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10 Good
  1. i had power mode in, and shield augment installed, it doesnt add force power. As soon as i switched to cynosure shield i bought from pvp vendor i received the correct stats with +1000 force power i missed.
  2. The gray helix defelector shield isnt working as it should. its supposed to add +1004 force power on my assasin tank, but it adds 0. It still adds all the rest stats such as mastery and power in a normal way. This was discovered through painfull obvservation of my dps numbers comparing to my shadow, wich has much less power and mastery stats but somehow does much more force damage Pls fix it ASAP
  3. Totally agree. There should be more challenge in all that fighting. And not only in KOTFE, but at lower levels also. Companions have become so imbalanced, they can solo all fightings even without you - making u feel like who is the real hero? me> or my comp, that has more hp, damage ( especially with this sync system on lower lvl planets). My Qyzen with his 19k hp as tank kills a 35 k hp boss killik on ALderaan. Do you think thats the way companions should act? its becoming clearely evident that in all quest conversations the most popular character answer should be "a child could do this" or "my comp can solo it, ill go drink some tea".
  4. One thumb up for voice acting those dialogues. I was really frustrated too to see them as they are. Unvoiced
  5. I'm damn glad i have a healer operative, who could finish the flashpoint alone with his faithfull HK, otherwise it would have been a disaster. Shame for you Bioware!
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