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Everything posted by alphazoolou

  1. It's. childish and selfish. I mean y'all would have a case and I would completly agree if this was something you have trying to do for a year to achieve legacy level 40 to be able to get this new companion then find out folks can just purchase it but it's not. Everyone just recently found out about it and some people happen to already have legacy 40 and want something extra because its going to be available to everyone. absolutely selfish
  2. Now explain how a F2p game generates revenue. It's because of people that purchase things off the CM that this game exists and you are able to play so stop complaining over something that in no way effects yourself other than you not being able to claim video game glory to help your self-esteem
  3. The "no its not" was sarcasm my friend I agree with everything you have said.
  4. Pretty sure if you have a job then you understand the type of people I refer to when I say live off tax payers and obviously it's not individuals that have jobs if you work obviously you do not mooch off others. Have any common sense?
  5. No it's. not!!! some people have no job and have nothing to do all day but live off uncle Sam and play SWTOR all day long and live life doing nothing other than receiving handouts. Yet because A. are worthless and of no dedication to society. or B. live life mooching off mommy and dady. These folks believe they are entitled to some special compensation for something they did not even have to try for they just already meet the requirements and think that because I work 12 hours a day 6 days s week and have a family that it's wrong for me to be able to spend my "earned e" money if I want to be able to receive this companion? That is so selfish and like another poster has said. IT DOES NOT EFFECT YOU so why the uproar?
  6. I use it in emergency situations. To give me time to cast force lift all so healer can heal me up. So I use it as a defensive. power.
  7. Retribution balde is imp side I have all 66 gear with one of my toon and going to be doing a lot of raids starting Monday of next week. your welcome to join in. message Xzulux.
  8. Retribution balde is imp side I have all 66 gear with one of my toon and going to be doing a lot of raids starting Monday of next week. your welcome to join in. message Xzulux.
  9. Whaat server are you on? Retribution blade is a good one on ebon hawk
  10. Yesterday I sold a schematic for 33k.... only paid 200 credits to run the level 3 mission happy day. It sold in only 5 min of me posting it though...... m akes me think I could have asked a lot more.....
  11. I mean is this craft like this for everyone or is or just my bad fortune? ill runner all mission then when they all come back its always the same... only one metals mission.... I have no need for credits I just wannabe be able to craft armoring and mods for lower level guildies
  12. I mean is this craft like this for everyone or is or just my bad fortune? ill runner all mission then when they all come back its always the same... only one metals mission.... I have no need for credits I just wannabe be able to craft armoring and mods for lower level guildies
  13. PLEASE don't badger my spelling. typing on phone and at work so I gotta fast
  14. Why do I have mission I do not need? sense I started crafting my mission log always has around 4 companion gift mission and a few fabric missions but alwways it only give me 1 metals mission at a time which is the only mission I need. My cybertech and scavsging are both over 300+ yet underworld is only 68.... Any way to fix it? don't say log then religion because that foes nothing still gives me 4 useless mission and only 1 metals mission
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