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Everything posted by droideka_

  1. Recklessness/8v8/Sorc 10895006 overall heals http://i.imgur.com/76529lp.png Recklessness/8v8/Sage 10154.96 HPS http://i.imgur.com/7tGhTux.png Recklessness/8v8/Sorc 5836460 dmg taken http://i.imgur.com/BPdYkgc.png
  2. idk if this is still updated, but why not. Recklessness Sorc Damage taken, #1 11341977 dmg taken http://i.imgur.com/buNGG47.png Recklessness Sorc 4v4 HPS, #1 9051.12 HPS http://i.imgur.com/UA9N3C8.png Recklessness Sorc 4v4 Overall heals, #1 7948313 overall heals http://i.imgur.com/E0LgPlp.png Recklessness Sorc 8v8 HPS, #2 9739.42 HPS http://i.imgur.com/dFc5VOS.png Recklessness Sage 8v8 Overall heals, #4 8510439 overall heals http://i.imgur.com/hcgzTIQ.png
  3. Recklessness 8v8 Sorc 7231511 dmg taken i.imgur.com/k78CW3o.png Recklessness 4v4 Sorc 8450398 dmg taken i.imgur.com/ieor5fT.png Recklessness 8v8 Sorc 10519.31 HPS i.imgur.com/Ldq4reY.png Recklessness 4v4 Sorc 10630.92 HPS i.imgur.com/KsPy9hq.png Recklessness 4v4 Sorc 9136710 overall heals i.imgur.com/SAbtAz6.png Recklessness 4v4 Sorc 9270693 overall heals i.imgur.com/kSYG87q.png
  4. Heya. I'm interested in buying. I sent you a PM with how to contact me in-game
  5. Since there's so many, I consolidated the records. All from my sorc Recklessness, 8v8s. If you want me to leave the original format let me know, just figured this was easiest for multiple records. 36428 biggest hit - i.imgur.com/s6iCWYN.png 4693270 overall damage - i.imgur.com/PHMaDHg.png 5382.74 DPS - i.imgur.com/w8qdY7c.png 5136416 damage taken - i.imgur.com/hBmBHEh.png 67 overall kills - i.imgur.com/sVh0aOQ.png 32514 biggest heal - i.imgur.com/vL4yrHm.png
  6. Recklessness 8v8 Sorc 10014.34 HPS + 30403 biggest heal i.imgur.com/kJDbWVt.png
  7. Aw, c'mon. On Prog, pubs have always dominated. Been that way since like 2.0 lol. I am surprised that wzs still pop on Prog though -- last time I was there it was more or less dead. Glad to hear otherwise.
  8. Recklessness 8v8 Sorc 9491.19 HPS i.imgur.com/bZbxPcr.png
  9. Recklessness 4v4 6657993 overall heals i.imgur.com/1acb77k.png Recklessness 4v4 8962.68 HPS i.imgur.com/lk9m9ct.png
  10. removed due to getting a higher record ... lol
  11. Recklessness 8v8 Sorc 9060762 overall heals i.imgur.com/6v5Rubm.png
  12. I'll just, uh, leave this here. 8.4m sage heals, 8.2k HPS.
  13. I think I possibly may know why the issue is bugged - BUT if you've done this and still don't have it, chances are this isn't the problem and it's actually bugged. Taken from the official Legendary Level Guide: Apparently, when I got my Flashpoint Master Achievement, it marked as complete and I do not think I've done both versions of those flashpoints. I didn't realize you needed both versions of it. Therefore, I'm going to try doing both versions (I've only done them on Imp Side) and report back if this does happen to be the case. EDIT: Doing both imp and pub versions of Assault on Tython & Korriban Incursion DOES NOT give you the Flashpoint Master achievement. It is true that you only need to do each HM FP once.
  14. Yep, this is not correct. Volatile Saber/Staff, Ziost Guardian, Tythonian/Derelic, etc. all have the tuning slot
  15. Haha, true. In any case, and although you are right, I still saw no reason for the capper to be insulted like that. unfortunately most players are more focused on kills/medals though instead of winning or the objectives, which ultimately leads to a loss anyways. However, I do agree with you.
  16. I'll give you that much. It does depend on the situation, as one warzone will never be the same as the next. On another subject, however, I don't understand why some people don't listen or participate as a team in WZs. After all, it is a group effort, not a solo one. Still, regardless of what goes down, bashing someone is wrong. Speaking of which, this reminds me of another incident... The 2nd pylon round was about 1min in, and someone successfully caps the other pylon. However, another group member starts insulting the capper, calling them names, etc. (All because the enemy pylon was capped too early). I mean, maybe it's not exactly a good thing, but the person made an effort to help the team despite the timing. Why the need for hate? If anything, it at least prevents the enemy from gathering orbs as they would shift their focus to recapping their pylon.
  17. My experience was just a tad strange. Got a queue where the tank simply refused to turn sprint on. Besides that, was pretty much a smooth run.
  18. You're right, forgot about that. Good point, though. It is possible to be on the top of your team when guarding, but sometimes it's difficult. In any case, I was more or less referring to those who aren't node-guards; though, sometimes you get the ones where all they do is complain whilst guarding
  19. I especially love people that flame others but end up below everyone else or even whoever they're flaming in particular. Or, those that are flaming others but don't actually contribute to the team in any way. One example of this is a wz I recently played in. The person joined in a tad late, but we weren't losing that bad (considering we didn't start out with a full team). They ended up top of our team, though when trying to be a good sport about losing and stating that it was a good game regardless, the person just launched into a whole "no, it wasn't, you guys all sucked", etc. Note how they mentioned everyone but themselves sucked. When I called inc many times and gave out instructions in case someone didn't know what to do (because we actually were winning at one point) only a few bothered to read chat. Of course, though, this person did nothing but complained about how everyone but they sucked, yet they never did what they complained about everyone else sucking at (interrupting caps, responding to incs, etc.)
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