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  1. Having the same problem here. Comcast customer. I spike from between 90ms to 15000ms. As far as I've been able to gather from guildmates and teammates, this is happening to players from Seattle to Miami and everywhere between. I've seen screen shots of up to 200k ms. Honestly didn't think that could happen without a dc. Comcast customer service seems clueless("REALLY?!" you say sarcastically). I just want to be able to do something as simple as type in chat without a 10 second delay on posts. Even basic questing and flashpoints provide me with more of a slideshow that an actual gaming experience - forget progression ops.
  2. ^ Correct. The Naked PvP Tournament is lvl 70 only. The event is in 2 weeks - Everyone interested can grind datacrons they are missing if they wish. Having the duels naked and on a scaled planet is the best way we've come up with to determine winners by pure skill, rather than gear advantage. Plus "I won a Naked PvP Tournament" is just fun to say -Ustelar (Chaotic Methods officer)
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