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Everything posted by dupadupatocy

  1. I took arround 20 attempts to try to get them down, but I can't - even on story mode. Every hit from them is about 14k - 16k while grav round ~40k. Fight lasts no more than 10 seconds till they get my companion down and then me. I tried different companion roles, approaches, including interruptions and nothing gets me closer. I have gear 236, decent 7.5 dps and no chance to beat them. Is there any tactics here to follow, or does they messed up these two mobs in the latest version? I'm stuck on this chapter and can't move through. Can anyone help or does anyone know what's the tactics here?
  2. SIGNED I've played sent a lot for the last year, and prev to 3.0 I could feel the power of BURST on PVE and PVE. It was amazing! I literaly could DPS-chase commandos and guardians doing lots of mob AOE damage relaying only on my single target damage, and I still could win it! Now it's a joke. It feels like playing paper doll with no power to do some decent damage, not to mention pretect yourself. They teased us with unbeatable two-sword hardcore damage inflicting bastard and delivered crazy aunt with glowing brooms that nobody respects anymore. WHAT A HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BABY!
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