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Everything posted by Trimaxion

  1. This discussion has got a little silly now. Lets face It, in the real world I could "one shot" Mike Tyson if I crept up behind him with an iron bar.
  2. What I mean is aren't your sources "in universe sources" so reliant on the knowledge of those people compiling them and also that the word "ever" may well be used but at the time of TOR can only refer to the past and present and not possibly be a statement that no one in the future will ever surpass him (sidious or whoever) since the compiler could have no knowledge of the future(or at least not perfect enough). Examination of their actions and abilities however could lead you to conclude one or the other is more powerful, I'm not getting in on THAT debate, though its worth considering that raw-power doesn't always translate to kickassedness. Knowledge and power might but even that's not certain.
  3. I never really understood how anyone ever thought he was. TBH I'm hoping they have extended cameos more than anything else, Just a hand-off to a new generation and popping in here and there. taking on the Obi-wan/Yoda type roles while new actors come to the fore. Although I'd still like to see Han save the day in the falcon.
  4. Just to clarify, and I haven't waded through the whole thread so not sure if its been mentioned/answered, aren't Vitiates accolades contemporary? (ignoring comparisons which could obviously suggest he's stronger than Sidious) Wouldn't that only prove him the strongest sith lord up to the period of SWTOR leaving beyond it in doubt?
  5. The thought occurs that if they want to use extended universe characters they might need permission from the authors and I'd think that if they want to use plots/stories they definitely would? I suppose that might already be included in any contracts or licencing rights though. I wouldn't anticipate any directly lifted stories but I'd be disappointed if there wasn't a Chiss Grand Admiral popping up at some point.
  6. Hope someone puts a bounty on him and we finally get to see a Fett on form.
  7. The good thing is it'll be no worse than if an EU book sucked. There'll be another along in a minute, and another, and another. Some of them will undoubtedly suck and some of them won't but at least we'll get them.
  8. I have absolutely no idea how that happened. I'm blaming my continuity person,
  9. Thrawn will never be as good in a movie as he is in your head. Although It would be interesting to see who they'd get to play him (someone inappropriate probably).
  10. £250 and whatever it costs for a welder. Time however is worth a lot.
  11. Different type of shield in SW, I was under the impression it was their specific type of shield (one that can be passed through slowly which don't exist in star wars?) vs certainly any laser, possibly a lightsaber. Might render the result a draw pretty quickly.
  12. Just a thought but shield generator + lightsaber blade.... Nuclear scale explosion?
  13. To be fair I did forget quite how useless Luke was in the movie (having read ther RotJ book more recently which portrays him in a bit better light) but Theres no guarantee the voice would work on Luke given the differing evolution of the two universes and Paul doesn't get a blaster as per the OP, just a knife. But yeah, at the end of RotJ Lukes pretty screwed and beaten up, maybe it should be just before the final fight in each.
  14. Luke. Pauls prescience would be useless since his life would be in danger, as such all he has are excellent reflexes and bene gesserit fighting techniques against the force enhanced ones of luke and all his other powers.
  15. True enough, however it might be better to work out if your forces could cause the loser to be the winner, helping a foregone conclusion wouldn't hurt but being the tipping point to allow the weaker side to prevail could be VERY lucrative.... But maybe not prevail too fast.
  16. Yes, and I still think those actions could actually in most cases and for most people simply be neutral unless there is emotion and intent behind them which is why the Jedi strive to be dispassionate since if they never feel they never fall. (Winging it now) maybe the Jedi could in the most cases be considered neutral utilising light side as oppose to pure light, light side would be the few altruistic individuals who use power to help others and often fall to the dark side as a consequence since the helping takes a back seat to the power used to help.
  17. I don't really understand the overlevelling moan, it's not like you can't do grey quests for almost no XP to your hearts content, it just becomes optional instead of necessary
  18. perhaps not tactfully put but my point is that : " just as it's hard to imagine some actions normally considered light side as dark side. " suggests there are only two options. Even in the game there's relatively few options that are dark or light side, you can do some pretty evil stuff and not move dark at all.
  19. not even that if you look at useful production, much of it was wasted. Britain's fighter and bomber production outstripped German overall and almost every month throughout the battle of Britain.
  20. I'm not sure we do (unless there's some lore floating about I haven't seen, I haven't read a lot of it) I think we can be pretty certain the sith are defeated but it is conceivable that the empire could win as in the scenario (or similar) that I proposed earlier, it would take some writing and might be a little beyond bioware to make it believable but I live in hope of the surprise twist... Just to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the republic players really.
  21. No such thing as "should sell" It's worth what people are prepared to pay, if they can get it for 5 why the hell should they pay 10 times that? That would be crazy.
  22. Only if you insist on pigeonholing everything into alight or dark, some actions MUST be neutral (getting breakfast for instance, as long as its not eating babies) so there's no reason why many of those actions couldn't also, I still think the light/dark is in the mind of the force wielder and it's about how their psyche twists so some people could do evil actions but remain light orientated whilst others could work for good yet fall to the dark side.
  23. Supply and demand, I guess people have realised they don't Really need a load of junk that badly.
  24. Only it's not, it's quite a valid point if not so well elaborated on. We know that in a few thousand years there is A republic and A jedi order. We can't be certain at this point that that springs directly from a republic victory, the empire could just about conceivably win militarily but wind up becoming a de facto part of the republic with the leader of the empire as a president figure above the chancellor... Few thousand years on and you're back to the republic from The films. It's difficult to create an analogy with earth based events since we know much more of the timeline and ins and outs of things, you'd have to go back to the dark ages or further to draw a parallel. If you knew the Anglo Saxons and the Normans fought for angleland but all you knew after that was that today were in England you might conclude the angles won. The continued existence of the Jedi order would take a bit more explaining however.
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