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Posts posted by Nazdika

  1. even the story quests from the rise of the Hutt Cartel gives 12 exp.


    With that he means the storyline you find under "Makeb" in the questlog, that one can start from L47 onwards, on one's ship. As he mentions, 12x only up to level 55, though. Some used to get a bit higher by stacking quests, and handing them in when they are a sliver away from L55. I figure that you may have started that story line in that other galaxy already.


    Apart of that, welcome back. Equipping has changed a bit, but more importantly the former structure of the skill trees is gone. But if you are fine with the remnants of the consular story in your memory, and read up a bit on the changes, you should do fine. My memory has more the structure of swiss cheese, than anything else, except, definitely more holes than cheese ;) YMMV though.

  2. Und genau diese EP ist die level Leiste.

    Und da willst du einen weis machen, das sich Abo nicht aufs leveln auswirgt? :(:D *Kopfschüttel*


    Du hast geschrieben, leveln ist unmöglich ohne Abo. Das ist schlicht falsch. Das Ruhe-Exp, das du zitierst, macht das Leveln für Abos etwas schneller, aber selbst ohne 12x Erfahrungsschub macht es den kleineren Teil der Erfahrung aus.


    Dass sich Abo selbstverständlich auswirkt, bestreitet wohl niemand. Z.B. ist zur Zeit der 12x Schub auf Klassenmissionen nur für Abonenten. Aber auswirken != unmöglich. Es ist sehr wohl möglich, zu leveln, ohne einen Cent reales Geld zu investieren. Es ist nur einiges langsamer und der Loot ist kleiner.


    Und zur Frage von OP: Ja. :) Mit Spielzeitkarte zahlt man pro Monat ca. 9 Euro. Das ist wo ich wohne ca. 1 Kinoeintritt. Dafür spiel ich zig Stunden monatlich. Endgame macht schon Spass. Ist halt ganz anders, als das Leveln, eigentlich fast ein anderes Spiel. Beim Leveln erleben die meisten Leute sehr gerne die Story, man kann locker allein oder auch mit mehreren unterwegs sein. Im Endgame ist die Story sehr klein, hat man schnell gesehen. Man kann noch dailies alleine machen, all zu spannend sind die aber nicht. Im engeren Sinn Endgame sind Raids in Gruppen und die sind schon gelungen, finde ich. Storymode ist generell recht einfach, und Hc dann schon ne Herausforderung. Für Hc suchen sich die meisten eine Gilde, was halt etwas Planung und ab und an das auch aus anderen Games bekannte Drama mit sich bringt.

  3. I'm aware that many groups are happy to explain and I would be as well, but that is not everyone. What if no one that queued knew the FP? Do you just wipe for 3 hours and call it a day?


    1) when someone says in the beginning, he is new, anyone not fine with that is welcome to leave. If it is more than one person not fine with it, they can just ask him to leave. I agree that there is no entitlement to anything. But that goes both ways, no entitlement when you list for a RANDOM group to get the top 10% of players, too.


    2) there are those among us who have *gasp* other things in life to deal with than the game. Preparing a friggin FP for hours just because some players are too lazy to spend 5 minutes explaining? If it was a complicated OPs boss, ok, but the FP bosses are explained with 1-3 sentences. Bonus boss in Manaan may take 4 from time to time.


    3) which of the current FPs would you personally need 3 hours of wiping to get the mechanics? Just curious.


    4) there is no reason whatsoever to expect other players to accomodate for one's own wishes. If you expect new players to prepare a simple FP for hours before listing for a RANDOM group, from now on, I totally expect that everyone who wants a speed run, only runs with guildies. Naturally, my expectation is much more valid than yours. So obvious, really. ;)


    5) as someone else said, worst are not the new ones, that admit it in the beginning (and therefore signal, that they WANT to learn). The worst are those that think they are superpro, and blame others for their shortcomings.


    Nutshell: when one is listing for a random group, one gets random players. Fail has not much to do with being new, and very much with blaming others.


    To OP: I personally absolutely love PuGs for anything below the current top tier content (i.e. Hc 60 OPs) so I run with random groups a LOT. The vast majority of PuGs is positive, some VERY positive, some less so. Outright bad experiences I have very rarely. It will depend on server, though. Some are more poisonous than others. It may be a good idea to add good peeps to f-list, and look around for a guild that you like. Other than that, as someone else said, hope you can shrug it off, hope you can enjoy the friendly groups even more, now that you have seen a bad one.


    Allerdings mit Vorsicht zu geniessen, weil die Tabelle sehr alt ist. Z.B benötigt man die Artifaktberechtigung für lila Gear auf den Level 1-50, wenn man die Spieleerweiterung "Aufstieg des Huttenkartells" hat, kann man lila Gear Level 51 aufwärts benutzen ohne Freischaltung.


    Ausführlicher ist alles hier zu finden: http://www.swtor.com/de/support/helpcenter/6451

  5. As for conquest, the costs involved in placing top ten are FAR higher because crafting is the only way to make it happen, which means running missions and buying materials to craft War Supplies. Not to mention you are totally dependent on other guildies participating.


    Depends on the guild, and I guess on the server. For a small guild that is not doing GF, not doing WZs, not doing GSF, it is true I guess. Otherwise flat out wrong on all 3 servers that I am active on. Even small guilds can get into top ten rather easily these days, without using crafting to achieve it.

  6. Pretty much this.

    There are privacy issues involved in letting you ignore an entire Legacy.



    There are? Which? They can let me ignore the entire legacy without reveiling any other chars. I do not see a privacy issue, in that case.


    Where I DO see a privacy issue is in the fact that i get a gold spam whisper every thirty minute this very moment. The char logs out within seconds after what seem to be mass whisper, 30 minutes later another char with a similar jndf name whispers, and logs. Quickly searching who-screen shows level 1 chars on beginner planets. Typing a message to them takes too long, they are gone. Since several people complain about the same whisper in chat of the respective planet, it must be mass spamming.


    Even IF there is an argument, I am currently not thinking of, justice and law is often a matter of weighing different goods. Supposed privacy issue noticed by 2-3 people, vs tormenting hundreds of players with whispers every couple minutes during WZ, OPs, anywhere. And no, switching off whisper entirely is not an acceptable solution.


    Edit: forget 30 min. every 9 min now. several times per FP. screw some obscure privacy issues.

  7. Now that you mention it. Happened to me, lately, I thought I had forgotten to accept the mission rewards before. Which seemed rather odd in a mission that takes 5 minutes, the usual window plopping open, and zero reason to not accept it. Cannot be 100% sure yet, since I was afk in between quickly. But so far, I have no other signs of dementia :D


    Will keep an eye on it.

  8. Why can't I craft a level 50 barrel for a mainhand pistol? Makes no sense. Anyone?


    I tried to reproduce that, and couldn't. I.e. crafted barrels I could put into any weapon without changing its useability. If you really put a *freshly* crafted barrel in, and it turned mainhand off, I would write a ticket. If you put a bought barrel into it, then what above posters mentioned applies, the barrel is slot-bound, and will make the weapon the same, as long as said barrel is in the weapon.

  9. Not even a little bit of a lie...it was the best information he had at the time. Did you happen to read how the team worked through the night and got the issue resolved?


    Very moving, yes. And? The way Eric phrased it, made it a lie. What he really seemed to mean was "we are looking into postponing it... " What he said was "We are NOT going to..."



    Yesterday , 11:33 PM | #12


    Hey folks,


    We are not going to have a maintenance tomorrow.



    Having a maintenance today makes this a lie. Very sorry.


    With this I drop out of this thread. I have to go tell my friends not to believe my words anymore, when I quote Musco.

  10. You're sick.


    Revising a decision is not a lie. Posts like yours are the reason they prefer not to post at all over keeping us informed even if the current state might change again.


    LOL. Yes, being used to promises being held is completely sick. I prefer no information to wrong one, indeed.


    If they "revise" their decision tomorrow about the duration of the Gree event, all the guys and gals that now took off days from work next week, you are going to call sick too, huh. Wonder who is the sick one here ;)


    Mind you, if he had said something like "we are looking into whether we can postpone it..." that would have been accurate.

  11. Yesterday , 11:33 PM | #12


    Hey folks,


    We are not going to have a maintenance tomorrow. I will pop back onto the forums tomorrow at some point and let you know when that maintenance will be happening.


    Thanks everyone!




    LOL. Thanks for the transparency indeed. Over here, this is called a lie. Bad form, BW, bad form.

  12. I like the current market for the crafters, and where it is going. Still easy to make huge profits. At the same time, the young ones do not pay astronomical prices anymore for gear, or can save the resources for convenience gear like modable droid armor, etc.
  13. I know it's my choice and all that but I would like to get the opinions of others on what would be the better main hand weapon upgrade: the Virtuous Strategist lightsaber or the Righteous Harbinger lightsaber. With everything else being equal the only difference between them is that the Virtuous Strategist gives me +8 strength while the Righteous Harbinger is -11 strength and +19 willpower.


    I'm kind of leaning towards the Righteous Harbinger because I think that the additional willpower might offset the loss in strength but I'm not sure. I'm playing a Guardian if that matters. Your opinions?


    As a guardian you have no use whatsoever for willpower in any piece of equipment. Zero, nil, nada. Datacrons you can pick up, if you like, otherwise, stay away from willpower. What you need is strength (or as tank the 3 tank stats).


    Each class has only one main stat. jedi knight, and sith warrior have strength as main stat. Sage and inquisitor have willpower, trooper and bounty hunter have aim, smuggler and agent have cunning.

  14. Vendor 186 should be fine for heals too if you know your class but you might struggle a bit depending on how good others are. Dps: vendor 186 without augments is fine for SM. But as dps your highest priority is 100%/110% accuracy so try to get as close to that as possible. I'd imagine 98,5+ is fine for dps in SM.


    Healers can fare well in 180ies with some 162 set boni in ravagers. In the new OPs the job of the healer depends hugely on the skill of the group. One can gasp for air, and move from heartattack to the next in 192 including setboni, or have a walk in the park in 186s.


    That said, below 186, and now sprinkled in 190s where appropriate, I would not show up in a PUG for ravagers, these days. Speaking zero set boni. Apart of whether the numbers fit (DPS, eHPS) it shows one did not do the homework. Same goes with understanding the class. Not like it takes a lot of effort to gear in 186s, these days.


    If the raid lead wants better gear, they may ask for e&e = experience & equip. May still get in when you can make them believe that you have b&m = brain & movement ;)

  15. Lohnt sich die Oricon?(Schattenmeister) Questreihe noch mit 55

    oder sollte ich nach Makeb gleich mit SoR durchstarten?


    Questreihe lohnt sich nicht, vom Equip her. Die OPs geben halt die alten Setboni und die sind je nach Klasse in 180/186 Ausführung manchmal besser, als die neuen Setboni.


    Von der Story und dem Spielspass her lohnt sich auch die Questreihe IMO. Das ist aber sicher Geschmacksache.

  16. As for only having it for crafting only I don't see the point, should be for all crew skills. QoL is QoL ... why punish one aspect of crew skills. :p


    Game balance, I guess. I have like 5 slicers, 3 treasure hunters, 3 diplomats, uncountable underworld traders, on my main server, all with best possible crits. Only the chore of logging in is keeping me from sending them non-stop, ALL of them. When working at the other computer I often send the missions out that I need most at the moment, while being mostly afk in the game. If this change would be implemented nothing whatsoever would keep me away from farming about 20 top crit companions non-stop for hours. I only have 14 chars.


    ...as we would still be ideally doing the same amount of work as before...


    Time, and nerves are ressources (loading screen). You make something take less ressources, and expect people to not take advantage of that? Seriously?


    So, even for crafting it would get a resounding NO from me. It is crazy easy to make credits with crafting in this game, at any level. The effect of such a change would scale with the amount of crafters, and the level of those on an account, and the amount of time one can be in the game, playing or not. Such a change would yet again put newer players at a disadvantage, compared to those, who already have all crafts. Same argument not in regards to credits, but conquest points, also. To draw an extreme picture: guilds with accounts with 22 crafters could pretty much dominate conquests, tremendously easier than they do now, already.

  17. Uh, no. Guild flagships can have legacy storage if so equipped. Just popped into mine to make sure. The guild also has a stronghold, so they are not the same thing.


    On top of that, any stronghold of any player, who has a legacy storage, works. With the public listings, it is rather easy to find an accessible one. One needs to be able to do the following:


    - get to fleet (i.e. level 7)

    - get a stronghold (cheapest works, no need to travel there)


    Then go to any of the terminals, find the public listings, select a stronghold, travel, find the legacy storage. No guild needed, few credits needed to buy one initial stronghold.

  18. I have seen this, I also read that they are "toning" down the rewards you get. Does anybody know if this will affect the fact that you get 162 gear by the time you finish the prelude or does it treat the prelude as a separate thing to the solo flashpoint?


    The experience one gains is toned down, compared to when one could do them only once. The gear you get is the same. Or was at least on my twink few days ago.

  19. They do bring back older packs. Recently on a regular basis. So the one with Tulak Hord's set most probably will come back, as well. So, do not give up hope, even if you do not get the items now. And maybe save whichever currency you plan to buy missing items with, when they are back in the market. Credits or cartel coins.
  20. würde ja auch ein screenshoot hochladen, weiß aber auch nicht wie das geht


    Bei imgur.com (zB. Gibt noch andere) ein Konto aufmachen (gratis), Screenshot hochladen, Link hier posten. Imgur fand ich ziemlich intuitiv.


    Generell gesagt hat man meist halt doch ein kleines Zipfelchen vergessen aufzudecken. Es ist eher selten wirklich ein WEG, den man nicht gefahren ist. Wo auch immer du nicht wirklich die natürliche Grenze siehst (zB Felswand) oder der Erschöpfungszone entlang gefahren bist, sondern noch eine Ecke des 6-Ecks vorhanden ist, solltest du nochmal hin und GANZ nahe an die Felswand, bzw. in die Erschöpfungszone rein.

  21. Einfacher zu handhaben klar Gelehrter IMO. Kommando hat ein nicht triviales Ressourcen Management und die Procs des Gelehrten sind überschaubarer, find ich. Und, Kommando ist DER Burst Heiler. Was heisst, ist der Tank knapp am krepieren, burstet der Kommando ihn wieder hoch. D.h. DU bist der "oh-****" button, was erhebliche Planung der fights voraussetzen kann. Ich spiel alle 3 Heilklassen und find Kommando den anspruchsvollsten. Kommt aber sicher auch drauf an, was einem mehr liegt.


    Edit: ähem, joah. Datum nicht angeschaut... nur grad mal 4 Monate alt... :o

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