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10 Good
  1. Sith Warrior: Which apprentice are you talking about? There's so much backstabbing and double (or triple...) crossing that I kind of lost track... ;-) Anyway, since the "criminal" (i.e. the Sith who broke the "law" of not trying to murder another sith in front of witnesses) dies anyway, nobody really cares that he deserved punishment - he already got it, after all. Sith Inquisitor: Yes, Xalek TECHNICALLY violates the rules, but you overrule the overseer - and if a lord says "I didn't see anything", a lowly overseer isn't going to make an issue of that. Unless he has a serious death wish, of course... So for all intents and purposes, Xalek's record is clean. In any case, while the sith DO have a few rules about outright murdering each other (not that they really care all that much about said rules), "might makes right" is the trump card. If you are more powerful than everyone else, you can get away with a lot. And blackmail/bribery are also perfectly valid ways to avoid charges.
  2. Either it's level dependant or you already did that quest at some point in the past (for which you did get the "normal" rewards"). In the latter case, the game probably has you flagged as "received 1st time reward" and thus only hands out the "repetition rewards". Not that it should matter all that much I think - good (read: upgradeable/mod) armour is ridiculously easy to come by, so you don't really need those blue lockboxes anyway. Maybe if you wanted a specific piece for a very specific look (outfit designer/companion), but even in that case, there should be sufficient alternatives.
  3. That's a definite MAYBE. Seriously, though, Lokin is gated behind Qyzen (i.e. you can't even start on recruiting the mad scientist before the lizard has joined you), so I wouldn't rule out the possibility of other characters also being gated - e.g. behind those fortresses. So while you (likely...) DON'T need to blow up those stupid things for chapter 10+, it might be required for the character you really WANT to recruit.
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