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Everything posted by JariAMikkola

  1. Oh yeah! Remember that revan story with yavin 4 update??!!?? Lagg feast!!!! Hope you guys in Bioware/EA will do something REALY nice for us especially for us longtime subs!!!
  2. Thx for answer ALaggyGrunt that makes sens!
  3. JariAMikkola


    Why do we not have pvp-flagging anymore?? And why do we have pvp-instances where no1 is playing other than the freaking players with there bots??!!?? Shut down the pvp instances too and be done with it! And now i meen killing pvp playing in "openworld"!! And now to end my thread..............this game is otherwise 100 % an awesome game other than i miss pvp-flagging!! To all swtor gamers good hunting and have fun playing! Cya around!!! ;-)
  4. JariAMikkola


    Soljin "I really enjoyed the old SWG TEF (Temporary Enemy Flag) system. It worked really well and provided a lot of fun "by the skin of your teeth" moments. See someone flagged from killing faction NPCs...roll them! Oops they had friends with them....RUN! Just a few minutes on the run and my flag will drop and I'm home free....Uh oh they blew up my speeder...cloner here I come. " This is exakly what i mean!!! Thx!! Back with PVP-flagging
  5. JariAMikkola


    I was just telling you that this game would be more fun with PVP-flagging. And if you mamas boys who was crying about the PVP-flag that you cant farm raghoul etc etc the damn do not attack some1 in pvp-flagging and do not go PVP-flagg. Jesus its that simpel. BTW this game is still fun enough to play even without the flagging. The flagging just gave me as a player that extra edge. When you don't know when some1 is going to jump you and rape you hard!!
  6. JariAMikkola


    Damn you guys for taking away our PVP-flagging. :-( give back pvp-flagging and then this game will be 110 % fun again...............now its only 90 % fun. ;-)
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