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Everything posted by benmas

  1. since 4.0 has the creativity of a microwave lets talk about 5.0 raiding! wooo sounds so boring lets go off the fact 4.0 gave us no raid. 5.0 should give us 2 raids, BUT it launches with 2 FLASHPOINTS not raids. would this mark the death of raiding? would purple gear become a thing of the past? would bio ware care? in all seriousness people love the raids and there is a big increase in raid participation due to the lvl 50-65 group finder and the fact that once you have done the chapter you need to find something else to do. EDIT: with the season2 rumour 5.0 will less likely be an expansion but more chapters and the way the chapters are progressing with little to nothing done to hurt arcaan in anyway season 2 is highly likely to happen.
  2. TOFN is only good for the lvl65 PvP and ranked, low level pops are very low TRE has a slightly higher pop rate for low level PvP on a side note low level brackets are now 10-40
  3. BW said that raid development would start in January of 2016 so after chapter 16 possible raid since this is a "story" expansion the raid will most likely have about the same amount of mechanics as a toaster at this rate a new tactical flashpoint would be the best thing ever nim ToS and rav was confirmed to never be happening as they put all the hard stuff into the hard mode versions (which got nerfed)
  4. what can we expect? when can we expect it? will it be worth doing? what do you expect to see if/when it launches?
  5. please please PLEASE! don't boost a level 60 as a new player cap your new character learn how the game works, even do raids FPs and the DLC on that character THEN boost a level 60 PvP and PvE is already full of "what is a lightsaber form" and "what do you know about sniper your a juggernaut" Don't contribute to this mess BUT. welcome to the party i hope you enjoy your stay!!!
  6. I don't see how a disgusting looking glow stick helps us beat this guy with the messed up face. Also I personally don't want to have to mod this saber as I will never use it outside the story and will most likely burry it at the bottom of my cargo hold forgotten and unused once the story is over.
  7. step one: throw those loot rules of the window. step two: players who got no 224 receive a 220 token. step three: aaaaannnddddd relax!
  8. does ops get better than that. yes I'm guessing you are taking about snowblind on hoth when you say snow lion. How about 16 players battling a huge beast in the vortex of a hyper gate 16 players taking on a kell dragon and a dread master 16 players taking on 3 dread guard commanders 16 players taking on a huge guardian droid outside the eternity vault prison 16 players battling 2 battle tanks 16 players taking on two walkers That's to name a few
  9. With no raid in sight perhaps world bosses can help fill this gap. here is my suggestion 1)decrease spawn time of world bosses, 15-20 minutes 2)boost them to lvl65 and give them a few new mechanics 3)give them rewards worth getting(easy bosses drop 216 no set bonus, harder ones drop 216/220 set bonus 4)make them a challenge, remember nightmare pilgrim and dread tooth? 5)add one to zakuul like a zakuul knight or sky trooper what do you think of this idea?
  10. I would be fine with this, IF THEY DIDN'T GET A PONITLES NERF. if you revamp content don't take a dump all over it. There is such a big gap between SM and HM now with players having no clue what a "tank swap" is, yeah I'm not joking about that. in a TFB HM pug (don't judge me) I said swap needed on 5 stacks of pulverized, and the tank said "what is a tank swap" he thought I meant we swap positions whilst keeping aggro on the same dread guard. and the nerf THE NERF,WHY?! TFB SM 4th boss no swap needed easy tank and spank that doesn't even require you to destroy the towers with Nanites to clear. TFB him self (or her) no swap on scream, in my 220 and 224 gear it hits for nothing.
  11. benmas

    Remove the new maps

    They absolutely suck: Broken bugged and popping to often. However bio fail will never fix this as they couldn't care less about the PvP community as they have moved to casual rubbish and making money from the cartel store The only solution to this problem is to remove them. They are beyond fixing and hated by most.
  12. benmas

    It's here!

    if you're going to give us a new PvP season do the following things: 1)announce in advanced don't just think "meh wing it" and throw it in 2)make sure classes are as balanced as possible, unlike now
  13. stealthers rarely change the course of a match as it is easy to counter a sap cap however it does remove some of the fun out of a stealth class.
  14. Bad is all I can say 1)Most of it is just standing around waiting for someone to attack but of course the enemy team is waiting for someone to attack them 2) If an attack takes place it is just a big zerg of people walking through a small door getting spammed with AOE 3)No point in stealth, if you cant sap cap what is the point in stealth 4)Too big-you can go around the map and rarely see a player So, what are you thoughts?
  15. 1)The guild master is in charge and he wouldn't just listen to a new recruit over his most trusted officers who have been there from the start and have built up a reputation in that guild. 2)Where do you get these "statistics" from? 3)This new system might help with gearing up but wont help the average players skill. Doing the ops might not get you a token but you are learning how to play your class and how the ops works.
  16. In a priority HM everyone should get a token. you give away your 224 items and at the end you get those who didn't get a 224 token to roll on 220 tokens. problem solved everyone has a token and everyone is happy.
  17. most raids have 5 bosses...who spends 6 minutes dishing out ONE yes ONE token?! Are you that slow at giving away a token?
  18. your probably right, the 16man raid finder lagged the servers badly, at one point I believe players on the TRE were disconnecting left right and centre.
  19. We have : 4 vs 4 8 vs 8 so why not 16 vs 16? Of course we would probably need different maps hutt ball just wouldn't work with 16 and there would be an insane amount of defenders for other warzones making ninja caps next to impossible. Perhaps a large scale death match, or a larger version or novare coast and civil war with 6 gun emplacements instead of 3.
  20. when I subscribed pre 4.0 my CC would arrive as soon as I subscribed however i have noticed my coins are arriving a week or two after i subscribe Is this supposed to happen?
  21. title says it all really Been wanting to complete my oricon bulwark set on my juggernaut but dont have all the pieces (had to use old oboron PvP pieces like the chest which is the wrong colour) so my suggestion is put them in the crates you get after doing heroic missions. come on now. we technically have rakata pieces available for crafting now and almost all the other raid sets are in the boxes...but not oricon armour (ok ok revenite isn't in aswell so maybe at that too?) if you want too know what the fake rakata armour is called here you are inquitor/consular-ottegan force lords warrior/knight-veda ageis trooper/bounty hunter-tritanium asylum agent/smuggler-tritanium (don't know the other part sorry)
  22. well how serious are you about this game? will you be raiding? if the answer is "I play for fun" and "I might do the SM GF " I suggest getting some of the basic 208 crystal gear from the supplies section on the fleet. this gear will be fine for doing KOTFE and SoR of cours if you get your hands on some glowing and radient crystals you should definaltly upgrade. token Raid gear should be equipped as this is the most powerful gear and gives you a set bonus for your class when you get a certain amount of this gear
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