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Posts posted by badboyishere

  1. Apparently OP doesnt understand that a lot of people are here to be playing a Star Wars game/continuation of KOTOR and not just to play an MMO...


    Just in case you didnt know, KOTOR 1& 2 were -Single Player- games...


    As someone else said, that's an assumption. I came here (about 2 years or so ago, shortly after it went F2P... yup, I'm cheap. Or poor. Take your pick) because SW, and because I did love KOTOR. But not because I absolutely wanted to play SP. I like MMOs. I like knowing that that Jedi running past me is another human being.


    I do love playing more than just Jedi or Sith. I'd prefer more story, but have no interest in KotFE because it does not continue the different class stories, but has only one story. Meh.


    Generally, I love choice. The choice to solo *or* team up is something I completely heart. ;)


    I wish it were more...starwarsy. More like Jedi Knight, in fact, than KOTOR. Or a happy mix of both. RPG + FPS. For example, why can't a Force user Force Jump just so. Why only as an attack move? (And that's just one of a long list of annoyances) Force TK on any object. You get to use it on Tython. Once. And that's... it.


    Ah, I'm ranting again. Time for my Dried Frog Pills.

  2. Yeah, right... they don't give a rodent's posterior about Level Sync.


    I'm doing Corso's "In A Pickle" right now... too busy doing class missions, and with 12x XP, I'm high now. 10 levels too high. But then, I'm on Tatooine, shifted down to 30. The quest is 34. So, naively you'd think that the quest give appropriate XP for a 30, right?


    Nope. 6 XP. Great job, Bioware, great job! I have to wade through all these by now low mobs, but get funnel cake all for a reward.




    Ah, and, as those of you who have done this know (or maybe it's changed), no item(s). None.

  3. [Heroic 2]s were initially meant to be challenging content for what we would say is an “average” player. If you had good gear and really knew how to play well, you could solo them but you’d still have to pay attention to what you were doing. If you had expected gear for your level and didn’t think of yourself as that skilled, you’d probably find a friend to join you so you could both reap the rewards together.


    The mythical "average" player. "good gear and really knew how to play well" isn't average. Average is, by definition, mediocre. Not too bad, but not "good gear and play *well*". Expected gear? That's average.


    Oh, but you didn't say if it was supposed to be challenging for an average player *solo* or in a group. So... which is it? I'm assuming, obviously, from my assessment, you meant "challenging for an average player to do solo". And casual players (less than average... and I'll resist the temptation to use stronger, insulting wording, that has nonetheless been seen on this very forum at times) are supposed to team up to player H2s.


    Casuals. Those who are much less willing/able to group up. Are supposed to team up for H2s. Do you see the problem? I do. Being sort-of casual and all.

  4. Sweet, now please charge a coward/idiot fee all those little spoiled brats who unsubbed immediately because of this and want to come back now ...


    Now please think about just what you wrote, and then realize that *this* is why this community (and pretty much the 'net) has such a bad reputation, socially.

  5. Level sync

    If you have level 50 toon, and go to Hutta, you will still level up. Previously, when you hit 5 levels above mission you get 6 experience for finishing it and 0 for trash mobs.

    Now, you get experience regardless of your current level (unless its 65 which means you are capped) since game will sync you to planet level, thus you will gain experience. New Gaming Experience I presume


    You can still get 6 XP for finishing quests (not story quests I guess, but bonus quests for sure (*not* bonus series quests)).


    And you can run into gray mobs. Go to Hutta. Go to the starting zone in and around Nem'ro's place. You're shifted down to 12. Level 7 mobs and lower are gray. Gray mobs as far as the eye can see (which, in this game, isn't very far)

  6. Now, I understand that some people want a challenge and some want just interactive movie.


    You obviously understand nothing. Because there's not just these two black-and-white possibilities, there's a whole spectrum of opinions. And playstyles. And abilities.


    Me? I want more than an interactive movie, but I also don't want a frustrating faceplant-fest. In the past, if some content was a bit to hard (for *ME*, and if you say *anything* to that, then yes, you're an elitist. In other words, you are one) I could outlevel it and come back a bit later. With non-optional Level Sync that option has been taken from me.


    MMOs generally have the problem that they need (yes, need) to cater to a wide variety of players and player skill. Without (usually) having a difficulty setting. Well... here we had this: overlevel, gear better, gear your companions better. Two of these were taken, the third needs time, grind, and also a bit of raiding. That's not good.


    And as others have already said, if you think companions are OP... disable their abilities. Or play without one! Simple, really. But your "I'm fine with the way it is, it's not too hard" is really textbook elitist.

  7. <spoiler>



    Tora. Part of the kotfe story.

    Tanno Vik. Part of the republic trooper story, as a companion, and part of the kotfe story.


    Thought that was a bit more then "obscure". Have you not played through the story yet?


    I haven't played through the (which?) story yet. Because I'm a casual due to severe altoholism.

  8. I have neither the patience nor the time to slog through 160+ pages... but I really wonder how many posts listed sub-60 charas. The first four pages had *one* sub-60. The rest look similar, I suspect.


    Which means, Eric, that hardly anyone here can give info on the levelling aspect.


    Me? 4.0.2 feels harder than per-4.0 Of course in 4.0 the comps were OP, I completely agree. First time I dug in (and with all the changes I really didn't for a few days, I dislike KotFE quite a bit, but still have subbed time left (not active anymore, guess why)) I thought to myself: I can let my comps run everything alone. Even platinum (gold/white, not sure that's the right term) mobs, almost. But gold mobs? Pretty easy. Anything else, groups even, send Mako in heal mode(!) and she wipes the floor with them.


    But 4.0.2 went too far on the other side. In earlier times (might have been before 3.0 even, I wasn't on much between mid-2013 and this September)... I had quite a bit of trouble with some story bosses. I recall M1-4X being quite a bastard of a fight, for example. Mind you, I'm an above-casual player who, OTOH, is an incurable altoholic, so my experience is rather casual-y.


    Am I in some target audience? You tell me. I suspect I'm not.

  9. Companions were OP after 4.0 This from a pretty casual player (mostly above-casual altoholic, so way casual from a single- or few-characters player). Lots of alts, highest at 44 now. Still companions were OP.


    But after 4.0.2... well, companions had, pretty much across the board, 2.5x to 3x the health of the char. Now, they, in tank setting, have 2x the health tops. Healing and DPS reduced likewise. Tank mode also doesn't keep aggro as well as with 4.0 (or before that even). They fiddled with the numbers something bad in 4.0.2: they reduced all stats and DPS, and, as the patch notes say, raised threat generation a bit. But obviously not enough to compensate for the DPS/stats reduction.

  10. Why don't I group?


    • No pressure to be on for a certain time, I can leave whenever *I* want.
    • No insults at all, and no urge to get annoyed by others being stupid. But mostly no risk of being insulted for maybe not being up to your ("I'm a great tank") standards.
    • Again with the time: I can take all the time in the world, and won't have to rush through cutscenes I haven't see for a while or haven't seen at all (for example).
    • No rushing, period. I played a Doctor (healer) somewhat seriously in Anarchy Online, and had my share of asses expecting the doc to keep them alive even if they rushed from mob to mob... read Zanthyna's legendary Guide to teaming with Docs. In my pretty short career on AO I've seen *most* of these things happen. If you're a healer here, have a chuckle, I'm sure you've experienced all of this too (some is AO-specific, but can be translated).

  11. On Tatooine... I finished this with my 33 (shifted down to 30, of course) Jedi. Got a whopping 6 xp.


    What was this about all the old quest being viable again? Getting XP for them again? Ah, yes, 6... which we got pre-Level Sync too, when we had outlevelled the quest.


    "Oh, but the mobs are not grey". There *are* grey mobs on pretty much every planet. Even now. Because this Level Sync was just not that well thought out. As in: not thought out at all. Anything better (like: area-dependent, for example... or optional! Wow, what a concept, to put choice in the hands of the players!) would have been "too complicated" (especially considering there are surely, by now, parts of the game code that no-one actually fully understands anymore... due to age of the code and the devs who wrote it having left the project/company. Which is not something particular to BW/SWTOR... it happens all the time, everywhere).

  12. Dear Bioware


    For the love of everything through which the Force flows, please do tell me: should I go to bed or can I expect to see some gametime tonight?????? - the whole "no ETA" is a mark of amateurism and that is not usually a trait I

    associate with you.


    Actually, amateurism is very much what I associate with SWTOR, and by extension, Bioware, at this point.

  13. Sheesh... with the 4.0 reset, all the half-completed quests got reset. Sure, that was dumb, but that's the way SWTOR works.


    But now I get all kinds of quests that I'm pretty sure I've done already. Although I cannot be sure ("too many" alts). And of course, without any history in the quest log, I can't see what the server knows (or, perhaps, knew and forgot or was made to just not remember anymore, at all)


    4.0 showed that you *can* implement stuff, BW! DOOOOO EEEEEET!

  14. Thanks! It worked with both options turned off. Though I turned them off _after_ resetting... still worked. Obviously, having them turned on when you loot would trigger the bug somehow, and only then. Because if the order of turning off options and resetting would have an effect this bug would really be weird. I can see how auto- and area-loot can influence this.
  15. You know, after this long time, I still surprisingly run into bugs in long-ago added quests, and I wonder what these devs are smoking all day long. Or, rather, what the management is smoking.


    Yes, I'm pissed. In the Final Stage of the Ending A Better Life bonus quest, I had the formula drop, but the quest got stuck at "retrieve the formula" when I had the friggin formula in my friggin quest items inventory!


    Sorry, venting over.

  16. Duh. All the companions had two "weapon" slots (some had weapon and shield/focus/whatever slot). I just was under the impression that *all* companions had been reduced to one slot. And it seems that apart from Vette, they were.


    And how does she still need two slots when Corso can and does use a shotgun, even though he only has one (rifle, not pistol again) slot?

  17. I'm not close to 60, so take my comments with a grain of salt (at least)... what I want, is more story. But *real* story, class-story. I have no intention of playing KotFE (and, from what little I can gather, the stuff after 50), if it's just "one size fits all" as in "one story regardless of class". A Jedi plays the exact same as a smuggler? Who the F wants *that*?


    Add to that the impression (again, haven't played it, don't plan on doing so) that it's basically completely a new game, with nary a relation to the epic story (and it deserves the name epic) that went before. Or, the epic stories, plural, that went before. *And* no consequences to actions. Not even the actions/decisions you take in the KotFE storyline (again, haven't played it, only read comments on these here boards). Much less consequences from before that.


    I spared Lord Grathan's son every time so far (I suspect I have no choice anyway but to kill his daddy, but...). I'd have expected stuff like that to come back at some point. So far, I see none of it. None.

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