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Everything posted by monkeywithtacos

  1. And yet....in the novel Darth Plagueis, there are technically three in existence right up until the end of Episode I in the timeline...Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious (his apprentice), and Darth Maul (Sidious' apprentice, which Darth Plagueis knew about) The novel was a good read and full of interesting little tidbits... I'd recommend it. Great info in this thread as well regarding the "Rule of Two". Thanks.
  2. Sorry, not gonna waste time searching to see if there is another thread on this, but it needs to be posted and hopefully paid attention to.... This game is awesome, but it's a PC game not a freaking console game. It is not Mario Brothers, so stop putting in the requirement to jump over gaps and crap....I was trying to run Arcanium tonight and it was a nightmare. At least put in some type of "tightrope" or beam type sections to walk on. If players have any type of latency issues, or even physical issues for that matter, it is nearly impossible to have to repeatedly jump gaps. And as many know dying repeatedly due to this is beyond frustrating....I'm sure many will troll me on this and I really don't give a womprats arse, it is an issue that needs to be taken into consideration and rectified . Thank you...
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