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Everything posted by ShardBlades

  1. Holy crap, sorry for making you have a hissy fit, its a god damn suggestion. You're acting as if it's actually being implemented. At the end of the day it's a game. and besides, when darth maul gets his chopped in half, he doesn't throw the other half away and just accept his fate does he? Also when he fights qui gon jinn he only uses ONE BLADE, instead of using two.
  2. Assassins and Shadow's NEED to use double bladed, their abilities revolve around that saber.. They cannot use single bladed, other wise their entire ability set is worthless. Also this idea would be great for RP purposes, and open up many new RP situations. I RP on SWTOR,along with my guild and this would be brilliant for RP, also their may be technical issues but i am sure they can find a way around it...
  3. Jesus, its a suggestion, not an acctual god damn thing. No need to have a hissy fit over it..
  4. I know that -.- but on a single bladed lightsaber you cannot turn it into a double bladed at the press of a button can you, where as double bladed you can.
  5. Well, i was thinking about this, and i have saw it in many things, for example the "Return" Trailer, where the Jedi knight takes the double sided light-saber and his own, then turns the one end off and fights with dual light sabers, this is a unique idea, and it could be used with the sith assassin and Jedi shadow. Maybe unlocking new attacks too. This will probably be quite hard to implement, but it would be very cool indeed.
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