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Posts posted by Max_Killjoy

  1. Why would one expect to get credit and rewards from an event without actually achieving the goals within the event's timeframe? The entitlement is pathetic.


    The idea of a "timeframe" to redo things that many long-time customers have done so so many times is pathetic. This isn't daily missions in something like the Gree event, this is leveling new characters, running all over the game, regrinding crew skills, revisiting a bunch of areas, etc, etc, etc, all just for the sake of throwing something at the players.


    Bioware's "delete a character or start over on a new server" level of answers to various concerns from their players/customers... also absolutely pathetic.

  2. No, this event is not about if you can do all of the objectives, that's already been proven with your current achievements. It's about whether you can do it within a set timeframe. That's why rewards shouldn't be retroactive, it wouldn't make sense at all.


    So what?


    It's an event that can't be done with existing characters, requires many players to buy slots or delete characters or start over from scratch on a new server, and pushes players to blow through or skip past story and character content despite the game's supposed renewed focus on story and character.

  3. If you're referring to Han Solo's Kessel Run claim, he didn't mean it like that. The Kessel Run isn't a race, it's a navigation test through dangerous space. The idea is to get through in as short a path as possible by going as close to the black holes/asteroids as you dare to go. So Solo's brag wasn't about his ship's speed, but its manoeuverability and his own daringness.


    ^ That's the retroactive, in-setting explanation made up after the fact so that Han doesn't sound like an idiot.


    The real-world behind-the-camera explanation is that George Lucas couldn't be arsed to do 30 seconds of research on what a damn parsec actually is.



    On the subject of Tattooine, I thought that we were visiting during the sandy season. Really, Tattooine only has 2 seasons -- sand, and more sand.

  4. Please tell me this wasn't a reference to the L/D thing. :csw_deathstar_un:


    You know, your community would cut you guys a lot more slack if you just stopped keeping people in the dark. Do you think the L/D thing went over well today? Now imagine you (yes, Ben, that means you) had provided us with a roadmap for the next year and the community:


    • Knew the expected drop date of new Operations content.
    • Knew the expected drop date of KotFE Season 2.
    • Knew when we could expect a new PvP map.
    • Knew when you were going to do a new GSF map.
    • Knew what your plans were WRT class balance and when they would be going out onto the PTS.


    And - instead of hyping up this PoS as something special, if it was instead dropped on us in an offhand manner as "something to fill the time between now and the next major content drop" - don't you think the community would be a little less volatile?


    Who runs your meetings bro? Do you not have a corporate culture where someone in the room is able to stand up and say "guys, this is a terrible idea"? Because if you guys truly are "Gamers", someone in that room must have wanted to say it.


    How hard would it have been to create some type of reward - maybe a cool weapon, mount or title - for people who don't want to redo this stuff, but have already done most of it and just want to finish up the bits they have left.


    Instead of creating a situation that completely laughs in the face of your longest, most loyal customers.


    Not like I care about this thing, so I'm not affected - but the decision making needs a review if you're even remotely concerned about how you are perceived as a development team. People are split on whether you guys are evil or inept. Don't you want the community to respect the work you guys do? The product you provide?


    If I had the privilege - and it should be treated as such - of being a part of the MMO (<-lol) based on the world's greatest IP I know I would care.


    Just saying man, you guys continue to step on your crank, and it's hard to understand why. There were at least 10 other ways I could think of (to shamelessly recycle content to keep this cash cow going with minimal investment in, I dunno, MMO content) that wouldn't have pissed off 90% of your subscribers. Why is it so hard for you guys?


    One last thing, if you actually even read this....


    "Focus on Story".... What does this mean exactly? It doesn't seem like a focus on story to me.


    Dread Masters were story. The whole Malgus chain was an awesome story. Epic **** Ben. Truly, epic.


    You seem to have sold us on "story" but really meant "single-player". Because you're asking us to go all in on KotFE. OK - I'll buy that....


    But how is Eternal Championship "story"? How is this light/dark circus "story"?


    You want to focus on "story"? Go nuts. But at some point, when you're talking to the ducks, spend a moment thinking about the fact that whether you regret it or not, you are working on an MMO. And there are a few of us that like MMO's. We like doing things with others. We like having our guilds be "relevant". We like grouping up and destroying the biggest meanest BAMFs you guys can dream up.


    You've lost reams of paying customers that feel this way. I doubt you've lost many people who thought there wasn't enough "story" in this game.


    The forums have plenty of white knights who applaud your "new direction" and insist you guys are doing it based on metrics and RoI. But I'm not stupid and I assume you aren't either. We both know your long-term projections can not be trending in the direction you'd like. Anyone who logs into the game knows this, if they are being honest with themselves. The value prop just isn't there.


    Maybe for 2017 you can focus on "customer retention", and start acting like this is the MMO it was supposed to be, stop hyping recycled 2012 content, stop abandoning 2/3 of your player base at every turn, stop pretending your player metrics aren't a direct result of design decisions you have made and try to "Focus" on keeping those of us that are still here, here instead of assuming our replacement will be just as valuable to you.


    Well said.


    If this is the "new, non-chapter" content we were told about... then it comes pretty close to outright deliberate dishonesty.

  5. Patch notes are up, nothing new about the event...




    Oh, this one is just priceless...


    New Character Perk: Companion Gift Cast Time Reduction! Reduce the use time of Companion Gifts by 20% per level (up to 60%). This perk is purchasable in the Legacy UI.


    Another basic Quality of Experience improvement turned into a purchasable unlock.


    EA/Bioware, you never cease to amaze us with your ability to "service" customers.

  6. I know leveling isn't hard anymore, but we have to start fresh to even be eligible for these rewards? Can't get them by having an existing lvl 65 character?


    Only characters created after the event starts count.


    If you are out of open character slots, you have the "options" to buy more slots, delete characters you've put effort and time and in-game resources into, or start from scratch on a new server.

  7. So people only do one FP or Ops and don't do any more? You do know that not ever one does every class? If your confused you might want to take a break. Go for a walk. Kiss the dog and pat the wife/husband on the head.


    No confusion here.


    People are defending the event requiring a massive repeat of old content by claiming that this is no different from redoing an Ops or FP multiple times -- which utterly ignores the total disconnect in scope and scale between redoing an FP or Ops that lasts less than an hour and gives an immediate loot payout of some kind... versus leveling multiple new characters across weeks of gameplay, just to get a pittance at the end.


    It's not unusual, human beings are often terrible with scope and scale.

  8. They gave us a roadmap...they've been very honest this whole time about what little they're delivering...it's just people always believe there's "more" than what they do.


    They told us that this entire year was about story...nothing else...just story. And they've stuck to it.


    And then they drop a summer "event" that's both devoid of story and devoid of new stuff.

  9. Guss Tuno carried out an overly-elaborate con job to convince the galaxy that his recruitment mission would go live with Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception (4.6). But as with most of Guss’s con jobs, this caper has failed spectacularly. Guss Tuno’s recruitment mission has thus been delayed and will be made available in a future update.


    Might want to check out the threads regarding the summer "event" while you're here.

  10. I don't think anyone on the dev team wants their job to end- but I do think they are just totally missing the boat. Having an event containing no new content, not playable on existing characters and encourages players to binge/speed through all content in game is just so short sighted. Suggesting long term players to 1) delete characters, 2)buy additional character slots (discounted or not) or 3) move to another server to participate was also shocking.


    Yeah, that about sums it up.


    I have existing characters I like to play. I'm not even doing anything in KotFE, and yet here I am, still subbed, still doing this and that on my existing characters, puttering about in dailies and heroics and so on here and there, going back and putting some more progress on the two class stories I haven't finished, whatever. I have at least one of every class and multiples of the classes I like.


    Telling us to delete characters and encouraging us to binge content in a "story and character" focused game, while at the same time pimping KotFE on the basis of "great Bioware storytelling"... telling us to go start from scratch on another server... telling us to buy character slots on top of our subscriptions... that's a good way to drive off some of their otherwise most reliable customers.


    The fact that by intentional design we've been given an "event" that absolutely excludes existing characters has to be one of the most perplexing and exasperating moves ever made by Bioware, and that's saying something.


    And Eric's proposed "solutions" are insulting nonsense.

  11. Good for you OP! I hope others follow your example. This games days are very numbered - development has ceased. EA hasn't invested in this game for years. The "story" content is a trickle of leftover content that is cheap to finish and it gives the illusion of continued development.


    What good did the blur video do for the game exactly? None. Have YOU seen an uptick in players? Of course not. They can make all the new videos they want, but until they invest in this new group content (this is an MMO I'll remind you), it'll do no good.


    Do you see the difference between "development has ceased" and "they're not making content that I'd be exited about"?

  12. Why do you focus so much on me? Is it because you don't actually have any arguments so you need to try to go for personal attacks? Sadly enough my guess is yes...


    I'm leaving the game and echoing the post of someone who is also leaving the game I haven't posted in a long while because I didn't feel the need to, so what?


    Welcome to the SWTOR forums, where "you're a stupid whiney baby so your argument is invalid" is a standard "debate tactic".

  13. The entire reason people go to the trouble of acquiring rare items is 90% due to their rarity. Their 'coolness' or whatever is largely irrelevant in comparison. By making items we paid real money for available to solo questers simply cheapens them and makes our investment meaningless. If they start giving out Satele Shan and Tulak Hord armor sets to people wholesale without serious restrictions (BoP, obscenely high rarity), that's tens of thousands of CM they 'owe' me before I even think about remaining subscribed.


    You're making a very sweeping statement there -- perhaps assuming that other people share your motivation.


    Personally, I don't care how rare something is, I only care if it looks right for the character and can be made useful for that character in terms of stats and so on.


    It wouldn't bother me a bit if there were multiple ways to get every item that ever existed in the game.

  14. Adding insult to injury is that for largely solo questing people are getting access to these armor sets at all, that others of us paid real money for a chance to acquire. If these boxes are made largely irrelevant by their almost never dropping certain parts of the sets, being BoP, and not account unlockable even if you manage to collect it all, at least that would be some consolation. If they cheapen our rarest CM items I can't justify remaining subscribed in the face of such an insult.


    Yeah, this one I don't get -- that's a lot of worry over whether someone else has something or not.

  15. There are several options in that case.


    Mind you, I have a guild member with two separate accounts that he's maxed on character slots on our server. I was discussing the event with him, and he mentioned that he will be deleting some of his lower-level characters in order to participate in the event, for instance.


    Deleting characters isn't really an option of many of us -- as previously and repeatedly noted by multiple posters.

  16. No, it isn't.


    There is nothing new about this so-called "event" except for the rewards.


    The zinger is that if you have been a loyal customer and played a lot, you are being asked to buy your way in or throw away something that took a significant amount of time to build up.


    The after-zinger is that they pull this AFTER enticing everyone to skip the content that they are now asking us to play.


    They are backwards. They are not good at planning. If they were, they would have run this event before dropping KotFE so everyone would be more likely to have characters ready for it... including the noobs.



    Yeah, having this happen AFTER the "skip to 60" tokens is especially ridiculous.

  17. Peter I'm done man. I've tried being funny or witty and sarcastic but all I've gotten is warnings. Alot of my posts were taken down just for saying something negative about the event or being sarcastic. The heck happened to freedom of speech, BW just wants to shove my face into the ground and stick it there for an eternity if they can. It just helped me decide that I need to leave in august when my sub is up. :(


    And at the same time, we're seeing many personal attacks directed at those critical of the event completely ignored.

  18. So... I have to ask: How exactly does this event tie into the KOTFE storyline - if it does at all. And will we see any continuation of that storyline in the future?


    It doesn't. It has no storyline at all. It's just random stuff we're being asked to repeat for random prizes.

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