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Posts posted by MrGoldsilver

  1. First, while it depends on the server, Imperials are generally have better players playing in warzones.


    Sniper is a difficult class to play effectively compared to Merc right now. But a good sniper can stay alive for a long time, and deal a lot of damage while doing it.

  2. No, it's been that way for *character* level, not *item* level. For most of the game's history, end game items have all been purple with different item levels for each tier. But while leveling (i.e., before end game), the best items you could use at a given char level were indigo (legendary, now gold, and not common) > purple (artifact) > blue (prototype) > green (whatever) > white/grey (trash).


    Oh, that's right, I take back my comment.

  3. you know, when i made this post i was thinking and after reading your response im hoping that they do a vong invasion. Cause we are in legends so i wouldnt put it past them to bring that portion into SWTOR. It would make an interesting expansion OR they can continue with what we have, the Darth Malgus story, a 3 way war and all that other stuff lmao. But its interesting to think whats coming next and how SWTOR will evolve and change. I am looking forward to it all!


    I myself have been thinking that they might do a Vong invasion.


    I remember a small possible reference to it when Lana talks about possible origins to the Eternal Fleet. She mentions "Droid Races from outside the galaxy". While we know that isn't true anymore, If I remember correctly the Vong left their own galaxy due to two droid races annihilating it, and each other.

  4. During that reflect, you got flashbang.


    To keep them from hitting 35% crits, you got your roll and a 75% DR on evasion for 3 seconds.


    Entrench keeps them from stunning you back


    Ballistic shield give good DR, plus a heal if you spec into it.


    You got a DC reset that you can use to roll their second Heatseaking missiles.


    And you have teammates. This isn't a solo pvp game.

  5. I've only played one warzone so far as engi in 5.0, but as I did quite well (At least damage wise), here the utilities I use:


    Ballistic Shields, Vital Regulators


    Seek Cover, Reestablish Range


    Pillbox Sniper, Series of Snares


    Defensive Safeguards, (Not certain yet, i'm still lv 68. Probably either deploy shields or over-prepared)

  6. Apprently it is intended and not a bug. Read the tooltip.


    It's most likely a bug (Because a 45K heal on a 45 second cooldown that also places 2 stacks of Kolto Probe on a target is way to strong, and I say this as an operative healer main)


    The Tooltip reads:


    "Countermeasures grants Curative Agent, causing your net Kolto Probe to immediately grant two stacks. Additionally, Countermeasures heals you for 1% of your maximum heath every second for 10 seconds and Kolto Infusion now heals for (VALUE) instantly, but no longer heals the target over time)"


    Nothing says anything about a 45K heal.

  7. Yes I did and it still has the same issues. Clunky dot spread made for pve and heat management issues compared to arsenal. Decent burst but even with the dots you still get easily out dps'ed by arsenal. Pyro pt's are still subpar to the pt's burst spec as well. Not sure what up with that but I think it's hard for them to balance those particular specs for pvp and pve without breaking one of them.


    I've been playing around with pyro, and while it's burst is inferior, it still brings a lot of control to the battlefield.


    With the 2 second root every 9 seconds, and the (Goes through resolve) 3 sec 90% slow every 15 seconds, plus many other things, like a 30 second stun breaker (Kolto Overload) and a 35 second AOE taunt, Pyro makes a very strong support dps.


    You won't be bursting down their healers, but you can do enough sustained (With minor bursts) to keep the healers occupied.

  8. Two simple changes:


    1) A system is in place so that you don't get repeats of the same gear. (So if you get a DPS setbonus for the chest, you won't get it again.) You could get a healing setbonus and a dps setbonus (But gear drops are decided by your discipline anyway now so...)


    2) Automatically guarantee a setbonus drop every few levels. Say every 3 levels or so. Or maybe 6, I don't know


    Bam problem solved, now we have specific levels to work towards to get up, instead of relying on Murphy's Law.



  9. First off, to whoever mentioned The Force Awakens, you need to remember:


    This game is apart of the "Legends" Universe (Previously known as the Expanded Universe), which is a different universe than the Disneyverse, of which TFA is apart of.


    To the OP:


    While this era is long forgotten by the movies, you need to remember that this takes place over Three and a Half millennium before the movies (About 3,600 years to be exact).


    The Sith went into hiding about one millennium before the movies (During the time of Darth Bane)


    That leaves over 2,600 years of lore that can be explored before the Sith have to be finally "Defeated"


    They could even have the Republic essentially lose, as long as it sort-of exists (To keep the lore consistent)

  10. Judging by your signature I am betting you make fun of the classes you can't roll on. So are you a FOTM Class kinda guy that only knows the 3 most OP classes? Cause I'm betting you're THAT guy.


    Well, the main classes I like to play is Lethality/Medicine Operative, Pyrotech Powertech, Engineering Sniper, Hatered Sin, Lightning Sorc, and all 3 specs of merc.


    While typing this, I'm in a regs Q as a merc healer.


    So when I say the "Stupid Specs" in my signature, I mean the specs people don't normally play, since the game is boring when I play the OP specs.

  11. Everyone has been there before. Just starting SW:TOR PvP, having no clue what to do...


    What are some stories of you being a noob when starting Pvp?


    One thing that I did was I thought that if I put a Green or Blue crystal in my Sniper's weapon, it would fool the pubs I was against into thinking I was on their team, because everyone knows only the pubs used green or blue crystals.


    It also took me a few months to realize that Explosive Probe only exploded when I dealt damage to the target.

  12. The people who spam their basic attack are better teammates than the garbage scrub players who abandon a match and leave everyone else holding the ball.


    Actually, that's false.


    A person spamming their basic attack in a game will be a drag and a waste of space for that entire game.


    The Elitist player who abandons a match leaves room for another player to join. That other player then has a chance to be better than the person spamming their basic attack.

  13. People would then just start crashing their browser to keep from having to play warzones they don't like, or to keep from being suck on a team with no heals against a team with 3+, all the while having teammates who just sit there and spam basic attack.


    If you then put a penalty for any computer-side crashing of the game, people would be locked out of warzones because Windows 10 decides to be stupid, or other reasons.


    Honestly, I would find that a basic penalty of "You can't Q again on that toon until the warzone you left ends" would be good enough, and would also be fair.

  14. For gear, I like to use 4.99% accuracy (2 enhancements, plus comp bonus), and maybe 6% alacrity, and 38-40% crit. Any leftover stats to go power.


    For DOT spreading, since you can still move while using smash, I just make sure to stay on target during the animation.

  15. I often see this argument.


    From people who never mention that it is often not 1, but rather 2 players attacking someone at the same time - "chain stunning" is not something 1 person does - it is always a thing 2 or more people do.


    Fair enough, but generally in a 1v2, the 1 should lose pretty quickly anyway, stun or no stun.


    If it was a 2v2, and the 2 on one side chainstuns 1 on the other, the other person on his side could use his own CC to help his ally.

  16. I'll just start from the beginning and slowly go through this post.

    ive an elite warlord but thats only the tip of my swtor pvp, with 3 over 70 valor and numerous 50's...i also started pvping serious back in wow's burning crusade...so ive been doing it a while.


    Having an Elite Warlord doesn't mean much. I've seen plenty of EW's who have no clue what they are doing. It's better than nothing I suppose


    STUN KILL......if you stun then hit you should wake them up, snap them out of it...no more of this i stun we all hit him then someone else stun and we kill him....re stun to death...it shouldn't be possible, you should be able to kill a player in pvp without him having to be frustrated and unable to do anything.


    The longest "Hard Stun" in the game is 4 seconds, or slightly more than 2 attacks. It is Impossible to kill any competent person in 2 attacks. Yes, it can be annoying to be stunned to death, but oddly enough, I never have a problem with it. It's something you learn to expect, and make the most out of.


    HEALING STILL OP......if you group up for ops heal OR if you have cross healing its too much you can just stand there all day and thats not right.


    So you are saying Operatives have too much AOE heals? Not really.


    Cross healing I do agree can get out of hand if you have more than 3 healers, but that can be easily solved by adding some basic matchmaking.


    ps, Tanks should be made of hard stuff and don't take a lot of dmg, heals should heal and dps should dps...we have tanks healing more to themselves than heals can and heals that do half decent dps...COME ON DO IT RIGHT


    Um... what game are you playing? Are you sure it's Star Wars: The Old Republic?


    Because the only tank that can heal themselves significantly is the Jug, and it's on a 1.5 minute cooldown. Any healer can heal more than a jug.


    Heals do crap DPS, doesn't matter what class that healer is.


    The only real problem with this is that Tanks do more dps than they should, but that's because migration stats in PvP are worthless.


    Final Note: Invest some time in proofreading your post. Remember: If there is a red squiggly line under a word, it's probably spelled wrong.

  17. Yes it is Vode An but not the one from Republic Commando. This wouldn't make sense..

    It's probably the original Vode An, where they sing about being "the wrath of Mandalore" and not Corusant.

    Jango Fett changed it up a bit when he trained the Clones, to make it fit the Republic. Since clones were you know.. Republic Soldiers.


    Actually, while I'll have to relisten to it to make sure, I believe they just took the original soundtrack, which contains the word "Coruscanta"


    So ironically, they got the song wrong.

  18. Yeah I remember Republic Commando, I still sometimes listen to the songs from that on youtube. That's the kind of Mandalorian I like. The culture based on family and honor not the merciless pillager type. Honor and mass murder don't work well together.


    Ya, Traviss wrote extensively on Mandalorians. She even created an English-Mando'a dictionary that you can use to look up words in Mando'a. Link

  19. Mandalorian Culture, at least at the time of the movies, is a little screwed up due to the TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


    If you go by TCW's definition, they are either sociopathic Terrorists (Deathwatch) or Pacifists.


    If you go by the Republic Commando series' definition (Which is much better, I think), they have an entire culture based on honor and combat.


    Notable places to learn more about the "True" Mandalorians:


    1) Republic Commando (Both the novel series by Karen Traviss, and the Video Game. The Video Game's soundtrack has Mando'a Lyrics, Mando'a being the Mandalorian's language) NOTE: The Novel series was, and will never be, completed due to the before-mentioned SW:TCW completely steamrolling the lore. But the 5 books that are in the series are a very good read.


    2) KOTOR and KOTOR 2. Both talk a lot about the Mandalorian Wars, and Mandalorian culture, mainly though Canderous Ordo.


    3) Boba Fett: A Practical Man. A short story by Traviss that takes place shortly before the beginning of the New Jedi Order series.


    4) Every third book in the Legacy of the Force series. They where written by Traviss, and she put in a lot of references to her other Star Wars books, like all the authors did.

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