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  1. I have done all those things, and nothing changed anything. So I am trying to get hold of support. I had just renewed my sub so that is one thing that annoys me.
  2. Hi all, I am trying to figure out what to do, as I had crashed earlier this morning while playing (had no issues up until then) but now, every time I try to launch the game, I hit play and I just get a black screen for 5-10 minutes before it closes and a notification comes up saying that my client cannot be initialized. I have confirmed my drivers are up to date, verified my files on Steam, deleted client settings in my appdata folder for SWTOR...what else can I do? I can't get in game to ask for support through there. And so I am just trying to figure out what suddenly caused my problems.
  3. Yes I did. I went ahead and updated my drivers, going to see if that helps this time.
  4. I just came back to the game after a layoff of several months, and had to redownload the entire game as per support. They told me to download the steam version so I did. Now I have to accept the EULA each time (which is a pain but okay) yet I have no sound whatsoever in game. Cinematics have sound, launcher has sound, every other program on my computer has sound. But nothing in game (music, voice, nothing)... Is there any way to fix this?
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