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Everything posted by Jedibediah

  1. Jedibediah

    Lag Hacks

    Well funny these should be mentioned.. I was in VS today and I play a sniper.. I ducked into cover but none of my cover abilities were available because i got knocked out of cover but never came out of cover.. but as soon as our side cleared out the door the lag stopped and repeated itself on the other door.. when we were fighting again.. Its bizarre cause i seldom if ever hit a lag spike between my connection and the fact that like many of you i have a pretty potent gaming rig.. not likely to happen frequently.. I'm going to pay more attention to who we are fighting when this occurs
  2. I still only see opinion.. known by whom ? I'm with the rest of the community when I say hackers should be dealt with.. but you are naming names is there any basis ? besides a shadow who hits at 5K.. which ive seen done by a guy who i know doesnt hack.. so again.. your basis ?
  3. "Ramboing" classic.. awesome analogy.. my question is do they yell " Bonzaiiiiiiiiiii " when they charge in on 4 or 5 toons ?
  4. All i see is opinion.. I see no fact to back up what's being said.. Have you seen any data to support this ? Personally I think all the hackers should be instantly banned once they are caught and whatever guild they are part of should be under close scrutiny for an undisclosed amount of time. Just my two cents
  5. I play on the harbinger and 10-49 PVP is laughable for the most part.. Due to the frustration on fleet Level 50 aint much better these days.. now if you want to mention ranked there are several guilds that do it quite well on both sides. If your an above average player.. If your pugging your risking nobody knowing what call inc means let alone focus fire, mark and burn the healers first etc.. Its gotten to the point I rarely PVP. I used to PVP all the time and Ive had the pleasure of being in some really competitive matches..
  6. I realize that.. and our guild does run. I'm not trying to make the focus about me and moreso about the condition of the game. I have been PVPing for a long time.. I've watched a lot of the trends.. When i was coming up in Pubs.. I did a lot of pugs and we got owned.. Yes, aliens and a few other great IMP guilds that probably now only do RWZ would be there constantly. The one thing it did was elevate your game so if I'm to take a positive out of it.. that would be it.
  7. This is a social game are you suggesting that we not group with our friends ? So by that rationale I have to wait until rwz ? to play with people i know ?... So fight fire with fire... Join a pvp guild and get your own premade.. or just keep complaining about it.. I got a better idea.. Take your huttball and go home..
  8. Not to say your wrong because I do agree with your assesment but how many actual pugs that consisted of 7 random people + yourself ( not 4 from your guild ) and vent to help you.. but 7 completely random players know how to focus fire effectively ? ( in lowbie forget it ) at 50 you got half a shot but how many times have you typed in chat focus the healer etc etc.. And the other thing is Voidstar is the most confined map out of the 5 IMO.. so focus firing is a little easier.
  9. Another constructive idea falls by the way side. The funny thing is the majority of these threads are complaints about this or that so I've reached the following conclusion.. The SWTOR community at large would rather complain then fix things. They would rather quit then to see an idea through and see the benefits of positive change. PVP is broken and it will stay broken because too many of you are too short sighted to see the positive side of things. Nobody wants to approach the developers with a lucid intelligent and well thought out Idea.. complain instead it seems to have gotten the job done so far.. keep up the good work. To the minority that sees the positive side of such an idea thank you for your input.. your time and your support.. Looking forward to the next wave of threads when 2.0 comes out. sorcs and snipers are going to give you plenty to complain about..
  10. I just have one question did you choose an advanced class.. Seems to be another noobified phoenomenon.. One guy on my server thinks it's over rated so I had to ask.. Cause I was taking out guys twice my level in solo fights. Good luck with that other MMO you're switching to..
  11. Funny thing is to get into a premade you have to already know how to play so I don't get it personally.. Most premades want the best not sub par or bottom of the barrel so whose REALLY doing the whining ?
  12. 1) They already have an alternate model of a queue finder in place for FP and ops. Therefore no real development time is needed simply to alter the existing code to make this work. 2) The community consensus is and has been that PVP is broken in a number of ways.. ( Keeping the community happy retains player base, thus retaining revenue ) If the word gets out that the devs are looking into ways to improve PVP or at least modify it to fit the wants of 85% of the community ( a speculative number not actual data ) then players that have quit may return and renew their subs and that leads to an increase in revenue. Only EA and Bioware know exactly what those numbers are and Im sure its in the tens of millions of dollars.. That's enough incentive in my book.
  13. For your information ... ( not that i owe you an explanation ) I'm anywhere from 1st to 3rd on my team in medals and anywhere from 1st to 3rd in dps output consistently. So to sit there and call it whining tells me you don't even know the mechanics of the game..The game was designed for 4 different and totally unique classes with a total of 8 different advance classes to be able to work in tandem. Knowing how to play and fixing something that's broken are two completely different things.. Go troll somewhere else..
  14. Jedibediah


    Awesome post.. 2 thumbs up
  15. No It doesn't make a healer materialize out of thin air but instead of having too much of one thing over another " healers " being the most obvious example it eliminates potential imbalance is all I'm saying. Ive seen teams with 6 ranged classes win a voidstar simply because we were bogged down with melee dps and tanks. Ive seen 8 healers in a 50 WZ on one team where our team dealt out 1.8 mil damage and lost badly in a civil war. Granted that rarely happens but instead of putting us in groups in the order we queue wouldn't it be smarter to have balance ? right now PVP is an instant pop on our server most of the time within 5 minutes. So if there are that many that want to play why not restructure the queue ? If that don't work maybe its time for cross server queues. Also bear in mind PVP is not exclusively cross faction so to think there would be no healers queued up on both sides is not likely IMO. When 2.0 comes out we will have a better idea of exactly how many people we have PVPing when there are 3 brackets. because of double xp weekends a lot of us will hit 50 pre expansion. and the lower levels will be hurting for a while but it will even itself out like it did this time around as well.
  16. I know the main problem we face in pugs is team imbalance. How many times have you been on a team with no healer or been up against too many healers or no ranged dps against a team laden with snipers ? I think if the queue for PVP was designed like group finder for FP these imbalances will be corrected. Granted it doesn't mean you gotta a better chance of winning.. My point being let the players decide the matches not the imbalances that I've seen stacked in one teams favor over another. I know its not going to solve all our problems.. bad players.. OP classes etc but I think its a step to making PVP competitive.. Has anyone suggested this to the devs that we know of ? IF you agree this is a viable solution.. sign your name below and if we get enough feedback.. we can make this a sticky and it will be something the devs would at least have to consider.. PVP is broken.. lets take positives steps as a community to fix it. One small step today could be a giant leap tomorrow.
  17. I've been back a couple weeks and I share the frustration of many of you. But specifically the Empire side.. since when did the republic become a dominant force.. ? It used to be the empire side would be full of bounty hunter tanks and Sorcs and they just rolled through the majority of the Pugs.. now its the exact opposite.. Why is it I feel like the only guy in the WZ who knows what to do ?.... ( now i know in reality thats not the case.. ) I know there are some excellent PVP'ers on this side.. BW should allow us competent PVPers to roll in 8 man groups regardless of whether its rated or not. .. Period. Call it pre-made, call it stacking the deck but at this point I feel its the only " competent " move left other than not PVPing at all. I know some of you will say that's not fair to the pugs. You're correct its not but losing 8 out of 10 matches isn't much fun either. Do what most of us have done. Join a guild, make some friends and get your own team or actually learn how to do WZ's to a competent enough level where we would not have to resort to wanting such things as premade teams. My other suggestion would be instead of having a ploethera of teams that are imbalanced make the PVP format the same as FP group finder.. where you need so many dps to so many healers this way we have some sort of balance. I'm not the best player but I'm certainly not the worst either. And I hear its no better at 50.. Ugh I used to love PVP but its gotten ridiculous to the point that its no longer enjoyable. ( my rant for the week )
  18. Lets be honest here It's been called grass or snow since launch in every single group I've been in..They are Clearly and distinctively different.. one has Grass and the other is covered in snow.. If a player ( doesn't matter what level ) can't decipher that.. Id prefer they didn't queue up in the first place. So I really don't get why you're all going on about this.. Left or right is relative to whatever direction you may be facing... Grass or snow really eliminates confusion IMO. As the player above states clearly you can see the difference from the spawn point.. which we happen to be at for over a minute prior to the start of the match.. So to the new players I say this.. Look out the window.. see what were talking about and adapt from there..
  19. As you increase in level you get more talents.. around level 22 is when it becomes less of a struggle.. I'm usually in the top 3 in damage and medals and have been since around level 20. The game is boring to you. Just say that and move on.. Smasher is allegedly op according to alot of people so I don't see why your having such a hard time with it. some classes are easier to learn then others... and that happens to be one of the hardest to master.. But alot of fun to play The endgame content is actually pretty good. The downfall was not enough of it at release to keep the hardcore players happy..
  20. Sent my application Today Tamigranato 29 sniper.. rerolled just a week ago. and will probably be 50 in a week or so.. Look forward to hearing from Twisted Legends soon
  21. IF you're min maxed with the right gear sorcs can literally melt your face off and in 2.0 from what ive been told they are going to be seriously OP along with snipers..
  22. Playing against premades made me better as a player.. Getting my butt kicked in made me try harder.. It's called a guild.. If your complaining about solo queing.. try that. This is a social game.. try making friends to run with.. so you too can be a cheater by having your own team.. How is that cheating exactly.. ? please clarify.. Oh i get it they bring two or 3 ranged a couple melee and a healer or two.. oh thats how the game was designed. to work in coordination with other classes combined... So how exactly is that cheating ? P.S stay out of RWZ they are all cheaters ( by your definition )
  23. Having played the sentinel over hundreds of matches in all 3 specs at one time watchman being my favorite.. you lose so much damage with this build it almost makes you sound delusional. Please share with us this ungodly fabulous gear thats gonna make up for everything you are lacking in this build..
  24. While I agree with you that control of mid is essential.. I must disagree to an extent without re-reading exactly what i said. I have seen time and time again 2 or 3 hanging in stealth mostly. Assasin and shadow tanks have a pull ability that they can use to aid in scoring. Agents and smugglers can be healers in stealth so allowing them to hang by the goal line and either taking an outlet pass or stopping any resistance to the ball carrier or out and out spawn capping. Getting a new player alerted to the dangers of allowing opponents behind enemy lines was my goal.. not to have them disregard mid. I have seen this time and time again. I don't know the state of PVP on all servers but ours has deteriorated with the exception of a few guilds.
  25. I posted this on my server forums given the current state of PVP in the game in general someone suggested I post it here as well.. So If you read my last post I talked about the importance of gear and how it applies to PVP.. After what I'm sure has been one of the worst days in faction history in under 50 PVP. Lets talk about the individual maps for a second and what your SUPPOSED TO BE DOING in each one. HUTTBALL : Galactic football more or less... complete with acid traps and fire traps which will kill you. Use them to your advantage I guarantee you, your opponent will. There are two teams Frog Dogs and Rotworms.. Pay attention to what team your on. If its IMPS against PUBS (If your Imperial of course) you will always be the Rotworms but if your playing against the same faction you might be a Frog Dog. HOW TO WIN : score 6 goals before the opposing team does. ( If the score is tied with seconds left the team that controls the ball last wins ). You will excel at this if you can apply your individual skillsets to achieve victory. Support the ball.. Always be around the ball.. If the other team has it. try to stop them... Do not let them sit on your goal line.. Stuns and slow down abilities will not work if the opposing players resolve bar ( the little silver bar above a players head ) is full. You have no choice but to burn them down if possible. Successful teams will be positioned in key areas of the Arena. Tanks will be up top waiting for someone to pass them the ball. They will most often be supported by healers and support DPS.. burn down the healer.. A tank with a pocket healer is virtually indestructible. The team that controls the middle will be most successful in moving the ball. Snipers and other ranged dps can accomplish this with the help of a marauder, PT or other dps quite easily.The ball is your objective not running around mindlessly killing while the opponent keeps scoring on you. KEEP YOUR GOAL LINE AREA CLEAR.. IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL LOSE.. ALDERAAN CIVIL WAR : How to win : Secure two out of 3 nodes until the counter up top reaches 0 and the opposing ship is completely destroyed. You have 3 nodes Left ( snow ) Center ( mid ) or Right ( grass) for Imperial. If you play republic its the mirror opposite. the names in parentheses are how they are most commonly referred to. A node is the shiny thing you click on to secure it ( takes 8 seconds ) You also MUST guard captured nodes and hold them. ALWAYS FIGHT ON THE NODE I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH.. If you are drawn away a stealthy ( shadow or smuggler / Op or assasin can sneak past you and cap the node you are supposed to be guarding. ( call incoming on all nodes example if your guarding east ( inc east 2 ) tells your team you have two players on you at a node your guarding. VOIDSTAR : ( My personal Favorite ) How to win : Download the data core faster then the opposing team A timed two phase warzone where the objective is to bust through 3 sets of doors and secure the data core. Look up top right when the WZ begins.. if it says ATTACKER its your turn to be the aggressor. If it says DEFENDER do i really need to explain that ? There are two sets of doors Left and right.. You see the first door in your sight.. run up and plant the bomb.. (note a bomb can be disarmed in 3 seconds do not let the other team near a planted bomb) The idea is to catch your opponent off guard use numbers to your advantage.. If you overload one side its a good idea to send a stealthy to the weak side to see if a door can be stealth capped.. OK so your first door is down.. run down the tunnel as fast as you can.. you see the bridge console glowing.. try and secure it so you can extend the bridge.. There is also a bridge on both sides. Now lets say you extended the bridge and you see the next door in your sight..make it across the bridge fast as you can to the next set of doors.. ( careful knockbacks will send you flying to your death ) Once you've secured the second door you become the runnin man again.. down the tunnel.. Now you have to shut down the forcefield ( same as the bridge basically ) now things change slightly.. there is one door to directly in front of you and the other is off to the left.. Rinse and repeat as before.. Now Lets say you have made through the third set of doors.. now you run down the hall and turn right or left depending on which door you ran through you see a big console in front of you ( Thats the data core ) click on it and you have secured the data core. Let's say you did it in 5:30 there will be 5:30 on the clock and you will be set to defend.. remember how your team overloaded one side in the beginning.. Your opponent will be most likely doing the same thing. Watch before you jump down.. where your opponent is going and move in to intercept.. IF they get to the data core faster.. YOU LOSE. Novare Coast : How to win : Secure two out of 3 nodes ( just like civil war ) These nodes are a little different they are inside bunkers but the basic principle applies.The major difference is these nodes can be range capped.. ( from roughly 5 meters out) Capture, guard and defend. call incoming so your team can come help you. The Terrain might be a little different but the Idea is the same. AINCENT HYPERGATE : This is a new map even for me. I left before it was implemented.. Basically you have two pylons north and south for all intents and purposes.. secure one for sure.. both if your able to. Head to the middle you see 4 boxes two on each side. click on a box and obtain a charge and run it back to your pylon. Be aware of outnumbered situations Player kills do count toward score. Im not sure what percentage or how much.. Some will even say that killing is more efficient than charging each pylon. I don't know how true this is. Once your pylon is charged it will become unstable as soon as you hear the alarm sound head toward the middle.. if your caught outside the middle area as the shock wave passes you will be killed instantly. As in huttball control of the middle will ensure success.. focus fire enemies with your team mates burn the opposing players down as a unit.. not individuals. ( If anyone has anything to add pertaining to actual scores or objectives needed to win feel free to add anything below. any helpful additions will be appreciated ) As you see all these war zones have a common theme.. TEAMWORK. Now I'm aware that team imbalances can be a factor ( no healers etc ) and can contribute to a loss. But if you do these things consistently you will be a better player and you'll get coms alot faster. These are just the basic strategies, there are advanced strategic moves you can make and you will learn these as you go.. Its a good idea to hook up with a good pvp guild if this is your interest or run with some regulars who are experienced players. As I said before I am by no means an expert but I'd be happy to pass on what I've learned to help make pvp more enjoyable for everyone.. see you on the battlefield.
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