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Posts posted by Nazdika

  1. There is no "best class" except the one, you like to play the most. Each has its peculiarities, often more than one with the different skill trees. Actually, I find the balance of the class system one of the most felicitous aspects in the game. Furthermore, the player matters more than the class in terms of pretty much anything, and how the class fits his/her play style. The best we could do, is point out pros and cons of each class. Rather many threads about that already though, so tbh I currently do not have the time to write it up yet again.
  2. Hi, welcome to a young fellow sage healer :)


    Best thing might be, to have someone talk you through a FP. I have some chars in your range on Shadowlands, Red Eclipse, and T3-M4. If you are on any of those servers, and want that, let me know. Otherwise, apart of the many good tips above:


    The long answers you will find here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=745366 - it is a guide for a fully grown level 55 sage healer.


    A LOT of new words, which most do not apply yet, so I am not sure it is a great help RIGHT now. Eventually though, do read through such guides. Gadzillion tips of the trade to be found.


    What is helpful even now, is the skill tree, though: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GRbbdRrorGhoZbc0MZoM.3


    With level 25 you will have 16 skill points to allocate. When I start a new sage healer, I usually get the reduced force cost (inner strength), and additional force (mental longevity) in the telekinetic tree early. Then I work on the seer tree to level 3, where the cost of force armor is reduced. Then I get additional willpower in the balance tree (will of the jedi). That is arbitrary a bit, you can very well work entirely on seer tree in the beginning, to make force armor more useful asap.


    Tactical FPs are a bit different from the rest. In all other group instances your main job is, to keep the tank alive. Which you can only do, when you are alive, of course. Second job is, to keep dps alive, so that they can do damage. When the boss is in its last pixels of health, one might win the fight by healer-suicide. But that is rare. Therefore the healing priority above:

    1) yourself

    2) tank

    3 dps.


    You will get a feeling for how low you yourself can drop in health. To heal yourself you have "force mend", use that rather earlier than later, since it has a cooldown. Also, always bring medpacks for yourself.


    "Force armor" is your "opener" so to speak, for a long time kinda the most important skill for the sage healer. Slang word is "the bubble". You want to bubble the tank asap, and keep him/her bubbled when he/she gets damage. I throw it on him before he "pulls" = before he first attacks the enemies. IF you yourself get attacked, you bubble yourself as well, also whoever else gets aggro. (Mind, that throwing the bubble generates "healer-aggro" which means, you can get attacked for it, if the tank has not built up enough aggro yet. So it does matter a bit, when you apply it. But that you will find out soon enough. Either before the pull, or after the tank has built up his "attraction" to the enemy, both are good moments to bubble players.)


    So, after bubble, what you need to be aware of, is which skill does how much healing in what time. So far, all your skills have a cast time, so you need to plan a bit. "Deliverance" is your strongest heal at the moment, but has a long cast time. "Benevolence" is a weaker heal, but faster. So, if you see someone will die shortly, bubble him asap, cast benevolence on him. All other times, rather use deliverance, since its force costs per heal are lower than benevolence.


    If someone asks you to "cc an enemy", that means, you immobilize an enemy for 60 secs. with "force lift" (cc = crowd control - a general MMO term, not just healer specific. Sage just has a good cc skill early on.) Mind, that this pulls aggro, so you may want to bubble yourself first.


    One last thing: be careful when to use "force wave". It pushes enemies back, that come too close which must sound neat to many people. But, a dps may just have started his AoE (area of effect) attack, that would have killed all those nasties, that want to eat the healer. You pushing them away may destroy that plan entirely, and they will have to shoot them down one by one. So if you can survive it by bubbling yourself, and do have attentive dps with you, rather use the bubble, and stand still, so they can AoE them.


    Second after thought: when you do have enemies on you, but not such an add wave, that the dps can take care of fast, do run towards the tank, not away. With that he has a chance to take them off you with a taunt. If you run away, most times, it makes it pretty much impossible to save you. Except you know, you can "LoS" the enemy. That means, put something in his "Line of Sight", so that he cannot see and therefore not attack you. But for a good LoS one needs to have quite a bit of knowledge about the enemy and the terrain, so running towards the tank is probably most often the best bet right now.


    And the last and most important thing:


    Do never forget EVERYONE has started once


    And, VERY MANY forget that fact


    So do not let yourself be discouraged. Coming here and asking shows, that you want to learn. Good players are the ones that want to learn, not those that (supposedly) already know everything. One thing I always do in a new instance though, is to warn the group, of what I do not know. There are many good reasons for wanting to get through an instance fast, and an inexperienced healer can destroy that plan rather profoundly (and costly).

  3. I leveled sage, and sorc healer. As soon as the chars got a serious DPS companion, leveling as healer got about as fast as in DPS tree. As soon as you have the bubble you do not need a tank companion except maybe for few bosses, at all. In case you want to go DPS tree for leveling, and do want to heal in endgame, I suggest to heal FPs while leveling, regardless. There is a lot of routine that goes into the spinal chord, so to speak. Would need field respec, or a visit to the mentor each time. Field respec comes in handy later on anyway, btw.
  4. Furthermore, avoiding boss mechanics needs a person to be used to moving around


    Jedi Consular:



    TZ-27 Annihilator Droid. If you don't move away from it and you're not using overgeared Tharan during Overloaded prepare to die fast.


    Congrats for quoting only half the sentence therefore missing the meaning entirely ;)


    Sage healer is a good example of what I mean though. Even when one has played FPs while leveling, one needs serious adjusting to watching the health of 8, or even 16 people, while a gadzillion other things need attention, and actions.


    Let alone the many who find groupfinder, and fleet-chat not quite to their liking, and therefore rarely to never play FPs. I cannot blame them, for sure. I used to take guildies through the low level FPs and tell them the boss mechanics of the 55er FPs before listing with them in the 55er FPs themselves. Amazing how many really talented players have not seen those FPs in SM.

  5. By lvl 55, I expect you to understand your role and be able to perform it. Understand your class and AC skills. Being able to understand and avoid basic boss mechanics. Understand the minimum gear requirement for content. Do not show up to a lvl 55 HM FP wearing greens. This is pretty basic stuff that you should have learned over the course of around 30-50 hours to get to lvl 55.


    It is fair to expect that, IMO. And also fair to leave a group where the players do not live up to your expectations.


    You did not do the following, I just continue my thought from here: It is not fair to give anyone crap for not living up to one's own expectations. If someone has leveled with few or even no group content, he is simply not at that point when he hits 55. One can read the tooltips for hours, how one applies the skills in real situations, and most often even under stress, is another thing by far. Furthermore, avoiding boss mechanics needs a person to be used to moving around with 7 other people, used to watching several things on screen, that one never needs during leveling, etc.


    There are as many valid ways to play this game as there are players (within reasonable limits, EULA for example). Leveling without group content is completely valid IMO. At 55 one either has to stop playing or doing group content, though. So the likelihood to get 55ers in a group who have not played much group content is higher than many think.


    I would really just like to see more honesty in where one comes from, and how one wants to play. Entirely not necessary to belittle anyone for having a different taste in play style, and therefore less experience. But entirely not necessary to pay rep bills just because someone did not tell he is new, either.


    About linking achievements: after about a decade of raid leading in different games, I have to say the following: there are extremely many people who do not organize raids ever, themselves, but have such a big mouth about how it should be done. Raid leading is kinda like working as an entertainer for free. I do take the liberty to set the rules I want when I am working for free. If this evening I am NOT in the mood to explain each and every mechanic on each and every boss, I feel completely entitled to ask for E+E, or achievements, or whatever on ANY group I am organizing, SM or not. Anyone is completely entitled to find that elitist, I could not care less. Let's talk again when that person has a couple years of organizing under his belt.

  6. Phasenwechsel generell, Rückkehr eines Gefährten von derselben Crew Fähigkeit und schlicht Warten ändert die Missionsliste. Ich hab mal ne Weile bissi Buch geführt, Phasenwechsel war da klar die schnellste Variante um eine bestimmte Missi zu erhalten. Rückkehr eines Gefährten vom gleichen Beruf benutze ich manchmal, wenn ich eh grad noch 2.5 Minuten was zu tun hab mit dem Char oder ich die Phase nicht wechseln kann.


    Phasenwechsel: z.B. von i-wo auf dein Schiff oder retour. Brauchst nichts anderes machen, keine Gefährten los schicken etc.

    Rückkehr eines Gefährten: z.B. ne Tier 1 Missi laufen lassen, die noch nen kleinen Gewinn bringt. Dauert rund 2.5 Minuten.


    Generell ist das System halt auf Dauerlauf ausgerichtet. Sprich: dauernd Gefährten los schicken in verschiedenen Tiers und Stapel anlegen von allem, was in naher Zukunft brauchen wirst. Über mehrere Tier gesehen gibt es immer gute Missis.

  7. Now, personally, I suggest doing the main storyline on Oricon. This will give you a starting set of gear you can use (i'm not sure what the rating is of the Oricon gear, so your current gear may already be better or equal to it).


    One gets the main items in 156 rating, that is hands, chest, boots, legs, head. Where you have a higher rating, forget it, where not, do it. Definitely worth it.

    After that, you can do several different things to start gearing up. The 1st option is to do plenty of 55 HM FPs for Elite Comms so you can purchase elite gear.


    55 FPs currently give you 10 ultimate commendations per day + 30 ultis per week which get you 180 rated items. Highly recommended to get those. SM 55 OPs give you tokens,which are traded for items that are superior to commendation-bought items of the same rating. When it is head, chest, gloves, legs, boots those give you set boni.


    Doing Terror from Beyond and Scum & Villany the first time will get you 2 mass manipulation generators each. Main hand barrel / hilt are the most important mods, so many invest those mmg there (2 mmg + 8 isotop-5 + 8EEE).

  8. Mein Ratschlag an dich:

    Geh zu Doofmarkt oder Geilladen, sag denen was du spielen willst und kauf was die dir empfehlen. Das ist dann zwar in der Regel überteuert, und wird auch nicht perfekt in dein Anforderungsprofil passen. Aber das ist ja relativ egal, da du offenbar keine Ahnung von Hardware hast und somit den vergebenen Möglichkeiten sowie dem überzogenen Preis nicht nachtrauern wirst. Sondern einfach glücklich sein wirst mit deiner Doofmarkt Maschine.


    So far


    Was daran unfreundlich ist? Gute Frage. Geh doch zu Arsch-Coach und frag mal, wie man mit normalen Leuten kommuniziert.

  9. Für viele Gefährten kann man auch bei Dailies Zuneigung farmen. Hab nicht alle durch probiert. Aber alle Hs, die Gespräche beinhalten, würd ich mal ausprobieren, falls knapp an Kasse bist für die Geschenke. Bzw. dann, wenn die Geschenke echt ins Geld gehen können. Ashara's Zuneigung z.B. kann man auf Belsavis gut farmen (nicht Sektion X, sondern normales Belsavis). Black Talon und Esseles funzen nur für den jeweils ersten Gefährten.
  10. i really wished that everyone were like you guys. there was an occasion this guy just looked at my gear at the start and said OMg you guys arent geared enough. and just left the group.


    Good riddance. Some may have little time to rush through the daily FP. And some may just be psychos.


    What I just remembered too though: I do hope you already invested in a +41 crystal from CM a long time ago ;) Whichever stat you need. Some colors are not THAT expensive on GHN. And about the guild, on my main server most of the guilds have kinda alliances with other guilds. Due to friendship, or similar play-style or other reasons. Even if you are in a guild with friends, maybe find an alliance. Or maybe even join a friendly guild as a whole.

  11. Until you know the mechanics of the 55 FPs, you may get some flac for whatever you are doing, in my experience with GF. Just let people know in the beginning, you are new. It is somewhat annoying to find out someone woulda needed explanations after +10k rep costs each ;) We all have started someday, so it is not a shame in the least. It helps though, to know the respective FPs in SM, IMO. And gear-wise, 180+ is by far not needed on anyone to breeze through them with 4 people. Giving someone a hard time for 156 gear is a bad joke, really.


    About gear in general: Remember that SM Terror from Beyond, and Scum & Villany get you 2 mass manipulation generators for the first run, each. Invest those in 180 hilt / barrel as soon as you can. That is, as soon as you can afford the 8 isotop-5, and 8 exotic equalizers that are needed for each hilt / barrel. Isotop-5 you get with basic comms (35 per), or in Toborro's Courtyard mini-OP. EEEs seem to be so common these days, you will soon swim in them ;) On the servers I am playing it is completely fine to "need" them.

  12. You can also report the bug ingame by writing Customer Service a ticket.


    If you want to never hear of it again (and meet the bug the next time you are in the same situation) choose bug report as category of your ticket. In case you want an answer, choose any other category. The answer may or may not be according to your wishes or expectations though ;)

  13. There isn't one argument against parsing. If he won't parse it's because he's afraid it will show him to be a ****** player, that's it.


    Tell him to parse or he can't raid with you guys.


    There are valid arguments against parsing. Main goal of a raid, WZ, whatever, is to WIN. Several classes *shine* where parsing does not show it.

  14. That is impossible, because the missions you aren't always available and in order for them to appear you need to do others you don't want.


    Nope. Changing phase works, too. Depends on your computer how fast that works, for me it is few seconds. I do sometimes run the shortest level 1 mission to reset the list, those 95 credits, or whatever it is, are well spent when I cannot change phase. Changing phase is faster, and with those missions where I actually wrote it down for a while, was bringing up the desired mission with fewer changes than missions run.

  15. Just curious, if you have multiple nodes in your stronghold, and you get resource exhaustion on one of them, does that mean that none of them are farmable until the lockout timer runs out?


    It is a debuff on a char, so that char cannot farm any of those nodes. Any other char without the debuff still can, though.

  16. so i just logged back in the character that was crafting 2x purple resolve augment 28, and i see only 1 augment crafted...

    did that damn robot C2-N2 just fail? there was no message or anything about it.

    i have max affection with the droid, and +5 synthweaving critical sensor equipped on him.


    so CAN a crafting actually fail? or was i just bugged out somehow?


    i am afraid to offer craft anything for guildies now... those thermal regulator are rare stuff and if i fail i'll have to buy them myself...


    Just making sure: did you check the entire inventory for it? I sometimes do not notice when there is a free spot somewhere (last mat used with the crafting), and the first item goes somewhere in the middle of the inventory. A fail has never happened to me. I craft many items every day since a rather long time (breaks for vacation ;)) If it can happen, it is a very recent change and very rare.

  17. I've been reading some armor and weapon modding guides for my Sith Assassin deception build and I'm curious about what stats to raise. I know what willpower, endurance, power, etc do, but the guides say power to 70 etc. does this mean 70 points? Some say a percentage. Where do I locate these numbers on my characters in game?


    Go to character menu (by default press C, or find it in menu), at the bottom of that window there are numbers. Right above the numbers you can choose what to see: Melee, Defense, Force, PvP. Choose Force and mouse over the numbers. For example critical chance you see a line like:


    Willpower (<absolute number>): +<percentage>% (for example from my sorc: willpower (3000): +8%)


    In this example, the number in brackets is the total of the willpower stat you have from all your gear, and the % the crit. chance you get from just this stat. This kind of information is really interesting, so I suggest you check through all the numbers there. In general, the number in brackets matters, since all calculating is done with those, like diminishing returns, etc. What exactly the guide says that you were reading, I do not know. I would assume if they do not mention % it is the number in brackets.

  18. F2P cannot send mail to other players. It stinks, but it also makes sense to have it as a restriction. Imagine having your mail flooded with messages sent by gold/credit sellers. That would be a pain.


    Source: http://www.swtor.com/free/features


    OP asked about sending mail TO f2p, not getting FROM. I did send to f2p a couple of times, and they received it, so I have no clue. And would like to know more, too. Wonder whether OP is sure, they did not get it.

  19. KDY seems indeed a very fast way. Not my fave, because I left farming a couple years ago, and just cannot make me do it again. But YMMV. What I personally do is get the legacy unlock for explo exp, and depending what I plan to do with the char, also FP exp, WZ or others (check the legacy unlocks for your options). Explo exp does seem like little, but with time it is a lot of additional exp.


    I do the story lines, see that my chars are decently equipped (i.e. exchange mods etc. every 4 levels), so that the char does deep red quests easy enough. And do WZ or FP dailies, and weeklies, depending on what exp boost in legacy unlock I got for him or her. If you have or find a friend to level with, that speeds up the process quite a bit, too. The complimentary exp boosts I keep for the last levels. 46+ is a drag to me otherwise. If one has credits, or KM, one can buy exp boosts. They do help a lot if used wisely.


    To fill up few levels, if one has the credits, one can speed level the companions, and then speed talk the quests with them. It is actually quite nice exp, and if one does not want to enjoy the stories, done fairly fast. Helps to check out what is the cheapest way to level a certain comp.

  20. Agreed. A group where a 156 geared DPS is doing the most damage is likely in general not geared well. A DPS can wipe such a group even before Nefra. During Nefra, I guess one can just let him die when he is doing too badly. Because, keeping a badly moving DPS up during that fight with low gear, can be rather annoying for a healer. Anyway though, 14 people thinking he did sub-par, 1 guildie who backed him up or not, maybe time to get over the story and learn something. And be it only how to fill the igno list.
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