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Everything posted by Decxswx

  1. Elder scrolls online I heard also uses the hero engine and runs very well. Can Bioware port this game or modify the hero engine to their purpose and make this game way better and run better? Keep in mind i know nothing about how game development works or if it is economical or not. Just a thought
  2. Bad game design and story telling. Jedi knight is a very rewarding quest line totally worth doing
  3. I want yoda as a new playable species in the next expansion
  4. 5400cc for a lightsaber? i know it looks cool, but not everyone can get free cc from referrals or paying people to use theirs. If people feel like they are not getting enough value for their money they will abstain from purchasing and those vanity items locked away might detract people from playing the game knowing that all the best looking stuff is locked behind a HUGE paywall or grindwall.
  5. Add Yoda's Species as playable race, maybe their home planet, make combat smoother and more responsive and make sure they all talk like Yoda too that would be great! Disney owns Star Wars now maybe Disney is more willing to add stuff in legends to Yoda's species? Although the game could turn into a meme fest. Don't you guys think this will bring in a lot of players and MONEY into EA and Bioware(and Disney) pockets? I also want to say EA not making SWTOR P2W is amazing. Now just get developers to work on the game and we have something amazing!
  6. I just confirmed that the tokens only lock you out of story missions. Side, exploration, repeatable missions are still available
  7. My quest list is too full, is it safe to abandon any quest that gives me the option of doing so and me coming back to it later? Can anyone think of an instance where abandoning a quest will lead it to be permanently gone?
  8. I am legit worried about the status of SWTOR, this game is declining due to self inflicted wounds by Bioware. There hasn't been an expansion almost 2 years I think. Another one of their senior devs left yesterday I think that worked on this game. I don't know what happened with mass effect andromeda, but certainly that game commercial performance has effected the development of this one. If Bioware put as much time onto swtor as Blizzard does onto WOW this game would've been a lot more popular than it is now. Another big Issue is this STUPID level shifting and the need to be in a group to do operations. I want to find people to help me do this mission or world boss, but if there is no one around for me to play with(because it is a dying game because Bioware stabbed themselves in the foot) then that is content locked out by no fault of my own especially on the republic side. So either let us do OPS and world bosses solo or with at least fewer people like 2 for ops and 4 for world bosses. or get rid of level shifting. Also i play on satele shan is it worth switching all my chartacters over to Star forge?
  9. The HK-55 questline i think it is called, nicco okar, even the light vs dark companions. Are they permanently gone for good?
  10. Combat feels generic and in need of big overhaul. Make it more like black desert online you know?
  11. Does anyone know any good armor sets or combinations for a female Jedi sage these are the requirements I am looking for: 1. Must be recognizable as a Jedi sage from an instant glance 2. No ugly head pieces, a circlet or something unnoticeable(if it includes it) 3. Revealing at least her figure and something not top thick. Robes are acceptable 4. Matching light saber for a jedi sage would be nice too
  12. Just saying, i think it will be fun I don't ever think it will be added to the game, but if we all pitch in to support it... Who knows maybe Bioware will add that feature in the game, even though we might have to kill him or her.
  13. People are so damn rich how much money did you all spend in this game?
  14. Its been 1 month of constant playing my subscription ends in 1 week, and i wont be subbing again until Bioware releases a new sale deal. Why you ask? cause I'm cheap that is why. So i wanna compare my accounts to the veterans. I only have 3 months of sub in total in my 5 years of playing the game i started as a f2p then got a sub dduring the reaven package and subbed again with the KotFE package. So before i no longer have access to the forums i wanna show off how far i got during my 1 month sub and see if anyone can do better I have 4 notable characters that i played: Decxswx(main) Sith assassin: Exterminator armor, devastator lightsaber, white crystal with black outlines, lightning weapon tuning(PLZ ADD TO COLLECTIONS IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE:() and Shadow Hand Throne Mr'Wonderful Jedi gaurdian: Resolute guardian armor, heirloom lightsaber Kelliaah Jedi sage: Revealing body armor, satele shan training lightsaber and Ambassador meditation mount (LIght vs Dark event) Venneta Sith maurader: thana vesh, dramatic extrovert armour, ziost light saber I also have 3 level 60 characters created with tokens Legacy bank: Vented lightsaber- Expensive as hell, but it will be a good investment Unstable dual bladed saber- 10mil credits for it Koensayr revolution x2 Dathomir Rancor MSM J-37 Jetpack Cartel Decadent skiff interstellar regulator assault cannon and sniper rifle dorn All this stuff exceeds 250 million+ value in credits i believe, i have more things i didn't mention but this is all the good stuff i can think of. Does anyone have 16 slotted accounts with all the sub classes and even more expensive items then me?
  15. What if a meteor hit North America or i decided one day to move to Europe (Highly unlikely situations but you never know). Why can't we we transfer are characters? Also can there be an option for a whole server transfer for like 3k cartel coins instead of 1k cartel coins each.
  16. that is pretty funny, the slow expansions is more of a profit gimmick if you ask me
  17. I have some idea for new classes and new factions, this can never hurt the game nothing wrong with adding more content, but it would be nice if Bioware removed some of the quest in game and make exclusive to what class you are playing as, and make exploration missions available to all. This will make the main story quicker and allow people to move onto more classes and do more end game stuff. Some people are competitionist and don't feel comfortable leaving a non repeating quest unfinished that is why I proposed removing non repeating side quest or limiting them to specific classes to make the somewhat special. The xp gain is more than enough from level sync, xp boosts, heroics, flash points and end game content. Makes the game feel less grindy and allow people to reach the fun stuff(end game stuff) a lot faster. For new classes i have some ideas: Republic: Jedi prosecutor - specifically meant to track down criminals, sith and fallen jedi Specializations: HUNTER (dps, lightsaber) JUSTICE(tank,dps, heavy lightsaber(light pike or long lightsaber)) Empire: Sith duelist - A person who uses his force abilities for specifically enhancing his lightsaber combat skills(Inspiration from Count Dooku from the clone wars, very elegant dueling skills, this could be added to the republic, but i never seen a jedi preform such lightsaber skills like Count Dooku) Specializations(these names suck, couldnt think of any good ones ): Duelist(dps, curved lightsaber), Acrobatic(dps, 2 curved lightsaber hilts) Imperial Gaurds - People who directly serve the emperor (can't think of any specializations) Other factions/classes: Fallen jedi - A jedi who had fallen to the dark side, but not a sith Zakuulian faction: knights, inquisitor, those guys who see the future(forgot their titles) Voss mystics - Healer(heals, dps, no idea for weapon maybe barehanded?), Foreseer(dps, no idea for weapons) Also why don't the voss weaponize the force or show any use of the force in a offensive way like the sith and jedi? These are just some suggestions, some dont really fit like a voss mystic, but i feel like an imperial guard and Jedi prosecutor are really good fits
  18. 3 words on why hypercrates cost so much "Inflation and profit", some players are bad with money and in game economy i used to be one of those guys i learned the hard way just to let you know. Some people love gambling and hyper crates are a form of gambling ish,
  19. Having a good f2p model is one the biggest push that a gamer can have to convince them to spend money on the game. So far swtor f2p model is very poor and in dire need of improvement for the game to increase its population. Bioware needs follow examples of dota 2, warframe and path of exiles f2p model. Dota 2 has the best f2p model of all mobas(fun fact) (I know swtor is one of the most profitable games i think like the 4th most in the mmorpg category, but i like mmos with large populations) I still remember a time when the harbinger server reached its population size at heavy but during most times it is capped at standard. I even had a friend that was into the swtor because of the story, but the f2p model was so poor he decided to quit and go watch the cut scenes and dialogues on youtube. Some of those people will never spend money on the game and that is fine because the more people are in the game, the more faith and time paying users will continue to play the game. I understand why credits must be limited, it is one of the primary features to limit inflation Some things that can be added to the f2p model: -remove the reduced xp gain(Limited xp gain is basically pointless due to the level sync) - Remove the quick bar limitation this is just stupid, it is turning swtor into a pay to win game - Allow them 1 operation mission and 1 or more attempts per week, give them a taste of how fun a 16 man mission can be. -Increase the credit cap and limit how much money they can spend on the gtn to limit inflation. example: increase credit cap to 1 million and only allow 250k credits to be spend on the gtn per week. Some things that can be added to the preferred status model: -The more money a person spend the more post-subscriber status privileges and access they get they get every one of these suggestions below should be have their benefits increase the more money they spent -Increase credit cap to 2 million and only allow 500k credits per week to be spent on the gtn -Allow 1 or more free operation missions every week -A taste of every new expansion as long as they bought or completed the previous expansion(Proud of bioware for doing that for KotFE, they should keep it up)
  20. Unstable lightsaber/dualbladed lightsaber - The hilt is way out of proportion compared to the blade it self, the custom particles is cool but the blade is way to thin for the hilt, either make the blade bigger or the hilt smaller Vented lightsaber - Ugly hilt, it look more smoother and sleeker than a bulky rectangle. Also the exhaust vents could look similar to that of kylo rens Vented Dualbladed lightsaber - EPIC FAIL DESIGN, i am utterly shocked that this blade passed 10 million credits on the harbinger server, this blade looks so bad only having 1 set of exhaust vents the one side of the hilt. People choice of aesthetics must be very poor considering this blade passed over 100,000 credits
  21. Belsavis filled with rakata ****, Zakuul is also a nice planet makes courasant and dromund kaas look like an African country lol qesh is by far the worst
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