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  1. Main question is if I sub after Oct 27, is it kept forever?
  2. Yeah, its a little confusing, but overall I SHOULD be able to be subbed again by then, but Im thinkin about taking a month break or so.
  3. Will I still be able to get it for free, and yes ik about sub is $15, but the expansion, would it be free still? Even if I sub after?
  4. So here's what I did, I want the hooded version of maul, so I got kreia robes , gonna dye that black, but I'm still stuck on the pants
  5. After 5 days of searching on the GTN, I can not find any armor that actually looks good for a darth maul. I have a BlacknBlack Dye but the chest piece and the legs are the 2 hardest things to find. Any suggestions on what looks good? Thanks
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