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Everything posted by Angrise

  1. Trooper is actually my favorite storyline. I main an Imperial Agent, the story most people fawn over, but I found the agent line to be boring. Not as boring as Inquisitor or Warrior, but close.
  2. I'd count yourself lucky and redo a trooper. If they paid attention to these threads, they'd be more likely to revoke the completion for your other 2 classes, rather then add it for the third.
  3. I wouldn't call credit sellers "good luck", but that's just me.
  4. The salt from the tears sustains me.
  5. Do the solo version on Republic side. It still works, and it counts as both fleet datacrons.
  6. Exactly as most have mentioned. Heroics already cater to both types of players. For example, I main OP, and the Nar Shaddaa heroics are a snooze-fest of hacking through mobs (or mass pulling them all with my rank 50 comp, LoSing them, and using my Heroic Moment Orbital Strike+Flamethrower to burn em all). However, then there's the Belsavis heroics that can almost all be stealthed through fantastically. Also, I hate skytroopers.
  7. What about passes in mails that haven't been collected yet? I assist in running a small guild where a few members have donated passes, mostly operation passes, to the guild bank for members who need them. I would like to mail these passes back the members who donated them. However, these members don't log in every day. So, if the pass has been mailed to them, and is in their mail waiting to be collected, will those members get the Cartel Coins?
  8. Same problem, just spent hours alone spawning the stupid grophets for the datacrons, and went through getting all the buffs, just to arrive at the rock with the scanning skulls and find it un-clickable, and the blue beam wasn't lit, and the anchored rock wasn't opened. Killed everything in the vicinity, logged in and out, can't change instances because only 1 is available. This is very upsetting, and I don't want to waste my time getting all the buffs again.
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