. Such as he’s off doing whatever instead of she’s off doing whatever even though I’m playing on a female toon. At some point in a game I will always get people I play alot with (rarely a stranger) ask dude are you a chick??!? lol and yes over time I have become used to being called dude (almost) even by those who know I’m a girl. I think it is habit to them, as only more recently have female gamers become more active in the gaming community. Now I have to say this as a few people were bring it up, but in my experience all the so called girls that are out to get stuff tend to be really guys playing a female toon. Not always, but 9 times out of 10 it’s a dude pretending to be a chick to get stuff... (sorry guys) People are only human and as such we react to gender, not to the degree of in rl but we do react even if someplace in the back of your mind you "know" they are probably not the gender of the toon you’re speaking too... Personally I have always take toons at face value. Until I know the gender and or wish of the player behind the toon, I will always refer to them as he/she off of the toon they are playing. I also know quite a few other gamers who have this viewpoint. I honestly could care less if a guy is playing a female toon or if a girls is playing a male toon... If you are having a hard time ladies and/or you are not happy. Try another guild/server. I bounced around on servers and guilds in my last mmorpg (star wars galaxies) before joining the guild I've ended up being in for 6 years and counting. To all my fellow ladies no matter your age, have fun and don’t worry about "them" you will find jerks (male and female) and you will find some really nice folks too. Here, as in rl, there are angles and devils: the game has an ignore button USE it and don’t let them scare you into hiding, forgive, forget, and move on. Whrr Guild: Shadow Warriors Server: Peragus Mining Facility (europe) Guild: Shadow Warriors - West Server: Naddist Rebel (east coast)
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