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Posts posted by badboyishere

  1. Why this restrictive **** to begin with? Would an ex-soldier/militiaman, wannbe smuggler, really care which kind of ranged weapon they use? Would they not rather use whatever was handly, and what was best (of the available equipment) in the circumstances? Pistols or rifles... why not both? Seriously, a soldier that can only fire a rifle, and not a handgun, is lacking qualifications.


    But I hate classes anyway.


    Oh, and there's this outpost on Alderaan in "Kilik-Land", where there were Jedi with blaster rifles on their back. Jedi. Blaster rifles. I suspect they're still there. Why would they run around with rifles on their back *IF THEY CANNOT FIRE THEM ANYWAY*?!

  2. Impressive necro!

    Here' ya go...

    (sorry for the cr@p formatting)



    1. From To XP req'd
      1 2 535
      2 3 2040
      3 4 3550
      4 5 5320
      5 6 7375
      6 7 9725
      7 8 12330
      8 9 15200
      9 10 18385
      10 11 22545
      11 12 31305
      12 13 36435
      13 14 41935
      14 15 47800
      15 16 54035
      16 17 60630
      17 18 67595
      18 19 74925
      19 20 82620
      20 21 90680
      21 22 99110
      22 23 107900
      23 24 117060
      24 25 126595
      25 26 136490
      26 27 146745
      27 28 157365
      28 29 168355
      29 30 179710
      30 31 191430
      31 32 203520
      32 33 215970
      33 34 228790
      34 35 241970
      35 36 255520
      36 37 269440
      37 38 283720
      38 39 295385
      39 40 303980
      40 41 315610
      41 42 330725
      42 43 342590
      43 44 358240
      44 45 370135
      45 46 386490
      46 47 403010
      47 48 419875
      48 49 437085
      49 50 454634
      50 51 502695
      51 52 585010
      52 53 625930
      53 54 734700
      54 55 853135
      55 56 906040
      56 57 960220
      57 58 1015675
      58 59 1072385
      59 60 1130375
      60 __ 1189625


    Thanks, belatedly and now obsoletely too, since they fudged with the values this patch. Why? Beats me.

  3. Here's what I have. You didn't mention if that was the level you are at, or the one you are going to. From my numbers, it seems to be the latter, but just to avoid confusion:


    26 to 27: 115,506




    57 to 58: 845,425


    59 to 60: 940,795

    60 to 61: 990,230

    61 to 62: 1,040,720

    62 to 63: 1,091,925

    63 to 64: 1,144,540


    79 -83% of previous XP req't.


    Dammit! I knew I should have gotten that bit phrased better. Same problem though in all such threads. :D


    EDIT: I mean, if you're level N, what does it say how much XP you need to level? My level 26 Jedi Shadow says "22904/104600 Experience Points". So, you need 104600 XP to level up at level 26 (to level 27, natch). So, your "115,506" is at level 27? Don't have a 27 atm.


    And thanks for the info! :D

  4. What drives me nuts is that there was SO MUCH MORE that they could have done with this.


    This could have been sooo much better is something of a SWTOR mantra for me. Since I started playing in 2013 (or 12? Whenever it went F2P, or not long after). Stuff like Jedi being able to force jump only when they attack someone, for example. How is that Jedi-y?


    I'm not surprised the expansion continues this, only worse.

  5. ^This a 100x over. I am surprised that more people aren't complaining about this element. SWTOR has always been very "alt-friendly" ... but the gameplay is sooooo boring in KotFE that I zero desire to bring my alts through the storyline even if I am spacebarring through the cut scenes.


    Question: The storyline does make leveling super fast ... has the XP in non-story line gameplay been increased as well? I would prefer to find other means of taking my alts to 65 w/o doing the storyline.


    I know that the XP needed for each level has been reduced between 20 and 30% (the levels I've could check so far). And someone mentioned that the XP gain has been increased too, but I've not checked this. But even if XP gain is the same, just the XP needed reduction means you'll level faster.

  6. I'm curious, since a) I'm far away from 60 (I don't even have a char at 50 yet) and b) because I don't really want to lose all the companions. So, spoilers away :D




    Does the game/story explain why you don't have your companions anymore?


    Which also then makes me wonder how, if we can get old companions back at some point in the future (some people mentioned the possibility, but it might be wishful thinking) storyline, how they wouldn't be pissed not to hear from us for "so long".

  7. With the new limit of 40 characters per server, with 8 you would only have 5 pages.


    Yes, I'm still scratching my head over this. Especially in the context you mention, with *more* possible characters per server than before. "So, we upped the max size of the list, but reduced the number of entries per page." Sound logical... for some strange, *very* strange logic. The only logic I could come up with is "We were changing everything, so we changed this too, just because changing."

  8. It can't be right that they disappear when you haven't started KotFE. I know my Sorc who hasn't done Ziost didn't expect her ship droid to go away. I have only been on 7/10 characters so far, but they all are missing their ship droids and 2 of them, one each faction, haven't started Ziost yet. All 10 were max affection and had 100k crafting/gathering boost sensors that weren't converted to vendor droid parts or returned.


    It only makes sense for the missing droids to be a bug on characters that haven't started the KotFE story.


    No, missing ship droids are just a bug. Completely just a bug.


    A bug in the devs' brain, that is.

  9. More people like it than hate it. Does that upset you? Are you going to ask for proof? Just log on and talk to people. People are excited, and nothing the negative people on the forum can do about it. This is the future.


    Nice claim. Any proof to that claim? Of course not, where would you take that from.

  10. Hello, I hope a developer see this and help me out.


    I got one of those 60 days codes for subscriptions 18 days ago. so, if i were subscribed. Why I dont have the bike and the free lvl 60? please help me out because that is money we are putting into the game,


    They really could have communicated this better: you have to have been subscribed at *all* the reward points, which effectively means all the time between August 10th and, well, now. If you've subbed just 18 days ago, you are too late for EA, you have to wait til 27th, just like us. I subbed Aug 31st (I just returned, didn't even know about the hype). So yup, I'm not EA either.

  11. are u brain dead.????/ there is still companion quests just as long as u dont start KOTFE..... u can if your making a new character or still haven't started KOTFE you can still do all your old companion quests.. and who knows if the new companions wont ge side quests in the future just shill


    "u". Talk about braindead.

  12. They screwed us on the companion system Jorgen isn't even a commando any more.


    I think someone on Reddit said it: Jorgen's story is all about the Deadeyes. A famous squad of... *snipers*. So him being a commando, using a BFG didn't actually make sense. This now, is more like it.


    OTOH, Corso not having Torchy... nope. Just nope.


    One step forward, one step back. Must be the new dance craze at Bioware. Sorry, I mean EA.

  13. I have set it to right-click (and shift right-click is my char gathering).


    But the companion (found it on a consular with Qyzen) doesn't gather.


    Tried to disabled, apply, close pref window, open again, set to right-click, apply... no effect. He just doesn't gather.


    I suspect strongly it's borked due to all the companion ******, sorry, changes.

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