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Everything posted by Phireside

  1. The direction the Cartel is going is going to ruin this game, then you get lazy peeps like this. dude its easy enough to grind that crap out, get off the forums and get into a warzone, use those dumb XP boost they sell, its easy enough. people are getting lazy anymore with regards to a MMO. go play fable if this is too tough for you gear up in.
  2. Any word on guild upgrades/perks that are worth mentioning? Im still waiting on the guild ships. How about working on that for a while, the guild system in this game is jacked up. First of all: there is a member cap of 500 toons, but no way of cleanly managing inactive members. Legacy seems to be a big hit with the devs, how about changing how "guilding" works, allow us to guild a Legacy opposed to guilding a toon. think about it. change the member cap to a legacy cap, you can only have 500 different legacy's within your guild. when some one creates a new toon, and they already have a toon in a guild(s) give them a pop-up at character creation asking them if they want to join the new toon to one of there existing guilds. As for a guild ship... this should be easy enough for, your all about creating new instances, take some of that dead space you have on the fleets, and create guilded instances. I don't know you could make it look like the inside of a ship or something. I just know as a guild leader your system is broke as hell. how about 1 that's one, a single window to manage guild permissions. its really quite annoying, having to travel to the fleet just to check the permissions on the guild bank!! and why isn't that an option to add to your ship. Get on it Bio, make some real progress and quit catering to the PvP crap. And im aggravated that the new ship parts was not given to the Cybertech as an exclusive PLAYER CREATED item. screw the economy though right?
  3. I dont think this is a bug.. i think this is poor planning and oversight. These are probably items that was planned to be implemented in a different manner, but when you fire half of your work force, sometimes things get forgotten. Then suddenly they need items and "oh Snap" look what they found, items that were already designed and coded are pulled in and placed into Packs, making it look like they have been hard at work. I don't understand the point in Bind on anything to be honest. when the game is gear based, why in the hell would you permanently bind something to a toon. Super epic stuff, maybe... but the crafting professions are plagued with bind on PICKUP <--- that's the level of intelligence behind this wonderfully awful theme park MMO. But i do agree, they need to address those stupid packs. i get the same crap every other time... no randomization for my toons.
  4. I was un aware they WASTED so much material with the GT cards, and why on earth would they not be rechargeable. Again lack of foresight on your part BioWare!! Plastic plastic plastic, don't worry we have plenty of resources to produce these for 100s of years.... /shrug
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