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  1. Please make Corruptor Blade laser beam change its color according to the crystal inside. I'd love to use it on my jedi knight, but red color ruins everything
  2. Please make Corruptor Blade laser beam change its color according to the crystal inside. I'd love to use it on my jedi knight, but red color ruins everything
  3. Also blade barrage clips it sometimes. And force kick. Jedi Knight has lots of acrobatic abilities, and pretty much all of them clip the cape. Overall it clips too often to just ignore it, it's literally impossible to play in this armor set, because you constantly notice stucked cape
  4. It clips with EVERY mad dash / blade blitz ability and remains stuck in the chest, quite annoying. I could understand that if I was talking about some cheap armor, but this is a PLATINUM rarity, it's expensive and it shouldn't cause such problems. I expect a properly working item for that price (like subscription is not enought to have everything working as intended lmao)
  5. I agree with you, companions are kind of unfair, since people can just travel together without forming a group and basically double their firepower that way. By completely removing companions from PVP instances (like in Outlaw Den) world pvp can be balanced. Since 6.0 is going to be hard enough to gather people for heroics — making this change will provide a huge increasing of activity in PVP instances, since heroics, world bosses and commanders require a group to be dealt with, so everything comes together
  6. For now, PVP instances are pretty much dead and few people use them for questing without any intervention. I suggest a simple improvement of conquest system — make every conquest activity to give extra conquest points, if done in PVP instance (let's say 15%). This way we can give world PVP another chance and make PVP instances an actual part of the game, while bonus conquest points buff may result an entire guild war over some conquest objectives (which can bring more people to the game — another positive thing). Edit: as one of the options, I suggest to make PVP instance like Outlaw Den, I mean, to remove player companions upon entering the PVP instance and not letting anyone to summon them again. Personally, I fail to see how this change can make something worse, it's all about pros and no cons at all. For all people, who think it will prevent them from peaceful questing — PVP instance wasn't made for your comfort. Quite the opposite, actually. If you don't want PVP and don't care about bonus conquest points — you will still have your PVE instances. For those, who are ready to fight over extra reward — I offer this change. Feel free to discuss, so the devs can notice this thread
  7. Hi. I know this is very old, but I guess we just need to create more threads to draw attention. Can we have Corruptor Blade energy color changed by installed crystal, not just red?
  8. Some people enjoy it, if you are not RP - keep your thoughts for yourself. About the dye: It's very simple - buy from GTN/CM. Not all people has enough credits/CC to buy it over and over again. And you can pretend whatever you want, but your rules works only for you. Stop behave like you are iconic player and everyone must share your worldview. I suggest the improvement, which will help some players and won't hurt the rest. It is clear, that something is wrong with YOU, if you can't take it.
  9. TBH that's exactly what I was about to propose.
  10. Do you realize, that you also need to spend extra time to get additional exp, because you will be underleveled if you do only story? And what about roleplayers, who can't afford black/white dye (or smth like that) every time they want to replay the story? And what's wrong with YOU? Will it disturb you somehow? Personally, I don't care about something I won't use, but if somebody can - so why the hell not?
  11. Last time somebody asked for this was 2 years ago.
  12. BW has already made KotFE and KotET chapters replayable, can we get same system for the class story?
  13. You have no other business other than to hinder people on this forum? For real? You are a real piece of work, aren't you?
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